Chapter Ten

"Ahm...Hello," Jiang Wushuang didn't know what to respond.

This boy in front of him had high status from the looks of his clothing. While the man behind him, he looks intimidating and powerful.

Their clan might not even comparable to the force behind them!

With this in mind, Jiang Wushuang gritted his teeth.

His eyes that somehow red stared at the boy, Chu Feng.

He opened his mouth, but eventually, no words came out.

Chu Feng who was staring at him understood his intention.

He smiled and said, "Hey, are you a native of this land? Can you tell me where Boundless City is located?"

When this question landed, Lu Bu suddenly become doubtful. Didn't his master said they were in hurry and wouldn't help a struggle between two powerhouses?

Clearly, his actions were opposite from what he says!

"Master...." Lu Bu leaned at Chu Feng.

But the latter interrupted him via voice transmission, "I know. But this little kid had great potential. Lu Bu, I want you to take action and take this kid as your apprentice. Remember, do it as if you are shaken by his talent. Also just say anything and I follow along," Chu Feng said.

Disciple? Anything?

Lu Bu didn't understand his master's intention, but he still affirms the command. "Yes, master."

"Yes, I know where the Boundless City is," While they are communicating, Jiang Wushuang opened his mouth, his eyes hinted determination.

But then,

"Good, good, good. I never thought in this tiny region, I could find someone with great potential. Nephew Feng looks like our trip here isn't wasted." Lu Bu suddenly laughed.

But when he did saying that, the words came out from his mouth cause uproar.

Tiny region?

Did they just called the Eastern Region 'Tiny'?


These words immediately shook the Twelve Assasins, the two middle-aged men, and the slightly slow-witted Jiang Wushuang!

Besides, they seem to hear he says someone with great potential?

Who could it be?

The assassins and the two-middle aged man inwardly questioned.

Following which, the quick-witted silver-robed Assassin knew who he was referring to, hence he panicked.

Base on the expert voice and his action of interfering, they obviously came for the little kid, Jiang Wushuang.


He could not let this happen. But the expert is really powerful. If he acts arrogantly, death would be the result.

Hence he has to act polite here, else even their lives wouldn't be spared!

Furthermore, this assassination was a fail. As a result, he had to preserve his life to report this matter to the higher-ups!

The silver-robed man cupped his fists, "Senior, I am from the Samsara Assassin Temple, I wonder what's the reason your humble self came for?"

He specifically included their organization, the Samsara Assassin Temple. Hoping that these could somehow escape with their lives intact.

But suddenly,

"Samsara Assassin Temple? Never heard of that." a cute voice sounded.

The assassins immediately turned, looking at which bastard didn't put their association in the eyes.

However, it seems that it sounded like the little guy in front of the Senior.

They gulped down, inwardly breathing relief.

Fortunately, they didn't speak ill. Or else a wave of the Senior hand could annihilate them to nothingness.

"Uncle Lu, which guy are you talking about? The one with great potential." Chu Feng turned his eyes at Lu Bu, asking him with glinting eyes.

Lu Bu replied with a laugh and swept his gaze over, "Hey you two come over here," he then pointed his hands at the two middle-aged men.

The two middle-aged men immediately responded and came over.

When they arrived in front of Lu Bu, their heart trembled. This person is very powerful!

"Senior," they cupped their fists.

Lu Bu nodded his head and looked at Jiang Wushuang and inquired, "This little this your young master or some sort of?"

"Yes, Senior." The two middle-aged men hastily replied.

Meanwhile, Jiang Wushuang witnessing them both safe, cried, "Uncle Lin, Uncle Qi."

"Be good." Uncle Lin and Uncle Qi sighed at his appearance.

Lu Bu waited for their moment to finish then said, "This is quite unexpected. I never thought in my leisure, I could find a mortal with great talent here. This little guy, I wanted him as my apprentice, what do you think?"

He paused and added, "Of course, you can disagree if no."

"Yes, Senior, we agree." The two middle-aged men hurriedly replied. To them, only idiots would disagree in this case.

"Shuang'er quick greet your master."

They both looked at Jiang Wushuang.

They definitely wouldn't let this slip by.

This is the chance for their clan to rise. Even without the approval of Wushuang's father, they have to agree to it instead.

"Wushuang greets master," Even though Jiang Wushuang was slow-witted, he has to agree.

