Chapter Seven (Part 1)

As the countless dawn and dusk rises up and down, ten years had already passed.

In a certain hollowed-out cave that mystified an ancient feeling, a young boy around 10-11 years was sitting cross-legged, and it appears that there was an aura condensed in the air, which made the cave trembled.

As a loud 'boom' sounded, the aura that previously hovering began to change into red particles, which after it touches the ground, a hole began to appear.

Ten minutes later. The hollowed-out cave was in a mess. Countless cracks, holes, and the remains of burning flames were still naked to one's eyes.

However, even with the beads dripping down to his face, the young boy still hadn't opened his eyes.


When a transformation occurred in the young man's body, a piercing noise, suddenly, sounded in the cave as it made the dust scattered in the surrounding.

The dust began to calm down and the scent of burning flame had disappeared. The young boy in cross-legged slowly opened his eyes.


"Congratulation to the host for stepping into the Martial Emperor!"

"Achievement #8 had been completed: Reach Martial Emperor; Reward: One Lottery Spin + 200 System Coins. The reward has been transferred to the Host!"


Chu Feng smiled and stood up. The cave which was covered in mess had shockingly returned to the previous state. And even the hole was restored.

This place was naturally Chu Feng's time chamber's Cultivation Cave.

Every midnight of Monday, Chu Feng would enter this place to keep his breakthroughs in secret.

Even to his clan, Chu Feng had kept his cultivation a secret. In outside, people only learned that he was in the half-emperor realm which Chu Feng had deliberately exposed for them to see. That way, he can hide his real cultivation.

The truth was Chu Feng wasn't able to hide his cultivation three years ago, but after he reached the Martial Lord Realm a new function had been unlocked, which he can hide his cultivation. After all, a secret is another trump card.

Chu Feng lightly smiled and strode outside the cave. Ten years had already passed. In that period, many things happened. One of that was Chu Feng's time chamber. He created several structures on the place that varies from each other.

The one he was in was named the Cultivation Cave. That was where he cultivated. There are four more other structures he built beside the cave. They were:

The Training Facility

The Reading Courtyard

The Pavilion of Animes

The Pagoda of Novels.

It was only Chu Feng's habit. There were no changes happened in each structure, it was purely for his liking.

"It's been five years, The time of his return is today." Chu Feng murmured. "I guess it time to go back."

Space suddenly rotated which seems to undergo a distortion. Chu Feng's vision darkened. And the next time he blinked his eyes, he was teleported in a spacious room.

Chu Feng had his hands behind his back, opened the window, and lightly said. "Lu Bu!"

As he said that, the northern cold wind suddenly gusts, as a dark silhouette was seen kneeling behind Chu Feng. "Master!"

Chu Feng raises his head high, stared at the crescent moon, and said. "Lu Bu, Any changes to the things I have assigned you?"

"Master!" Lu Bu replied, "At your command, I pretend to be a rogue cultivator and entered their clan as one of their people. And when I had the chance, I left my spiritual mark to her body to watch over her. This past five years, nothing major has happened. But—"

"But?" Chu Feng looked back and lightly stepped, stooping in a seat.

"But a month ago, there was a major change in the clan. The young lady was set to be the fianceé of the young man. One week from now, they will officially start the banquet to form an alliance."

"So they have started, huh?" Chu Feng frowned and said. " Since it was like this, I have to personally attend this so-called Banquet!"


Meanwhile, in the lower realm, Eastern Region, a little girl dressed in purple was starting in the beautiful lake. Her expression was that of a lost. It was midnight and yet the girl hasn't yet gone to the bed. Furthermore, with her dazed look, there was probably something preventing her to fall asleep.

"Mother, Father... Are you really going to marry me to that Murong Xun?" She murmured. Looking at her pair of glittering eyes, adorable little face, and all-around fit figure, it was predestined that she will be a toppling beauty when she grew up. However, looking at her silhouette and hair swaying because of the chilling wind, she appeared to be sad.

"Ling'er, what are you doing here?" A familiar voice suddenly came out of nowhere.

An old man appeared on the back. Zi Ling hurriedly stood and explained. "Grandfather, I... I... I came here to see the fish!"

"Oh... the fish?" The old man — Zi Xuanyuan — secretly sighed and curved a smile. "What fish?"

Zi Ling opened her mouth but no voice came out. She lowered her head.

"Sigh." Zi Xuanyuan stepped near the pitiful little girl and fondled her hair. "Ling'er, do you have anything to say? Go ahead, tell your grandpa."

Zi Ling stared at her grandfather and feel warm. She did not utter for a minute but seeing her grandfather's smile, she opened her mouth.

"Grandpa, am I really going to be engaged by that Murong Xun?" Her voice was somewhat low.

'Murong Xun?' Zi Xuanyuan frowned and said. "Ling'er, do you want to be with him? Tell Grandpa the truth and I will tell the clan to annul the marriage."


Zi Ling lowered her head. "I heard that Murong Xun is not a good boy... I don't want to be with him. I don't want to get married, I am ten!"

"Ling'er," Zi Xuanyuan's heart-ached as he sighed. "You don't need to be afraid, as long as your grandfather is here, no one can force you to be with someone you don't take a liking to!"

"Really? Grandpa?" Zi Ling stared at her Grandfather.

"Of course, Ling'er, don't worry, I will go to Patriarch and tell him to annul the marriage. If not, I will rip his mouth. Now go, sleep it's already midnight." Zi Xuanyuan laughed.

"Grandpa is the best!" said Zi Ling as she left bouncing in a courtyard.

Zi Xuanyuan stood there for a long time. He didn't know if whether the patriarch would agree or not. The marriage was between two clans, and that will form a bridge between Zi Clan and Immortal Execution Archipelago. However, if the marriage will annual, Zi Clan might be in trouble.

He sighed as he stared at the lake for a long time before heading towards the Patriarch of Zi's manor. Unsure of what he would say.