A middle-aged woman entered a dim felix's room. She walked to the window and pulled the curtain so that the sunlight could enter. She saw, Felix, her son who was sleeping with full clothes still attached to his body. Joanna shook her head. Then, she approached Felix's bed and sat on the edge of the bed.

Last night, Joanna got a call from Arthur. Arthur said that Felix was very drunk. Because Joanna was worried that Felix was sick, finally this morning Joanna decided to go to Felix's house and intend to cook hot soup for Felix. However, when she arrived at Felix's house, because there were only servants cleaning the house. So Joanna decided to go to Felix's room to wake him up.

"Son? Felix, wake up, boy. It's almost noon." said his mother gently rubbed the top of Felix's head.

Felix just stretched to feel the incoming sunlight. He blinked his eyes half closed. Vaguely, he saw his mother was in front of him.

"Mom? Why are you here?" Felix woke up and half sat with his arms supporting his body. But, suddenly he felt a tremendous dizziness in his head.

Joanna was sad. "Really. So, after getting drunk like last night, you didn't even expect Mom's presence, is that so? Even if it's just to take care of you?"

"Gosh, that's not it, mom. It's just ... wait, how about-" Felix just realized. He was already in his own room. Still wearing his work suit complete with his shoes too.

Suddenly, last night's memory struck his brain. Felix only remembered what happened last night. The incident when he was out of control and drunk witnessed by his friends. Felix squeezed his temple which felt a little dizzy.

"What's the matter with you, felix? For God's sake, you've never been like this before," his mother tried to put her palm on Felix's forehead. "Gosh, you even have a fever!" Joanna got out of bed.

"Mom, never mind. Don't worry. It's just an ordinary fever, and it will recover later." felix tries to calm his mother. However, Joanna ignored Felix and went to the bathroom in Felix's room and prepared warm water for her child.

"Hurry up and take a bath, Mom will have the water ready," his mother said after leaving the bathroom. Felix just sighed resignedly. He did feel an uneasy body.

"Mom will tell your secretary for the day off today, now take a shower, mom will cook." said his mother. Felix just nodded to obey his mother. Joanna had left the room and finally Felix showered immediately.

Before cooking, Joanna tried to call someone. Direct call connected.


Felix looked fresh after bathing. Even though he still looked pale because of his fever, he himself didn't know why he had this fever. It's been a long time since he last had a fever. He immediately went down and approached his mother.

"Are you done? Here, eat it." Joanna said after seeing Felix approaching his mother.

"So many food, mom." Felix looked at the food available at his dining table. His mother cooks a lot.

Who will eat it later?

Joanna just smiled. "Never mind, just eat. You're like a chick who can't take care of yourself." his mother said. Felix just chuckled.

"Oh, yeah, i have to go now, i have a friend who is sick so i have to visit him to the hospital, it's okay, right?" said Joanna. Then, Felix just nodded while eating.

Joanna left without being escorted out by Felix. He looked at the food on this table. This much food is all of Felix's favorite foods. But, in conditions like this, he did not desire to eat all his food.

Suddenly, shortly after his mother left, Felix's doorbell rang. Felix frowned. Who's coming? Did the mother forget to leave something? Felix rose from his place and walked to the front door.

"Roxanne?" Felix was stunned to see Roxanne. "How did you come here? How did you know about my house? With whom did you come here? Did you -" Roxanne immediately put her index finger on Felix's lips, which asked too many questions.

"You ask too many questions, Felix." Roxanne put her finger away. Roxanne cleared her throat. "So, I've come all the way here, am I not allowed to enter?" she asked later.

"Oh, I forgot, come in." said Felix with a smile.

Roxanne enters and sits on a sofa. Felix also sat beside her.

"Explain," said Felix. Roxanne looks confused for a moment. Then, she remembered Felix's question at the door.

"Oh. Hm, just now, your mother called me, saying you were sick and she couldn't stay here to take care of you. She was so worried, so she asked me to accompany you." Roxanne explained. She glanced at Felix briefly.

"That's if you don't mind. Well, I only obey your mother, if you don't want to -" Roxanne's words were interrupted when suddenly Felix held her so tightly.

"Gosh, I could die first, if you hug me too tight, hey!" Roxanne patted Felix's back slowly. Afraid that the man will be in pain. Felix then let go of his arms and looked at Roxanne in front of him.