These people are very powerful, hence they have the power to help his two uncles from losing their lives — agreeing means his uncles would be safe.

"Good, good," Lu Bu stroke his chin and said, "Disciple, me and my nephew here, Chu Feng, would be traveling towards the Boundless City. I wonder if your two uncles perhaps know where it is located?"

"Master we came from the Boundless City," Jiang Wushuang hurriedly replied, his voice trembled in delight. If he could guide his master to the City, their return journey would be safe!

Chu Feng who witnessed this look at Jiang Wushuang and chuckled. Jiang Wushuang's mind was still that of a child, hence his thoughts could be read easily.

Chu Feng swept his gaze at the assassins, precisely at the Silver-robed Assasin, and arrogantly acted as he said, "Humph, why are you guys still not running? Leave now or else I will slap you to death!"

The assassins were not angered. Especially the silver-robed assassin was looking at Chu Feng humbly.

"Youn...young master we will now leave...but can you ask your Uncle to remove the restriction?" The silver-robed assassin smiled at Chu Feng, face looking as if he was coaxing a little child.

"Restriction? What the hell are you saying? Quick scram to this father! Or else I will kill you all and annihilate your Samsara Assassin Temple!" Chu Feng roared.

He then smiled playfully, "Of course, if you call me father, I wouldn't mind sparing you guys."

"This...Young master...." The silver-robed man was stupefied by his reply, but still humble — although not treating his actions seriously.

"Humph, since you are hesitating, I might as well kill you..." Chu Feng grinned evilly.

The silver-robed man suddenly got a chill. A bad premonition crept from the bottom of his heart.

"Uncle Lu kil..."

A voice suddenly snapped him back to reality. Hearing that he immediately kneeled and hurriedly replied, "Father, please stop. Please spare us. Your blood is still flowing inside us."

Chu Feng choke privately. Your blood is still flowing inside us.

What a coward bastard.

Chu Feng coughed and sighed, "This shall not be repeated! Or else I will kill you all, even if you are my childrens!"

Childrens...this word echoed in the ears of the assassins. His expression was even more worse as if he was seriously treating them as sons. This cause the assassins to be greatly infatuated.

You damn brat!

This kid is too arrogant!

Just you wait!

The silver-robed assassin and his subordinates were furious. Killing intent rose from deep within.

At the same time, Chy Feng heard a delightful reminder from the system.

System: Ding!

System: Negative points acquired... Direct hate and killing intent were detected. The total points acquired is, 239.

Chu Feng laughed. Since there is an opportunity to earn negative points, might as well as be arrogant for once.

By sparing them, Chu Feng didn't think of being merciful at them. To him, their death was already set. He was simply playing them to earn extra negative points.

Knowing their existence, and might even spread it to others, they will be known by others, hence causing those others to be polite to them.

That is Chu Feng didn't want to happen. To him coming here was to save Zi Ling. But at the same time to earn negative points.

If he revealed his power earlier, then his appearance in the marriage alliance would not be grand.

Following which, Chu Feng removed the pressure that he cast.

When the pressure dissipates, so did the assassins regain their movement.

"Senior thanks for giving us Samsara Assassin Temple some face. If you have time you can visit our sect, I will definitely report this matter to the higher-ups." The silver-robed Assasin cupped his fists and said.

Since the pressure was removed, the Senior had considered this matter and decided to let them off.

"We thank Senior," the assassins followed suit and cupped their fists.

Being assassins for long and gone on hellish training for many years, they know how to discern the strongest and the weakest.

Hence, not showing the slightest unhappiness of failing their assassination as they lowered their head.

But on the other hand, Lu Bu didn't even bother to glance at them and continued conversing with the two middle-aged men, as he patted the head of Jiang Wushuang, seemingly being fond of him and treated him as a treasure.

"Senior, we are going now, farewell." The silver-robed man merely smiled at this scene, tactically retreating.

He then waved his hand, indicating his subordinate to depart.

However, before he could leave, Chu Feng suddenly spoke at this moment. He said, "When did I say you can now leave, huh?! Since you are here, you don't need to leave! If you kneel at me and slap your face ten times, I might spare your life! Daring to assassinate this father's brother, how dare you, my ungrateful sons, got your confidence from?"

Hearing him, the assassins, that was about to depart, stumbled down.