Purge (part 1)

When Gray saw his Gramps smile, his body shivered. Because, he know his Gramps was waiting to his word. One of the weakness of his Quirk is Pride. Once, the holder give a word the task will be finished with best result. As long it's not against his will or belief.


"Gray where are you going? Did you promise to help me?" Sorahiko looked at Gray like a sheep to be slaughter.

"Gramps! I'm tired and I need to sleep!"

"Did you promise me? Don't worry we just need your nose."

"Damn! Gramps I will shoo you for abusing me at the court."

"Yeah! Yeah! So, let's go!"



Sorahiko went to Police department and his side is a Golden Ash Fox with 3 tails floating. Fox was Gray and he transformed himself as Spirit Fox. Since, he can't do the hero job without any license. So, he become Sorahiko tame creatures.

"Gramps! do you think it will succeed?"

"Yes! Just act like normal Fox and don't float around."

"Eh~! let me rest at your head Gramps or else I will float around and say hi?"

"*Sigh~* Such ungrateful child. Go! rest at my head and don't do anything stupid."


"..." Sorahiko shake his head. He must tolerate his grandchild action. Since, his nose is a powerful support to finishing the task. He didn't denied having a fox at your head was adorable, but knowing this fox is not normal...

"*Sigh* I felt myself grow older..."

"Kyun~♪ kyun~♪"


"Gran Torino! you're here let me introduce them. He is..."

"I'm detective Kogoro Mouri and this is my assistant Conan. Where here to help, Sir. Gran Torino." Kogoro take his hand while shaking. Since, the fastest hero of Japan next to O'clock was standing in his front.

Conan who was observing saw a Golden Ash fox was sleeping at Grand Torino's head. He was curious and pointed "Mr. Hero! Mr. Hero! What kind of Fox sleeping at the top of your head?"

Gran Torino looked at Conan and Gray open his eyes saw a kid who is like time bomb. He pat Sorahiko's head and used Telepathy 'Gramps! I wish you luck!'

"Oh~! this a Mutant Fox."

"Mutant Fox?" Conan respond in Curiosity "What are the different between Mutant and Quirk?"

Mouri looked at his assistant in shocked. He didn't expect this kid didn't know the difference between the two. He thought this kid was a Reincarnation of Sherlock Holmes, but child is still a child made him felt relieved.

"Conan I will explain to you since you're born Quirkless. The Quirk and Mutation has a big difference. Quirk will only manifest when the child at phase of preschoolers stage, but Mutation will start at stage of infancy and toddler phase..."


"See! the Fox is kind adorable..."

"*Cough!* *Cough!* looks like I didn't need any introduction, but Gran Torino why did you bring a Fox?"

"Sir. Oroki, don't underestimate this Fox. Because, this Fox has sharp nose and eyes with the Fox support our investigation became faster."

"Oh uh... I see good... will start the meeting."


Somewhere at the Yamanashi Prefecture.



"Ha!Hah! so, you're the cause?"

"Hehehe~! Himiko-chan do you like my present?"

"No! I want to be a hero?! And joined him..."

"You mean! you're first love? shishishi~ we are the same Himiko-chan..."

"No! Saito-san you destroy everything! I kill you!!"

"ahahaha~! Himiko-chan..."



Gray looked at distance his instinct screamed. He looked around and scent something and whispered "Blood? This blood... Himiko?" As, he suppress his anger and pat the head of his Gramps and used Telepathy 'Gramps! I will return later. I must do something...'

"Where are you, kid?" Sorahiko looked at his grandchild who jumped from his head and went somewhere.

"Gran Torino, where did the Fox go?"

"I don't know, but I believed him."

Conan looked at the Fox who was running at the alley. He want to follow, but he felt the gaze of Gran Torino. He stopped and made a guess the Fox was not a creature, but a person capable transforming to beast. He thought 'Who? a hero no... a civilian.'

"Uncle Mouri, is their a Quirk capable transforming a person to beast?"

"Yes! Conan and one of them is a pro hero Ryuko."


"Why, Conan? Do you think the Fox was a person. I tell you it was impossible. Since, their is a time limit and cool down with the limit of 30 minutes to 1 hour and cool down time of 2-3 hours. So, it was impossible for that Fox to be a person."

Mr. Oriko and the rest of police of officers nod their head. They're amazed at the knowledge of the famous detective of Toyko. Gran Torino lips twitch and thought 'This kid is not a son of Sasaki, right?'

(Note: Marai Sasaki's hero name Sir Nighteye)


Once, he entered the alley he transformed to Zouwu. He run following the blood of Himiko and heard her scream.

"No! Saito please stop!!..."


(Alternate title: Himiko is a good girl!, Sasaki's son, ehem! plot twist)