
Chapter Sixteen

Zhou Tian's face never changes, but deep inside, he was burning with anger.

There's no individual has the nerves to ignored him. Also, not the extent of not giving him face. However, Zhou Tian finally meets the first person to ignore and disdained him like he was an insignificant ant.

His servant had also received severe injuries by the punch Chu Feng did. Chu Feng was ruthless and had disregarded his servant's life. If not for the servant having decent cultivation, he might be drinking tea in the afterlife now.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tian almost burst out. He couldn't contain his wrath inside him, but he knew that that kid is not ordinary. Therefore, he remained composed. Chu Feng's strength, despite his age, was formidable enough to rank at the top of geniuses of the Eastern Sea, which tells Zhou Tian this kid has a fearsome background.

Thus, Zhou Tian hesitates to act. Although he was a hedonistic son and look down on others, thereby no means he was foolish. He has this principle that never acts when it's not a hundred percent assurance.

Therefore, Zhou Tian suppressed his wrath.

"Young Master Chu, I beg for my servant's rude behavior. I'll make sure to punish him when he wakes up," Zhou Tian looked at Chu Feng, clasping his hands.

"Humph." Chu Feng ignored Zhou Tian, but deep within, he felt weird. ' This wasn't supposed the script, right?'

"Young Master Chu, there are businesses I have to attend yet, so until we meet again."

Zhou Tian did not mind Chu Feng's behavior as he waves his sleeve. Then he turned and began walking the eastern-ish part. The servants of Zhou Clan brought the unconscious servant with them as they followed their Young Master, Zhou Tian.

When Chu Feng saw this, he didn't know what to say. 'That's it? They depart that with ease?' Where is the 'Do you know who I am?' 'Never someone this daring in front of me' 'Prepare to die!' 'If you kill me, my Father won't spare you!'. This should be the lines he was expecting and not the walk-out-from-the-scene script. Heck, he had receives a meager 695 points from them and was just a grain of salt!

Chu Feng was helpless.

"Formidable. Brother Feng, you're so strong. From now on, you'll be my idol," Lu Li gasped at the sight. She never imagines Zhou Tian, who always annoys him, has this side.

However, Lu Li suddenly frowned, and her heart turned unsettled. Seeing that Zhou Tian had left, she knew that he's angry. Therefore, Chu Feng would encounter trouble when the time comes.

That's something Lu Li didn't want to happen.

"Brother Feng. I wanted to invite you and Brother Wushang to dine with me in Phoenix Restaurant, however, Zhou Tian is a terrifying kid. Don't underestimate him because he is just a little kid, he is very scheming and vicious. Thus, I suggest that Brother Feng return in the Jiang Clan for the meantime," Lu Li said, her face was that serious.

"Return?" Chu Feng smirked. "If they come, let them. I would like to see what they can do to me."

"But..." Lu Li was still unconvinced.


"Sis Li, Brother Feng is powerful. Furthermore, Master is also his uncle. So, there is no need to worry Sis Li. Let's go and eat...I'm hungry." At this moment, Jiang Wushang suddenly said. He looked at Lu Li, eyes bright.

"Oh?" Lu Li did not believe it. However, the one who speaks was Jiang Wushang, and Wushang never lied to her. So, it was most likely true, but she still couldn't believe it. Who would believe a boy at her age was powerful enough to fight with the grown-ups?

Although it was unbelievable, Lu Li still trust half of what Wushang had said, so she agreed to dine in the Phoenix Pavillion with them.

"Miss. Young Miss. So, you're here." At this moment, a voice sounded from nowhere.

Chu Feng stared at the direction the voice originated, and he saw two women running with beads on their forehead.

"Why you're here?" said Lu Li as she saw this.

"Young Miss. We heard that Young Master Zhou came home alone and you're nowhere to be found. But then, a servant of Young Master Zhou Tian had clarified everything that happened here. Your Father, the Patriarch, was angered when he heard the reason and told us to get you back home at the instant." The two women were Lu Li's maid. They were just too afraid of the Father of their Young Miss when he shouted at them. So, they have not hesitated to look for their Young Miss, or else they would be one facing the wrath of their Old Lord.

"Humph. No, I will not go back. Tell my Father that it's all Zhou Tian's fault and his fault."

Lu Li sneered when she heard the reason her two maids came looking for her. So, it was Zhou Tian again.

Thinking of Zhou Tian and her father, her good mood broke down. Voice cold, she said, "And is he crazy? Forcing his daughter to eat with someone she never likes, furthermore, he has not sent any of his subordinates for the safety of his daughter. What if that Zhou Tian would be despicable to the extent he would poison my drink with aphrodisiac? Tell him that I won't be going there. Oh, and also, tell him that I will not marry Zhou Tian even if it means I die!

