This one still hurts as if you took off my skin layer...

He hurried to help her stand up and make her sit on the bed but Sophia shoved his hands away from her body and asked him not to touch her.

She tried to get up on her own but failed again. But before she could reach the ground, he held her up and supports her.

She struggled to free herself from him but he refused and made her sit on the edge of the bed.

"There's no need for you to fake concern. I don't need it in any way, just let me be," she said indifferently.

"How could you say that I do care for you. Yes, I know I became a different person couple of minutes ago and I owe you an apology for that."

"I'm truly sorry my beauty, I promise to take it easy on you next time." he apologetically said.

He knelt before her to show his sincerity.

Sophia averted her eyes and turned away from him.

"I said I am sorry my beauty. Please give me one more chance." he pleaded.

"As a result of your overbearing attitude, my body is weak and I do not know how I can go home. My body has to pay the price, it's so unfair you know?" she said.

"I'm sorry my dear. I will go buy some medicine for you to help ease the pain so that you would be able to leave for home." He said and immediately left with his car keys.

He would have asked his bodyguards to get the drugs for her but he couldn't bring himself to do so.

What would they think? And how would he explain to them what to buy? He has some dignity to uphold, so, he decides to go get them himself.

Sparing himself the embarrassment. Sophia laid down her body on the bed to rest for a while waiting for his return.

Not long enough, he came back and gave her the painkillers he bought. She took them and within a few minutes, the pain subsided.

Now she can walk but not normally, she leaps when walking. It will take some time for the pain to finally go.

It's getting late and Sophia needs to get home before her mother does. She told Robbin to drop her off at her best friend's place. Let her stay there and think of a way to deal with the situation.

Robbin immediately left the room for her to freshen up and get dressed, so, he can take her to her destination.

Minutes later, she came out of the room, dressed and ready to leave.

Although she was sad that her body is weak and she couldn't walk, she was also happy to have made a memorable moment with the love of her life Robbin.

There was a satisfied look on her face. Robbin approached her to support her, he took her to his car and asked his bodyguards to take care of the house while he's gone.

Right now, they are on their way to Alex's house. Sophia was so happy that Robbin was thoughtful.

He bought her contraceptive drugs along with the painkillers to prevent her from getting pregnant with his child. He is not ready to father a child right now and she's also not ready to conceive.

She just hopes that there would be no implications that would come out of their reckless behavior. She couldn't deny the fact that she enjoyed herself at the beginning before he became a whole new person.

While driving, he took her left hand and brought it close to his lips. He kissed her delicate white hand and says, "Thank you my beauty, for making me this happy. I know I hurt your feelings and I'm sincerely sorry for that. I hope you are still not upset with me?" he asked.

"I am still angry with you, if I should have my way I would have beaten you up and scrape your skin with my nails," she said while showing him her long nails.

"Oh my! easy tigress, you have already scraped my body with those, or have you forgotten? I will show you if you want me to." He said as he tried to pull off his T-shirt to show her the bruises she left on his body.

"You are not that innocent you know? You also left some hickeys on my body with your teeth. You would have bitten me to death with them if I didn't intervene." She said while she points at her neck to the place that still hurts her and says, "this one still hurts as if you took off my skin layer when you activated your beast mode." she said.

He suppressed his laughter not to upset her even more. "I'm sorry my beauty. Okay, tell me what you would want me to do for you as compensation," he said.

Sophia thought about his request and told him she would tell him later not now. "Alright, I will inform you once I have made a decision but just know it at the back of your mind that you would be granting me three wishes," she said as she gesticulates with her fingers.

"Fine then, that would be fair. And I won't feel guilty for deteriorating your delicate body with my manpower," he said with a smirk.

The car suddenly stopped, she panicked and asks, "what's wrong? I hope it didn't break down?" she queried without looking outside.

"Calm down my beauty, there's no need for you to panic. Take a look outside, we have arrived at your friend's place," he said.

Just then, it occurred to her that she was worried for no reason at all. He got out of the car, encircled the car to open the door for her.

She gently steps outside and he closed the door behind. She hugged, kissed him, and bid him farewell but he didn't leave her alone, instead, he took her inside, for her not to draw attention to herself due to her leaping.