Accident (2)

Mr. Fazer was busy pouring out his emotion.

Truly, he loves his small family, that's one of the reasons why he ensures to put food on the table for them and also fulfill their little desires for material things.

When it occurred to him that he has not been to the restaurant, he quickly dipped his hand into his pants' pocket, took out his mobile phone, and called his Assistant manager, Mr. Brown.

When the latter picked, came his voice, "Hello! Mr. Brown, please take care of the business, there's an emergency I won't be able to make it to the restaurant, manage everything in my absence."

"Ok Sir, I will do as you asked, but I hope all is well sir?" Brown said from the other end of the call.

"I am currently at the hospital. My wife had a car accident earlier this morning. Do not ask more questions, as soon as I get to the restaurant, I will brief you on the whole incident. Just take care of everything at the restaurant at the moment."

As Mr. Fazer ended the call, he saw his wife slightly move her eyebrow which prompted his attention.

He was happy to see the reaction which was due to the brightness of the room from the lights the bulbs emit.

He dashed out of the room to call doctor Leo. A few seconds after, he arrived with him.

Doctor Leo used his stethoscope to scrutinize his wife's condition and as well checked her pulse through her wrist with his hand.

Mr. Fazer, who was shoved to the corner of the room was just looking at the doctor while the latter examine his wife.

Doctor Leo walked to him and says, "she will soon regain consciousness any moment from now."

Mr. Fazer beamed at the good news Leo, just given him.

His excitement was indescribable. He looked up and thanked God for really saving his wife.

He's grateful to God and doctor Leo who was used as a medium by God to save Olivia's life.

Doctor Leo excused himself and left him in the room to take care of his unconscious wife, who would soon regain consciousness.

Hours later, Olivia regained consciousness, the nurse who was assigned to her room to take care of her, went towards her and asked.

"Ms, do you need anything? How are you feeling?"

Yes, Mr. Fazer was not around when she regained consciousness because he went to the kid's school to pick them up as it was afternoon already and it's the school closing time.

He told doctor Leo, to please assign a nurse to his wife's room to carter for her while he's away.

Olivia was not happy when she woke up and couldn't find her husband.

She felt an indescribable sadness and pain. She couldn't answer the questions the nurse asked her.

Her eyes were busy searching for her husband in the room hoping maybe she was mistaken. That increased her pain because Mr. Fazer was nowhere to be found.

The nurse who was snubbed, silently went out to inform doctor Leo that she has regained consciousness.

Olivia was now alone in the room. Tears filled her eyes.

She kept asking herself why her husband hate her so much even after giving him children and taking care of his deceased wife's daughter Annabel.

How could he be so mean to her? Hasn't she done enough? Does he want her to kill herself before he would acknowledge her devotion to their marriage?

Many thoughts occupied her mind that she didn't notice when someone walked into the room. The latter walked towards her bedside, sat at the edge, took her hand into his. This brought her out of her thoughts.

She was shocked to see the latter. She struggled to speak but couldn't, because she was stopped before she could utter a word.

Mr. Fazer shook his head, as an indication not to speak and pointed his index finger to himself, that he will do the talking.

Just then doctor Leo walked into the room and saw the duo staring at each other.

He awkwardly coughed to draw their attention, then, he walked towards the duo to check Olivia's current condition and it turned out she's fine now.

He even said that she will be discharged soon due to her quick recuperation and can go home.

He directly says to Olivia, "You are very lucky to have a loving man as your husband, he didn't leave your side during and after your operation, he was reluctant to leave you even when he had to."

Olivia wore a conflicted look on her face, she was trying to assimilate what the doctor had just said. 'Why would the doctor praise her husband so much when he was not here at the time she woke up.' She thought.

She then remembered what the doctor said '...reluctant to leave even when he had to.'

What could be more important than her husband taking care of her in her critical condition.

She tried but couldn't assess what the reason could be. She faintly smiled at the doctor.

The latter left them to attend to other patients.

She was again, alone with her husband, so, she indecisively dropped her thoughts and wore a mask of a cute rabbit to win her husband's heart and favoritism, not knowing she has already won his heart.

She was so eager to know what could have been more important than her, so...summoned the courage and finally says, "Honey, is everything alright at the restaurant? I was worried when I couldn't find you in the hospital. Did anything happen with the business?"

Mr. Fazer was touched by his wife's tender care and love. He gave her a reassuring smile and says, "Dear, you need not worry as you are still recovering and there's nothing wrong with the business, everything is going well thus far." He continued,

"I had to leave you to go and pick the kids up from school. And they are at home as we currently speak waiting for us to return to them."