Roxanne doesn't believe this. Her heart almost stopped beating when Felix leaned forward just to put on her seat belt. Very stupid. Why did she have to act stupid again by closing her own eyes. What for?

"How much longer do we have to travel, Felix?" Roxanne asked. In fact, she began to feel sleepy because they had been traveling for quite a long time.

"Still about an hour away, are you sleepy?"

"Hm, wake me up when we arrive."

"Okay, sleep well." said Felix right as Roxanne closed her eyes. She could no longer resist her sleepiness. Although, vaguely she could still hear Felix say sweet things to her again, she could not care about them.

Roxanne looks very cute and innocent while sleeping. It was the first time he had seen a woman sleeping, even nearby, when he was driving a car like this. Felix smiled as he glanced at her.

Supposedly, their journey did not take long, but today the City of Paris is very crowded. When he got there, he searched for a car park and parked hsi car. He turned to Roxanne and saw Roxanne who was still sleeping.

"Wake up, sweety." said Felix while rubbing the top of Roxanne's head. Finally, Roxanne woke up and stretched without caring about Felix who was still staring at her intently.

"Did you sleep well? You didn't even wake up when I stopped earlier." said Felix.

"Hmm." Roxanne murmured still half conscious. Felix who saw it just laughed.

"Okay, sleeping beauty. Time to play now, come on." said Felix as he straightened Roxanne's still half-conscious body.

"Hmmm, okay okay." Roxanne answered. She fixed her clothes and bag.

"Do you want to eat first?" Asked Felix. Roxanne just shook her head in response before getting out of the car. Felix caught up with her and the car locked automatically.

If only Felix hadn't invited her here, maybe Roxanne would have preferred to continue sleeping. She is very sleepy today. In fact, she didn't care if she continued to yawn or squirm in front of Felix.

When she got out of the car, she immediately saw a beautiful view that always made her smile happily, like this time. She becomes fresher just by looking at it. That's right, Disneyland, Somehow, Roxanne immediately became excited just by looking at the entrance to Disneyland Paris in front of her.

"It seems you're very happy." said Felix interrupting Roxanne's gaze.

"You already know the answer." Roxanne said with a smile that continued to expand. "Um, you were asking about eating, were you hungry yourself?" Roxanne asked. She became uncomfortable when she shook her head not wanting to eat earlier.

"No, I'll just obey you today." Felix answered with his trademark smile.

"Are you serious?" Roxanne asked again.

"Of course, let's go in." invite Felix later.

Roxanne, cheerfully walked ahead of Felix. She was very happy to be able to come to this place again. The last time she visited Disneyland was when she was a student. Today, Felix invited her here, and she really appreciated it today. In fact, Felix said if he would obey all her wishes. Very sweet, Roxanne thought in the heart.

When Felix got out of his car, he could see that Roxanne was very happy right now. He was surprised when Roxanne asked if he was hungry. Actually, he wanted to take Roxanne to lunch before spending time playing. But, seeing Roxanne who wants to enjoy more entertainment at Disneyland, Felix decides to do everything she wants today.

Felix only shook his head when he saw Roxanne running ahead of him. In fact, Roxanne would have almost fallen if Felix hadn't held her arm.

"Be careful." said Felix. Roxanne just smiled and nodded in agreement.

They walked together towards the entrance gate. When they got there, they immediately entered and the first place they visited was Disneyland Park. There, Roxanne posed with various Disney characters. In fact, Roxanne also did not forget to invite Felix to take a picture together.

They also visited Fantasyland, Main Street USA, Frontierland, Adventureland, and Discoveryland. Felix had become Roxanne's photographer when she wanted to take a photo alone. Even so, Felix didn't nag though.

Next, they visited Walt Disney Studio Park. They visit every 'Studio Lot' there. Starting from the Front lot, Toon studio, Production Courtyard, and Backlot. Again, Roxanne and Felix did not miss a moment of photos of the two of them in each place.

Not felt, it was evening and they had traveled far. They are at the Central Plaza. Roxanne and Felix sat in the available seats there while resting their tired legs.

"Aren't you tired? You want to eat now?" Roxanne asked.

Felix smiled and ruffled the top of Roxanne's head without answering Roxanne's question.

"I am very tired." Roxanne continued. Felix raised his eyebrows.

"Are you sure? Don't want to buy anything first?" Asked Felix, making sure.

"No, we can come here again if you want." said Roxanne. Felix laughs to hear Roxanne say that.