"Brother Feng, Brother Wushang, let's go." She turned her head to Chu Feng and the rest as she strode forward.

Chu Feng stroke his chin and appeared deep thought. However, he still followed Lu Li, and when he thinks of her unyielding nature, Chu Feng couldn't help but smile. He admired this girl.

She was brave. Intelligent. Beautiful. No wonder Wushang had fallen to her.

The two maids were lost for words. They wanted to open their mouth to say something, but hearing their Young Miss cold voice, they didn't dare to piss her off.

Also, they weren't a match to their Young Miss, and they didn't forget they were servants, so it was wise for them to shut their mouth and convey her words to the Old Lord.

It's not their Old Lord was ignorant of her daughter's behavior, so they wouldn't get a punishment by the order they failed to do so.

Therefore, they only watch Chu Feng, Lu Li, Jiang Wushang, and the two Jiang Guards disappeared in the crowd.



In a room, Zhou Tian slammed his fists into the table, causing it to trembled and broke down.

Currently, Zhou Tian's face no longer had the polite smile he always wore, instead, he had the face of that vicious demons.

"Investigate! Investigate that Chu Feng in the instant. Dig every information you can get with that kid. Remember, I want in the time it takes a cup of tea. Otherwise, you better not show yourselves to me, or else I will cripple you!" Zhou Tian roared.

"Yes, Young Master!"

The servants knelt in the ground, heads on the ground. Lega trembling, they didn't dare to move their limbs even when their knees hurt. They didn't dare to utter a mishap that would cause their Young Master's anger to rise. If they would do so, death would be no longer impossible.

"Also, don't forget to contact the Samsara Assassin Temple. They better give me a satisfactory reason for not doing their job. Done within 7 days? Tsk, are they treating me like an idiot? I paid nearly everything I have to eliminate that bastard, however, he is still alive?

"And that Lu Li. Argh, why does she hate me this much? I'm his future fianceè and his soon-to-be husband. Why would you treat me this way? Why!"

Zhou Tian's mood was awful and bitter. His eyes were bloodshot and whatever object he sees, he would release his oppressive force and shatter those objects in the instant.

Soon, the room had dozens of broken glasses and it was so messy. After, the servants on the ground finally able to rise, as they didn't dare to delay their Young Master's order as they get back from their feet.

Zhou Tian sat in his seat. His blood was still boiling and he was so angered today.

A while after, the servants departed.

Following which, the room had been clean by several maids, as they also left after. So, Zhou Tian was the sole person in the room.

"Wen'er," Zhou Tian suddenly said.

As he said that, a black mist appeared in the room. As the black mist disappeared, a black-dressed woman appeared.

"Strip off." Zhou Tian commanded, voice cold.

The woman's emotion never changes, as she removed the garments covering her curvaceous body.

Soon, the woman was standing there, naked. She was beautiful with her black-cloth, without her dress, she was even more beautiful.

"Come here," said Zhou Tian as he leaned in the seat.

The naked woman approaches Zhou Tian. Soon, she appeared in front of him.

Then, she wrapped her arms to his neck as she sat above Zhou Tian.

As for what happens after, something you have to imagine.


At this moment, Chu Feng was eating and praising the food here on lower realm, Boundless City's Pheonix Restaurant. He remembered the last time he consumed food was five years ago when he hadn't reached the True Immortal Realm yet.

Although the food here wasn't as good as on the Upper Realm, it was still consumable food.

On the other hand, Lu Li and Wushang were busy in their own world as they chatted with each other. Behind them, the two guards stood like wooden statues.

Chu Feng didn't mind left alone. Their location was on the ninth floor and his seat was near the window, so he could just stare outside and admire the scenery whenever it gets boring.

Suddenly, Chu Feng's eyes brightened. A brilliant idea appeared on his head.

"Sis Li, Bro Wushang, I recall something important to do. I will be right back as soon as I fulfilled the things I needed to do," said Chu Feng as he rose from his feet.

"Brother Feng, where are you going?" Wushuang asked. He has no clue why Chu Feng would be going.

"Somewhere. Oh, I almost forgot, where is your Lu Clan located again, Sis Li?" Chu Feng had almost forgotten, so he asked Lu Li.

"Our Lu Clan?" Lu Li looks confused why Chu Feng would ask so. However, she still replies, "Our Lu Clan is located in the Eastern Part of Boundless City, presumably forty li away from our current location."

"Forty Li? Got it." Chu Feng memorized.

After knowing this, he bid farewell to them as he disappeared from the Floor.