"It's a good thing my driver isn't lost, your house is easy to find." Roxanne said later, when the atmosphere became quiet because Felix kept staring at Roxanne.

"Eating?" Roxanne asked, looking away from Felix. Jeez, Roxanne got a little embarrassed about it.

Felix, who was still holding a spoonful, woke up and immediately stood up while holding Roxanne's hand. Felix invites Roxanne into his dining room.

"Wow, mom cooked all this for you." Roxanne was amazed.

"Now for you too," said Felix, pulling a chair next to Felix. "I can confirm if you haven't had breakfast, right." he continued.

Roxanne just grinned and sat in the chair. Finally, Roxanne and Felix ate there together. Every now and then, Felix looked at Roxanne who was eating. Felix smiled because suddenly a flash of reflection he would have breakfast together every day like this came to his brain.

Finished eating, Roxanne took care of the cutlery and almost washed it if only Felix didn't forbid it.

Felix was reading the morning paper. Then, Roxanne comes and puts her hand on Felix's forehead. Making Felix a little surprised by Roxanne's sudden treatment.

"Why hasn't your fever gone down yet? Are you sure you've taken medicine? You're not lying to me, right? I will report your crime to mom if you dare to lie," Roxanne snatched the newspaper Felix was reading and folded it. "You should rest in the room."

Felix was surprised when suddenly Roxanne put her hand on his forehead and nagged like a lover who was worried about her lover who was sick. Oh, Felix smiled thinking about it. Finally, Felix stood up without protest and took Roxanne's hand. Roxanne was a little surprised because Felix suddenly grasped and kissed her hands several times.

"Get some rest, Felix." Roxanne said, trying to calm down.

Roxanne looked at Felix who was still staring at her. Then, Felix instead dragged her to follow Felix to his room. Gosh, she still uses her heels and why is Felix dragging her like this? He looks fine, then, annoyed Roxanne.

Upon arrival in the bedroom, Felix immediately lay down and pulled Roxanne into his arms. Roxanne blinked many times, trying to free herself from Felix's hug. However, her efforts were in vain. Even though a man like Felix is ​​ill, his energy can still be expended at a time like this.

"Do not go."

Roxanne saw Felix say it with his eyes closed. Roxanne sighed.

"I'm here, Felix. You even locked me up, my God." Roxanne grumbled.

Felix smiled instead. "Accompany me to sleep." pleaded Felix later.

"All right. Now sleep, baby boy." Roxanne said, stroking Felix's soft jaw like a kitten.

The last sound Felix heard made him smile warmly. Felix fell asleep while Roxanne gently stroked his jaw. Oh, he hopes to be like this every day.


Felix woke up from his sleep and found the mattress next to him empty. Where is Roxanne? Felix panicked a little because he didn't find Roxanne by his side. Then, Felix went straight out of the room and came down, half running. he smiled with relief when he saw Roxanne in the kitchen. He approached Roxanne and hugged her from behind. Roxanne looks a little surprised by his treatment.

Felix rested his chin on the shoulder of Roxanne who was cooking. "What are you cooking, hm?" he asked. "You make me worry, Roxy, you don't need to bother cooking. You can tell Chef at home." he continued.

Felix tightens the circle of his hand on Roxanne's stomach and breathes in Roxanne's scent. Very fragrant. Maybe, Felix will be increasingly addicted to the scent of Roxanne.

"Let go, felix, you're bothering me. Besides, I want to cook for you." Roxanne said.

"Wow, you really care. I like it." said Felix while kissing Roxanne's white neck. Make Roxanne a little amused because of his kiss.

"For God's sake, Felix! Stop! Gosh! You're bothering me!" Roxanne tries to let go of Felix's hand with one hand. Felix was sure it would not work and giggled.

Finally, Felix let go of his arms and kissed Roxanne's cheek from behind, without turning her body. Roxanne who received such treatment only smiled faintly with cheeks flushed red.

"What perfume do you use?" asked Felix later.

"Is that important?" Roxanne has finished cooking and turns around to face Felix who is now standing before her.

"Of course. I love your fragrance. It looks like it was the typical fragrance of meeting you." said felix and then headed for the dining table. Roxanne rolled her eyes at Felix's silly words.

Felix is ​​still staring at Roxanne who does all that like a wife. "Apparently you're trying to be a good wife, huh?" Felix clasped his fingers in front of his chin while giggling. Roxanne, who prepared food at the dinner table, stopped her activity and turned her head.

