She would kill you if she must.

"You are so secretive, you harbored so much love for me all this time but chose to keep it from me." She complains while raising a finger in the air. She wants to poke her so hard on the face.

"If I had told you, you would have taken advantage of that. You know me too well already, so, I was just being cautious." Says Annabel.

"Stop crying already, you are making me cry. See, tears have gathered in my eyes and would soon flow out. And if you succeed in doing so, I will take back my words."

"Alright, I won't cry again, I will wipe away my tears now. Don't ever say that again, because I won't let you take back those sweet words." Victoria said.

Annabel's confession has given her a boost, she loves her more than ever. She's also grateful that she met someone like her in this lifetime.

She's so proud of her friendship with Annabel right now. She wants it to remain this way, so she asked her to promise her. "Promise me that we won't ever be separated come what may." She said.

With no hesitation, Annabel promises her, "I promise not to allow us to be separated by anyone. It's a pinky promise."

Victoria was so elated that she squeals atop her voice and gave her a tight hug again.

When all was said and done, she starts the car and drove off.

She's oblivious to the fact that she was on a call with her mother. The latter heard all their conversations but decides not to interrupt them and listened to their heartfelt confessions to each other.

She has not seen her daughter's best friend before, they only heard about her. But after listening to their conversation, she loves and respects her much more than before. She thought her baby girl was just unlucky but everything changed when she met Annabel.

As heavens would want it she was brought out of depression by her best friend. It was a terrible experience when she got betrayed by the people she considered to be her friends.

Although she was heartbroken, she didn't want to punish them for hurting her and taking advantage of her. Not that she couldn't because she had the power to do so but she chose not to.

Mrs. Johnson hung up and continued with her birthday preparations.

Inside the car, Victoria turned on the music to create a perfect ambiance. The song that was being played was one of their favorite funky songs. So, they sang along with the artist and swayed their bodies to the rhythm of the music.

Amid the fun, Victoria unconsciously took her home. She drove into the Fazer's residence. Annabel was also indulged in the music, so she didn't know what had happened.

Simon had returned home, so everyone was at home and when they heard a car driving into the house, Olivia went outside to see who it was. She thought maybe old friends of her late husband have decided to visit them.

Sophia was busy studying in the study room but had to pause what she was doing when she heard a car horn. She knows that her twin brother had come back.

Right now, she was eager to know who it was. 'Could it be Robbin? No, of course not, how could he come here without telling her? He wouldn't jeopardize everything just like that. It's not him. But if it wasn't Robbin, who could it be?' She thought.

She asked herself so many questions without getting an answer to any of them. Now, the only solution she has was to go outside and find out herself. She wants to know who could have visited them.

She went outside and met her mom at the house threshold. Simon was at the balcony, he also wants to know who it was.

It was then that Annabel checked her surroundings and saw that she's at home and with Victoria.

She also saw her stepmother standing at the doorway of the house. She saw the expression on her face, she must have come out to welcome them thinking they were visitors or maybe family friends, little did she know that it was just the two of them; she and Victoria.

She saw her little sister that also came out and Simon who was on the balcony. She wishes to be buried alive at this moment.

Her uneasiness attracted Victoria's attention, "Hey! What's wrong? Why are you so frightened?" Victoria asked.

"Why did you have to play this music? It got us in trouble. No, not us, it got me in trouble. How would I face them now?" Says Annabel.

"Face who and why? What are you talking about?" Victoria queried.

Up till now, she hasn't comprehended the situation. She wonders what could have made hee so nervous that her body slightly trembles unceasingly.

"Fool! Look around you, can't you see you brought me inside my home and my stepmom and the twins came out to welcome us. They must have thought we were visitors, do you understand now?" She asked.

The latter took time to scrutinize the environment she was in. To her utmost dismay, she was right. She had unknowingly taken her inside her home.

"I have endangered you, they won't spare you now. She would kill you if she must." Said Victoria.

"Thank you, that was encouraging. You are crazy, you know that right?" Says Annabel.

"I am just speaking the truth, you only have two options right now."

Annabel couldn't help but ask, "And what are they?"

"It's either you come with me or you get out of this car and face them head-on. For once express your feelings and ask for your rights."

"What are you talking about? Of course, I won't leave my home, that would be the stupidest thing I have ever done and I won't initiate a quarrel with my stepmother if that's what you are insinuating." Says Annabel.