"Why are you laughing instead?" confused Roxanne.

"So now you want to ask me to go out together again, is that it?" said Felix, almost laughing again.

At first, Felix was confused why Roxanne asked if Felix was tired. When Felix asks if there is an item she wants to buy, Roxanne implies that she wants to go here again together. Of course Felix was very happy to hear that.

Gosh, Roxanne just realized if she said the invitation sentence indirectly like that. She wants to bury her face right now. She went before Felix, to anywhere. She is very ashamed now.

Earlier, she was very worried because Felix did not offer her to eat again. She worried if Felix was starving and instead of asking her to eat, Felix continued to obey her desire to continue playing. When she asked Felix if he was hungry, Felix just ruffled her hair. So annoying.

See. In fact, now the man was constantly laughing at her behind.

"Ah, where should I go." Roxanne grumbled to herself, still walking briskly.

"ROXANNE!" panggil Felix di belakang Roxanne.

Finally, Roxanne stops because she doesn't know where to go anymore. She was still holding her shame mixed with resentment at Felix who laughed at her earlier.

"WHAT?" Roxanne snapped.

"Let's eat. You're hungry, right?" Felix asked when he had stopped beside Roxanne. Felix took Roxanne's hand and walked together.

Roxanne can't focus looking into the streets. since earlier, she just stared at Felix's hand. It felt very warm when Felix held her hand. That made Roxanne not let go of the hand.

Suddenly, Felix stopped and made Roxanne crash into Felix's back. "Aw!" Roxanne groaned, making their hand gripped.

"What's the matter? What are you thinking about until you don't see the road, Roxy? We've arrived." said Felix. Roxanne just cleared her throat and preceded her entry into a restaurant.

Gosh, Roxanne is so embarrassed. It must have been as red as a boiled crab. He only hoped that Felix didn't know.

Roxanne is acting strange. But, the strange behavior actually seems cute. He wanted to kiss her face when she turned red, like before. Felix didn't know what made her like that, but it was ridiculous for Felix.

Roxanne had walked in and Felix caught up with her. Waiters approached them when they were in their seats.

Felix and Roxanne ordered a special menu today. "Felix?" Roxanne called suddenly. Felix, who was sending a message, immediately put down his cellphone.

"What's wrong, hm?"

"Forgive me." Roxanne said. Felix frowned, not understanding.

"For what?" asked Felix.

"We - you, so you missed your lunch, because of me, I'm sorry, we should have had lunch first." Roxanne clearly felt guilty.

Felix could hardly believe what he was hearing. Roxanne feels guilty just because she feels they should have lunch together before spending time at Disneyland. Even though Felix didn't feel any objection when he accompanied Roxanne to play from earlier.

"Hey, never mind. Don't worry about it. Besides, you're happy today, aren't you?" said Felix. Roxanne just smiled and nodded her head stiffly.

"See? It's not a big problem, okay. As long as you're happy with me, trust me, nothing matters than your smile, Roxy." said Felix with his smile and grabbed the back of Roxanne's hand, holding it.

Felix felt nervousness in Roxanne's hand as she held it. At that moment, the servant came and Felix released her hand. They began to eat in silence. However, Felix kept staring at Roxanne while eating.

Roxanne really felt touched when Felix said that. In fact, Felix is more concerned with happiness which is already beyond the limits today. As he ate, she felt Felix continued to look at her. So, instead of being silent as usual, she went on blabbering again.

"Finish your meal, Felix. We must go home soon," Roxanne tried to shake off her nervous tone.

"Okay, Princess." Felix answered interspersed with his sniggle.

"Aren't you calling me too many by many names besides my real name?" Roxanne asked. Felix just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. Roxanne who saw him frowned, disliked. She continued to eat again and immediately finished it.

Suddenly, Felix's cellphone rang the signal of an incoming call. Roxanne only glanced briefly, then let Felix to pick up his call.

When Felix arrived at his dining table, Roxanne could see Felix's facial expression that changed. Roxanne doesn't know how to describe it either. There is a bit of resentment, anxiety, and stuffs. She felt something was wrong with Felix.

"What's the matter, Felix? It seems like a work problem, huh?" Roxanne asked doubtfully. Felix looked at Roxanne intensely, making Roxanne put her fork and knife on the table involuntarily.

"We have to meet someone." said Felix before getting ready. "Come on," he continued.

Roxanne who doesn't understand anything, just obeys. He felt something was wrong with the change in Felix's attitude. Even Felix said if they had to meet someone. Is this about them?