Nightmare (1)

"Hey I know I must have been a bit harsh on you seconds ago, I'm sorry for that. I didn't mean to be rude."

"Why don't you give him a chance and this time around I would do anything you want me to do if your accusations of him are true."

"All I ask is a chance to be with him and experience happiness. Don't I deserve to be happy? Please, Alex, I need your help that's why your approval of my relationship with Robbin is very important." She beseeched.

"Can you hear yourself? You could feel it, you said. You're nuts Sophia. What in the world has gotten into you? How could you be so vulnerable?"

"Don't think I would cover up for you when I don't trust him at all. Just count me out on anything that relates to him in the future." She said.

"You are sounding more like my mom, you know? I would... Oh no! my mom must be on her way home now and if she finds out that I'm not at home, she will come here to pick me up. I don't want her to see me in this state."

"Let me have your phone please." She requested.

She took her friend's mobile phone and called her mom. She told her that she would pass the night at her friend's place and she shouldn't worry about her.

She was relieved when her mother agreed.

After the call, she rested for a while on the couch before she goes upstairs, to her friend's room.

Alex was as well living with her family but her parents are out of town for a few days. So, she stays alone in the house and has no siblings to talk to.

"I believe I will be going to school with you tomorrow because I have lectures." She said.

"That means you need to get well as soon as you can and stop leaping like a frog." Says Alex with a smug.

She teases her friend to get back at her. And they kept bantering before they eventually fall asleep.

At Fazer's Resident.

"No! You can't do this to us."

"Of course I can. Your daughter was a fool to think she could ditch me. This would be a lesson for her, let her know that she can't mess with me."

"At least beg on the streets for a few days or weeks maybe I might consider after then." The young man said.

He brought out the property documents that were in his suitcase and showed her.

"You can keep this copy, I have several copies made in advance." He said.

She took a dekko at the file in her hands and was bewildered. Everything was truly in his name, they don't have any right to the house again.

"My son, please don't do this to your beloved, she still loves you a lot. How would she feel if she finds out you did this to her?" She implored for mercy.

"Really? If that's true, what was she doing in the arms of another man? She only belongs to me and no one else."

"But she caught you sleeping with another woman. Was that not true? I believe she wouldn't have done what she did if that wasn't the case."

"Enough!!! That's not an excuse, I can do whatever I want. I can sleep with thousands of women if I want to. Your daughter should be lucky that I still value her, else, I would have given her a severe punishment than this."

"I also would have gone straight to the point instead of explaining things to you." He said ferociously.

"Guys!" He called out. Five strong muscular men appeared before them and he asked them to throw them out of the house with their belongings.

To him, he was doing them a great favor by allowing them to go with their luggage.

He wouldn't have been this considerate towards another woman.

Immediately the men started throwing the things out. In a twinkling of an eye, they are now sitting outside the house and watch as he locked up the gate and every entrance to the house.

She kept pleading, begging him to let them stay. She would talk some senses into her stupid daughter. They wouldn't have experienced such a day if not for her foolishness.

She tried to warn her several times but she's too stubborn for a girl at her age. Thanks to her, they are homeless.

The young man left after ensuring that the acquired property has been secured and all the doorways have been locked.

"Please son, I beseech you to give us another chance, I would correct everything that has gone wrong." She asked earnestly.

He passed over without giving due attention to her appeal and left.

On his way, he met Sophia as she was coming back from her friend's place. She disregarded him and pretends as if she doesn't know him or haven't seen him before.

He didn't utter a word but only smirked at her silliness.

Just then, she saw her family standing outside their home with their baggage. She hurried over and asked. "Mom? What are you doing outside with the luggage? What's going on?"

Her mother responded with a hot slap across her face. Sophia was stunned.

"Because of your recklessness, we were driven out of our own house. We are now homeless and it's all your fault." She fiercely said while pointing fingers at her.

How he got hold of the property documents, no one knows not even Sophia.

Out of anger, Sophia went after him and stopped him before he could hold his car knob, tugged him, and flocked him with questions.

"Who the hell do you think you are? What gives you the right to harass my family in this manner?" she queried with rage.

"Is this how to treat your future husband, my love?" He tried to caress her face with the back of his palm but she swats away his hand.