Chapter One

A white-collared worker and a bottom-tier existence of the society. He barely able to feed himself, so how can he have a girlfriend? Maybe if it considered, he was in love with books.

So the Mc died from a truck accident. Due after he crossed the road, a truck appeared and hit him hard as he fell unconscious.


Heaven, God's Fulfillment Palace.

The palace was surrounded with beautiful flowers and immortal cranes flying through the blue skies, that was rumored to exist in legends. There are fake mountains surrounding the land and it was especially beautiful. Adding the crystal clear water flowing along the formed lake, the land was indeed a fascinating scenery.

However, in the middle of this land, there was a cobblestone table dyed in white, shining its radiance.

Two chairs were placed across this table as a soulless figure floated from the other chair. As for the other chair, sat a bearded old-man wearing white cloth on every part of his body, and there was energy condensed from his back, as it seems formed thousands of thousands of universe.

Looking at him, the man was absolutely the highest existence in the world ever existed.

He is the God of the Universe.

As for the soulless figure, it was the man that died from an unforeseen accident on modern earth.

"So you mean I died with only using half of my life energy, and because of that, I died prior to my predestined time due to your mistake. And in exchange for your mistake, you will grant me three wishes alongside the universe of the web novel of my choice?" The soulless figure said on his spiritual mind as he interacted with the God of Universe. It has been three hours since he died so speaking through a voice transmission, for him, was a new experience. He even though it was cool!

"Yes, you are correct," God replied with a smile.

Hearing the Transmission, The soulless figures was so excited that his soul even trembles from happiness. He then clears his throat through voice transmission and replied. "Ehem... Since it's like this, I would like to be reincarnated into Chu Feng's body of MGA. Also, I want to be reborn right after Chu Feng's mother gives birth to him. In short, I want to replace Chu Feng's soul with mine on that body on the day of his birth." The soulless figure spoke calmly on the voice transmission.

From looking at the soul, although having no face, it seems wanted to act mysterious and the protagonist-soon-to-be. Even God was amazed by the outside, looking and hearing his calm and natural voice. But soon after, it followed with an awkward and somewhat hurried voice of the soulless.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I also want my memories to remain intact."

The God of Universe smiled wryly and thought that this guy was merely acting since he was about to become the protagonist of a story. He chuckled inwardly and replied. "Very well, although it went way to absurd, I don't mind since I am as well had made mistakes and needed to compensate you. I guess I could just reincarnate that Chu Feng's Soul in another body. Haha, so let's get over this, what is your three wishes?"

The soulless saw God laughed at him and thought that his cover was seen through. But the soulless had a thick skin, with his cover blew up, he continued saying with a deep and as the usual protagonists would normally act.

"My first wish is to have a system that gives me daily quests and reward me with summoning characters from a different universe."

God nodded his head and thought that it had not gone overboard. "Your first wish is granted. But, I have added some restrictions, and that is you can only summon when you had points and the Summoned Characters could be ranged from Limited to Permanent. Now state the second and third."

The soulless looked at the god and thought that it was natural since there was always balance in the world. Despite a little advantage, it could be considered that his first wishes didn't break the pinnacle rule of the universe.

But since the soulless was the protagonist-soon-to-be, he instantly made his wishes that broke the first wish' restriction.

"For my second wish, every time I make people had negative emotions into me, I would gain points from it that can be added from my summoning system."

The soulless smiled after he said that. The god rolled his eyes and thought that this soul is pretty crafty. His second wish was to gain points from the negatives emotions of the people. From this, the god understands that every time this soul encounter troubles, he could use the points that he gains from that trouble to summon a figure. That way, he had some sort of protection.

"Fine, your wish is granted. Now state your third wish."

The god sighed helplessly. He didn't bother to add restrictions to the second wish, he knew that this soul would immediately use a wish that break the restriction. So the God of Universe didn't care anymore and throw a question for the soul's third wish.

"My third wish?" The soul was in deep thought as his soul figure dances in rotation to think for a better wish to be an O.P protagonist. After a while, the soul stopped and the impatient face from God returned from its original and a smile hung to his face.

"So what's your third wish?"

The soul replied with a smile. "My third wish is to have a Time and Space chamber installed in my soul. My third wish was supposed to be a ratio a day from outside is ten thousand years in the space, but I know that you won't agree to that..."

The god's face twitched. A ten thousand year time chamber with a day ratio in outside? How Absurd is that wish? Fortunately, the soul had said 'supposed to be' or else he would immediately not agree to his wish or put restrictions on it. But hearing the remaining dialogue of the soul, it supposed that there were no changes to make.

"Hence, rather than a ratio of 1:10,000, I would change it into the ratio of 1:7; an one hour equivalent to seven days from inside. So it means I can spend seven days in the time chamber as it only an hour outside. Of course, to be fair, you can put restrictions on it like I can enter the chamber once a week."

The God nodded his head and thought that it hadn't broken the rule, besides a somewhat obvious golden finger. He was impatient to send this soul to have a peaceful land again. "So let's not wait no more and reincarnate you in that world."

But before his hands could move, the soul spoke hurriedly.

"Wait-Wait! I am not done yet!"

"The reason I change my ratio into 1:7 ration instead of 1:10,000 was that I can have a week of fresh air and read novels inside the Time Chamber. So in other words, you need to add gadgets in that place. And don't forget the Wifi as well, so I can browse new novels to read."

God's instantly turned speechless. So that's mean his third wish was just to read novels?

He smiled wryly and hurriedly incarnated words before casting his hands to the soul, quickly sending him off to his next journey. From the god's movement, it could be seen that he wanted to send the soul away hurriedly as if he doesn't want to look at him for another second.

The soul who gone from the flash of light had a smile hanging from his face.

He didn't wish for comprehension or photographic memories like certain mc's had. After all, Chu Feng, a protagonist from the MGA has already a gifted talent in both spiritual and martial. He didn't need to wish in that part. Also, Chu Feng's comprehension is also monstrous. So there was no such thing he needed to wish in that part, for Chu Feng also had a powerful bloodline. The only thing he needed to was to work hard in cultivation. And the other reason was that it was simply boring and not an achievement through his hard-work he can brag about. His wishes were merely for supports in case of troubles. And as for the last wish, it was for entertainment for a weekend reading novel, and plus, to recall the plots of MGA; in case he forgot the cannon.

As the light vanished, the soul's vision died down. Finally, God opened his mouth to breathe in relief. The land was now again gone peaceful and quiet. God swore again on his heart, not to make another mistake. Sure thing, his creations are pretty ambitious.