Roxanne is in her room, sitting in front of her dressing table. Her cheeks flushed red as he recalled today's events. Moreover, given Roxanne herself who had dared to kiss Felix like she had just done. Roxanne cupped her cheeks and looked down. Gosh, I'm so embarrassed now.

After cleaning up and wearing her house clothes, Roxanne immediately goes down to the living room and watches TV there. Apparently, her parents were already there.

"Oh, are you home? Louis said, you went with Felix?" Her mother smiled. She is slicing fruits.

"Hm? Yes." Roxanne shrugs her shoulders and takes one of the fruits that are already on the plate.

"Where have you been?" now, her father is asking.

"Felix took me to his office earlier, then we had lunch together, that's all." Roxanne answered.

"What about yesterday?" Ask her father again.

"Ah, yes, didn't you go with Joanna yesterday? Why did you go home with Felix?" Asked Agathe later.

"A real long story. The point is, yesterday Felix picked me up when me and Mom Joanna were going to lunch. I don't know where he came from. Mmmm, maybe Mom Joanna's told him." Roxanne explained while thinking.

"Hm, fast steps." her father murmured. Her mother just smiled while giving a meaningful look at her husband. Not worrying about anything, Roxanne just kept quiet and continued eating fruit.


Hours of travel, Felix had arrived at his parents' mansion. He immediately parked his car in front of the mansion and walked in casually. The door opened. Actually, Felix just wanted to ask something about his brother, Jeffrey. Jeffrey rarely occupies his mansion which is located quite far from here. Jeffrey himself actually settled in the USA all this time. So he went home for vacation, he said.

It was late evening, but Jeffrey wasn't here yet. Even Felix has spent time in his own room. Soon, the sound of a car stopped from outside. Felix looked through the window, his brother got out of the car and entered the mansion. Felix immediately went down and approached his brother.

"Brother?!" shouted Felix.

Jeffrey, who had just entered, turned to the source of the call.

"Oh? Why are you here? Is there something?" Jeffrey asked.

"Hm, yes, actually, I have something to ask you." answered Felix.

"With me? What's wrong?" Jeffrey frowned.

They both sat on the couch in the living room. Sit facing each other.

"All right, just say it, Felix." said Jeffrey. Felix is ​​confused about how he should start this conversation. Surely he will look like a fool.

"Earlier, when you went to my office, you wanted to see me?" Felix asked directly.

"I was, but I couldn't." Jeffrey answered casually.


Jeffrey laughed at Felix's silly question.

"Aren't you with Roxanne? You want me to bother you? Seriously? Your question is ridiculous."

Felix scratched the nape of his neck that was not itchy.

"But, it seems like you and Roxanne were already very close." felix said in a slightly disliked tone. Remembering Roxanne and his sister in the office who already look familiar. Well, now he's jealous. A little.

Jeffrey squinted. Is Felix jealous of me? Well, maybe a little seasoning, this will be fun, exclaimed Jeffrey in his heart. Trying to play a game with Felix.

Jeffrey crossed his legs then crossed his arms. "Certainly," he said. "Since dinner that night, we've begun to get along," Jeffrey continued staring at Felix. Waiting for the reaction of the man he was staring at.

"You know, I think your choice is right, brother. She's an attractive woman." Jeffrey frowns.

Of course he is interesting, inner felix spoke. Her mood began to get a little murky because his sister praised Roxanne in front of him.

"She is also like to smile."

Felix widened his eyes stiffly. He was furious, but he could not show it.

WHAT! Roxanne smiling at me can only be counted on the fingers and his own brother says Roxanne likes to smile? Felix thought, annoyed.

"Looks like she's not the type of bad-tempered woman either."

WHAT THE HELL! Did Roxanne never show her ignorant attitude to his brother? His mind continued to cry.

Felix closed his eyes. He leaned his body on the sofa and pressed his temples, sighing tired after fighting with his own thoughts.

"Hey, what's up?" Jeffrey who saw it immediately showed his affection.

Felix only answered with a shake of head. He raised his head. Then, sigh again. He was trying to hold the emotions in his chest. He was very upset. However, he also could not blame Roxanne or Jeffrey.

Felix tried to close his eyes in his room. He has returned to his own mansion. After talking with his brother, he harbored his annoyance and jealousy alone. He returned without many words spoken. As soon as he entered his mansion, he changed his clothes.

Felix uses his sleep shorts with bare chest. He was ready to sleep even though he himself did not know if he could still sleep or not. His mind was so confused tonight that he rolled around to find a comfortable position on his bed. For hours he did that silly thing. In fact, he has been to the gym many times just to get tired. But, nothing seems to work.

Felix sat down on his bed and leaned forward. His gaze is blank. But, his mind is at work.

What if his brother likes Roxanne?

What if Roxanne also likes his brother?

What if his brother took Roxanne from him?


Felix shouted to himself. He was dizzy thinking about things that might not happen. It could be, his brother just thinks of Roxanne as his little sister. Is not it?


The next morning, Felix was already in the office. Last night, he decided not to sleep and spent his time in his arcade game room. Usually, Felix will go to that place with his friends. Since last night was already dawn and he needed calm - which he thought was futile - so, he spent all night there.

Even in the office, he was like a living corpse. His secretary who had seen him was amazed by the attitude of his boss. In fact, his secretary bravely offered himself by giving a massage to Felix. His secretary knows that his boss is tired, who knows why. However, Felix strongly refused. Come on, why would his secretary care about me, thought Felix.

Felix sighed roughly and heavily. It seemed, the papers in front of him did not make Felix excited at all. Suddenly the door to the room opened.

"Julliaaaaaannnn!" one of the people who emerged from the door shouted, making Felix grimace and close his ears in annoyance.

"Damn," said Felix. There are no good and good sides to his friends who come today. On the bright side, maybe his friends can cheer him up. On the bad side, they would mock Felix who looked like a man who had just broken his heart.

"Hehehehehe," chuckled Dennis. Dennis who shouted Felix's name when he entered earlier. Dennis comes with Arthur, Justin and Edric. It's complete, Felix thought.

"What is wrong?" Felix asked lazily.

"Look at you, baby, you look like... oh my, what's wrong with you?" Dennis cupped Felix's face and called out fondly. Disgusted, Felix immediately brushed away Dennis's hand.

"We should be the one who have asked you that, Jullian." said Edric.

"Yes, look at you, from the look of your weld alone, we already know that something must be bothering you." this time Arthur spoke. Justin was silent after taking a bottle of wine and pouring the purple liquid for him and his friends.

Dennis sat on the couch with his friends. "We are ready to listen." he said.

"But not here, not right now." said Felix after silence thinking about the invitation of his friends to tell stories.

"Tonight we are all free. Club?" this time Arthur made a sound. Arthur seemed to know the problem Felix was experiencing. The man looked at Felix meaningfully. Felix took a glance at him and finally they all nodded in agreement, tonight they would gather at their usual club.