Moving in

They met at the door and ji-hun opened the door for Su-yeon they walked to the car and opened the door "Erm how far is it away from here?" Su-yeon said While putting her stuff in the backseat of the car then ji-hun said "About 30 minutes" he got in the car and Su-yeon did too. 15 minutes minutes into driving Su-yeon fell asleep "This girl" Ji-hun said smiling and his head.


Once they got there ji-hun carried her stuff inside then went and picked Su-yeon up bridal style. He set her on there bed then he put her stuff in the bedroom too.


About 2 hours later she woke up and went downstairs 'where am I?' she thought walking down the stairs' she reached the end and entered a room to her left that was the living room she seen ji-hun and went in front of him on the couch "Where am I?" she said then sat down next to him "The new apartment ur stuff is in our bedroom I didn't unpack it, It's ur personal stuff" ji-hun said pulling her on to his lap she put her head on his shoulder hugging him, she felt so comfortable and happy with him for some reason she was always a cold person but he seemed to kinda change her the same went for ji-hun. They sat like this for a moment not talking anything just cuddling Su-yeon was feeling A bit sleepy then ji-hun got up holding her tight he walked up the stairs and went in the room "Wanna cuddle?" he said setting her on the bed, She smiled "yeah!" he got in the bed and laid next to her cuddling her, His warmth made her scoot closer laying her head on his chest listening to his heart beat 'Boom boom boom boom' she heard in a slow motion ji-hun kissed the top of her head and said "I might fall asleep wifey" then she said "That's alright" He pulled the cover over them then she put one of her legs over both of his and hugged him tight as if he was leaving, "I'm not going anywhere why are u hugging me so tight" he said smiling "I just like the warmth of u I feel so comfortable" she said softly he chuckled and played with her hair which made her feel sleepy. After a few minutes they both fell asleep feeling safe comfortable and calm.