At least I deserve an apology.

"I'm fine dear, I was preoccupied that I forgot to give you a call, I'm happy you called. How was work today?"

"Boring and it's all your fault."

"My fault? What did I do?"

"You made me cancel all my business meetings for you and now you don't have my time. That's so unfair." He complained.

"I'm sorry my love. I had lectures today that's why I couldn't meet with you, maybe next time, please. And I have exams next week, I need to prepare, it's my final exam."

"Let's meet tomorrow if you don't have lectures because from the look of things you will be very busy next week and won't have time for me."

"Okay. Text me the address."

"Come to my place since you already know where I live. I think it's the perfect place to hold the meeting."

"What if my mom follows me to your place and finally finds out we have been meeting in secret."

"Yes, that's right. Wait for me at your friend's place, I will come to pick you up."

"Alright, that sounds better." She says and hung up but not without saying goodbye.

Sophia completely agreed with Robbin. From next week, none of them will have time for each other. Robbin will be busy with his business meetings and she will be studying for her exams.

Going on a date with him for the last time before next week's approaches will be the best idea. She still has to work more on their relationship. She wants to increment her relationship with Robbin to make their bond stronger than it is so that in the future it would be extremely difficult to break.

She still hasn't forgotten her mother's warning. Somehow she was convinced that Robbin couldn't do that to her, besides what would a big businessman like him do with a mere restaurant.

She is his woman, he wouldn't betray her. He precedently has all the wealth he needs. Why would he take away the only source of income her family had.

That's what she wouldn't tolerate from anyone. She has understood the importance of their restaurant business. Previously she didn't care and did things without proper reasoning which caused them a lot but that won't happen again.

She matures as time passes and she learns from her own mistakes.

Sophia went to the study room to learn. It was 5 pm, so she chose to study with the remaining hours before dinner time. And her big sister hasn't come back yet, she must be busy with her extra classes.

For Olivia, as long as what Annabel does yields money, she has no problem with it. She can pardon her when she comes home late if her reasons were genuine and money-related.

Until today, Annabel still doesn't want them to know about her extra income. If not for Victoria she would have had nothing to herself and would have told her family about it all.

She didn't want to tell them not because of any selfish reasons but because she keeps it for unforeseen circumstances. It would come in handy when they run out of cash.

Annabel was still in her classroom, she finished her last teaching class not long ago. Victoria came over to help her get her things before leaving. When she was done, Victoria accompanied her to the bus stand where she could board a bus to her home.

If it were up to her, she would have taken her home by herself but her obstinate best friend wouldn't let her do so. She's so stubborn that she wouldn't be allowed that to happen.

Sometimes she wonders why she could not display this side of her to that 'old hag'. She needs to show them and let them know that she isn't someone to mess with but no, she only shows her rebellious attitude to her best friend and not to the people that deserve it. How to mean of her.

They waited for a while but couldn't find any bus or taxi. Out of frustration, Victoria dragged Annabel to her car and shoved her inside, went and sat at the driver's seat, and drove off.

She decides to drop her. Only she knows how she summoned the courage and made this decision.

Annabel was not prepared for this sudden incident, she watched her friend do what she did in bewilderment. But she couldn't keep quiet any longer, she had to speak up sooner or later.

"Look I know you chose to drop me off because we couldn't get a taxi but please calm down and pull over. I will find one here."

"..." Victoria didn't utter a word.

"Don't give me that attitude, you better say something and pull over. At least I deserve an apology."

"It's getting late, it won't be wise of me to leave you here on your own. I know you don't want your stepmother to see me. Don't worry I will drop you at a safe spot where she won't espy me. Just sit and stay calm."

"But you should be at home helping your mother with her birthday party preparations. I don't want to keep you here, I will be fine please let me get out of the car."

'Is this Annabel? Why is she so submissive to me? The authenticity of this incident is very low. Why is she so polite and doesn't get mad at me?' She thought.

"There was no need for me to be mad at you. I can see you have a good reason behind your action that's why I won't retaliate or yell at you. I have always experienced a sister's love through your loving care and tenderness."

"So stop wandering in your thoughts and face reality." Says Annabel.

"You mean, you can read my mind?" Victoria asked.

"I've been your friend for years, it was easy for me to tell from the look on your face. To be honest I can't read your mind but I can read your expressions."