Most beautiful woman in the party...

"Okay mom, remember that you promised."

"Was I not the one that made the promise? Of course, I will remember. I have to go now dear, bye." Mrs. Johnson stood up, walks towards the room entrance, switches off the lights, and left the room.

She knows if she had stayed a minute longer, that chatterbox won't let her go and they would end up chatting all night long.

She's so happy that her daughter found someone like Annabel who genuinely loves her for who she truly is and not because she's wealthy, that alone gives her massive joy.

She knows how devastated her precious daughter was when she was betrayed by her college friends, it took her years to get over the heartache. Ever since she found Annabel, she has been very worried, she doesn't want her daughter to experience such tragedy again in this lifetime, but after the heartfelt confessions between the two friends, Mrs. Johnson is more convinced than ever.

A burden was indeed lifted off her shoulder. And she's very grateful to Almighty that she gets to see this day, that too, on her birth week.

Having made sure that her princess is okay and now sleeping, she went back to the decorations to finish what was left with the help of the servants.

As of then, Mr. Johnson was still in the Jacuzzi, having his body massage.

Immediately she was done, she went to her husband and after spending some quality moments with Mr. Johnson, she left for her room to get some sleep before dawn breaks.

"Goodnight honey, I will join you soon." Mr. Johnson said.

"Alright dear, see you then." She said.


At Fazer's Resident,

Mrs. Olivia is busy trying to select a dress for tomorrow's event, she wants to impress Johnson's to get into their good books. She has always been an opportunist, right from start. She only knows how to use people to her advantage.

Simon, on the other hand, has picked out his favorite suit for the occasion, he needs to look handsome to increase his chances; he wouldn't want to miss out.

Right now, we don't know whether what he feels for her it's love or infatuation. He doesn't even know. All that he knows is, Victoria is a stunning young lady and he would want her to be his girlfriend; this is what he knows right now and nothing more.

So, his tomorrow's goal is to woo Victoria and somehow convince her to be his lover.

Sophia doesn't care much about the birthday party, instead, she's troubled because she doesn't know how she would sneak out to go and meet Robbin her boyfriend.

Mrs. Olivia will surely take her with, whether she wants it or not, it's not her decision to make. She knows that when it comes to business meetings and similar occasions like this one, only her mother has the final say. Her opinion doesn't matter and it doesn't count.

She tried to reach Robbin several times but his line wasn't reachable, so, she chose to send him a text message.

'Hey Robbin, I'm sorry that we can't meet tomorrow, I will be going to a birthday party with my family tomorrow and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm sorry dear.' Was the content of the message.

There was no reply, she kept checking her phone with the hopes that he would reply but nothing came in.

With a heavy heart, she went to bed. She justifies his action; because she would feel bad if she was the one in his shoes and if he doesn't want to reply, she holds no grudges against him.

Initially, Sophia wanted to use Robbin to have access to her endless material needs and wants. She had never imagined that she would fall in love with him and even make out with him and that too happened in a short period.

Unbeknownst to her, she's the one being used by her newfound lover boy.

Robbin got the message that same night but chose not to reply because it has ruined his mood and the plans he had made for their meeting tomorrow.

Suddenly getting a message from her to call off their tomorrow's date enacted him.

He canceled the arrangement he had made and quickly called his secretary to inform her about the new changes, so, she wouldn't think he's busy for the day.

He went to bed feeling disappointed.

Sophia knows that the party will be held in the evening and not morning but she still doesn't want to meet with Robbin.

You won't blame her for being so mean towards Robbin. She's fully aware that her mother won't let her go anywhere because she would want her by her side. And she would also ask her to help her prepare for tomorrow's party.

Sophia was a young beautiful girl with skill, she can apply makeovers. And she has been the one that treats her mom ever since they became financially unstable.

Olivia's eyes will be on her like a hawk and she would often ask of her every passing moment. It's either to help her choose a handbag, shoe, dress, hairstyle, or jewelry.

To her, she shouldn't meet Robbin tomorrow to avoid being caught by her mother.




cock-a-doodle-doo!!! Was a crowing sound from a roaster as a break of dawn.

Mrs. Johnson was the first to wake. She immediately left the bedroom to give the preparation a finishing touch. To begin with, she was almost done with everything, so, it didn't take her time to finish off.

The venue for the party was their house. Both in and out were designed with flowers, ribbons, and lights. It was a lovely sight to behold and with a suiting ambiance.

They live in a luxurious mansion, very spacious enough for the event, they also have a garden and a fountain as well.