Excuse me

Well folks I have a sad news to tell you, I will post a chapter a day, because I am not having support from readers, if all readers voted it would help the work a lot, but I see that this is not happening, I am posting 3 or 4 chapters per day and nobody is giving me value, as there is no vote I see that more than 19 thousand people read my work and only seven people complete I already have the complete book I could post it all at once, but as the web-novel bought the copyright of the book prevents me from doing this in the contract says this I cannot post the entire work, but I can post a chapter for you at most that I can do to not leave my readers who voted like this without having a motivation to read then my book is for them that I will post A chapter a day every night at 8 o'clock at night Brazilian time a new chapter will come out Thank you all and good reading to those who voted so now I will start posting less, the work now and there