An unexpected visit.

Olivia doesn't know what to do at that moment. She tried to divert her guest's attention to her daughter Sophia.

Victoria who was standing close to where Annabel was, took a dekko and winked at her. She wants to use this opportunity to break some rules that restrict her best friend from going out and making friends.

"Mrs. Fazer, if you don't mind, I want to officially invite my new best friend to my mom's birthday party. Tomorrow is my mom's birthday and nothing could be happier than having your best friend beside you throughout the event."

In other not to give her a chance to refute, she says, "You are equally invited as well, make sure to be there please."

Victoria also invited her to make things easier. She wouldn't want her to obstruct Annabel from coming to the party, that's why she unwillingly invited her too.

And to make her act more convincing, in front of the whole family she requests Annabel's number, and the latter gave it to her. She also tried to go with the flow, because she doesn't want to implicate her friend.

As at that time, Victoria felt a burning gaze on her, she scrutinizes the whole room to see who it was.

It was Simon, who always has a weakness for women. She saw him and asks, "Mrs. Fazer, is that your son over there?" She pointed in his direction.

"Yes, that's my son, and this is my daughter Sophia. They are both twins. Annabel's younger siblings." Said Olivia.

"Oh! I thought Annabel was your only child. It never occurred to me that she has a younger brother or a sister. You know I am not to blame because I seldom see her with anyone."

"And finally, before I go, I would want you to please take good care of my best friend and ensure to keep her safe just as a mother would. Do not hesitate to call me when someone tries to bully her."

"I hope you don't mind Mrs. Fazer, you know that's how the 'Johnson's' are; always protective of the people they consider as their own"

"Here is my card, you can call me whenever you need me. As a best friend, she's not only your responsibility she's mine as well."

"I will finally take my leave, see you at the party. Bye."

Victoria said, then she stood up from her seat and was about to leave when Annabel called out for her. "Hey! Where are you going? I have made you a dessert and now you're leaving? For the first time, I cooked for you and you want to go without having a taste of it? I thought you said I am your best friend, is that how you would treat me? If that's the case, I will break this false friendship right here and now."

Victoria stood still for a while with her mouth slightly open as she finds it so difficult to assimilate what's happening in front of her. 'Oh my! Is this Annabel? She's acting so well. And they are buying her actions. But why would she stake our friendship just to show off her acting skills?' She thought.

Indeed, Olivia was not happy with her stupid stepdaughter's decision, she wants to jeopardize everything for them. They have seen Johnson's family as their future savior and this foolish girl wants to throw everything away. 'I have to do something before the situation gets worse.' She thought.

She hurries to her stepdaughter and says, "My dear, why would you think she would do that to you. She wants to show us something that's why she's leaving to go get the stuff from her car. Your friend loves you a lot more than you could ever imagine. Please don't break her heart by ending your friendship just before it starts. Okay?"

Annabel nodded in response.

"Yes! Yes!! Listen to her she's right, but if you don't want me to leave, I will stay as long as you want me to." Victoria said as she took a seat and sat down. She winked at Annabel with one eye with a thumbs up when she saw nobody watching her.

Simon was infuriated by Annabel's decision. He was about to lose someone he loves before he could even express his feelings and it's all because of his silly sister.

Sophia was least affected, she doesn't care whether she breaks up with her or not. All she cared about was how she would sneak out of the house tomorrow to go see Robbin.

She misses him a lot, she wants to see him wrap his strong arms around her and cuddle her like a cub. So she left them and went upstairs to think of a way out.

Olivia was impressed with herself, to have waved away a big storm before it came. She happily took her guest to the dining room where Annabel had kept the dishes she prepared for them.

While she's still eating, there was a sound of a doorbell. Simon went to see who it was. He pushed the door open and saw that it was a delivery man. "Please sir, I am looking for miss Johnson. Is she here?"

"Miss Johnson? Why do you want to see her?" He queried.

Right now, any man born of a woman is his rival in love. He doesn't want to see her with anyone or some other man to ask for her. It aggravates him a lot.

He wants to chase the delivery man away as soon as possible before his love gets to know about it.

"Simon! Who's at the door?" Olivia suddenly asked.

This question temporarily stopped him from exhibiting his rude intentions.

"'s no one important just a delivery boy."

In a flash, Olivia is at the door. She asked her son if he ordered something but the latter said no, she turned to call Sophia, and then Victoria came to them and said she was the one that ordered this. She took the parcel from the delivery guy and signed where she's supposed to and the guy left.