Murder Begins, and Skill Wins

{Master Are you in your God form} seriously? {has your hair is long, and your eyes are red}

Don't worry about anything we run away from here if you feel any danger, open a portal anywhere.

{As you wish, but master I already have the power to kill any God here except Zeus}

Is he here? {don't feel his presence master, I think it was one of them who rebelled or it was one of them who arrested your father I am not quite sure I know it was you then along with two Gods who arrested your father}

so no problem come on, Daniel So passed by the Portal and the gods saw Daniel in his form and said very good you managed to pass through the pyramid is almost becoming a demigod, I hope one day I can have you as a companion friend like God, (barely they knew Daniel was already God) I I also wish this, "Daniel pretending to them" So now let's start the tower Daniel asked?