"Who said that? I only fulfilled mom Joanna's request who asked me to take care of you." Roxanne sits to the right of Felix. Felix just nodded as if understanding, smiling.

After finishing eating, they spent time in Felix's room. Felix leaned his body on the head of his bed while playing a game on his cellphone. While Roxanne was on the couch near the window while reading. It was late at night. Roxanne saw a beautiful view outside with lots of garden lights.

"I'm still full. Do you want dinner?" Roxanne asked, who was only answered by Felix's shake. "Then sleep," she said later. Felix just shook his head again. Roxanne, who saw Felix engrossed in his cellphone, finally stood up and grabbed the cellphone.

"Babeee!" groaned Felix like a child whose mother had confiscated his toys.

"Sleep now!" Roxanne ordered. she placed the cellphone on a table far from Felix's reach.

"Gosh, it's not too late yet, xyxy, just let me play a little longer, hm?" Felix showed his pitiful appearance like a child, but it didn't work for Roxanne.

"Ah, that means you're fine. Then, I'll just go home now." Roxanne takes her bag and is about to walk out. Felix who saw her looked surprised and finally stood up to stop Roxanne.

"Hey, who said are you going home?" Felix grabbed Roxanne's arm from behind and pulled Roxanne until Roxanne faced Felix.

"Of course I'll go home later, but you say you don't want to, well, I'll just go home now." Roxanne answered flatly.

Oh, Felix doesn't like this. Roxanne can't leave her alone.

"No. You can't go home," Felix hugged Roxanne.

"Are you crazy? Is your fever getting worse ?! Of course I have to go home, God! I can't breathe, Felix!" Roxanne struggles because Felix is ​​hugging her tighter.

Suddenly, Felix carried Roxanne to the bed, still in a cuddling position like a koala child. Roxanne widened her eyes.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong with you?" Roxanne tries to push her face away so she can see Felix. Felix closed his eyes, pretending to sleep.

"I know you haven't slept, you fool!" Roxanne pawed at Felix's forehead.

"You should have kissed me instead of being violent." whined Felix after opening his eyes.

"Let me go, Felix." Roxanne pleaded firmly.

"No, you won't, you can't leave." Felix drew Roxanne closer to his body. Oh look, Felix is ​​already like a child who doesn't want his mother to leave him.

Roxanne feels it is useless to argue with felix. Finally, she was silent. Feel the warmth of Felix's hug. That said, very comfortable. More comfortable than just holding hands. Roxanne forgot to ask just now. Roxanne looked up to face Felix's face.

"Felix? Are you sleeping?" Roxanne asked.


"I want to ask."

"Just ask, honey." Felix opened his eyes, staring at Roxanne softly.

"Why did you get drunk?" Felix only looked Roxanne's eyes deeply. Make Roxanne behave herself.

"You want me to be honest?" Felix asked.

"Felix, I'm asking you, you should answer right away, and who likes lies, you weird." Roxanne snapped. Felix chuckled at that, before sighing softly.

"I'm jealous and upset." Felix answered simply.

Roxanne doesn't understand. Jealous? To whom? She raised her eyebrows.

"I'm upset because jeff and you seem to be familiar, more familiar than me. You even seem to be always comfortable with Jeff. I know I'm a stupid man, but I'm upset when jeff praises you in front of me, as if he knows everything about you, whereas I? When you are with me, there must be a debate. Well, you rarely even be nice to me, only at certain times, or maybe you won't even notice it. That's why I'm jealous, I go to a club and lose control."

Roxanne just remained unmoved. She did not think if Felix thought like that until he lost control by spending time at the club.

"Why are you silent?" asked Felix when Roxanne just stared at him. Roxanne only thinks that Felix is ​​the type of guy who easily expresses his feelings. This man does not hesitate to say 'love you' also 'jealous of you'. Roxanne seems to wake up and smile at Felix.

"Don't worry about it, I'm here now." Roxanne gently strokes Felix's jaw and smiles sweetly. Oh, Felix likes that. Roxanne tries to calm him down and as if Roxanne's smile rubs off on him, Felix smiles and kisses Roxanne's forehead.

Roxanne thinks that Felix is ​​a fool. Why is this man jealous? She thinks if it's too much. However, because Felix said that, for some reason Roxanne softened this man.

"I know, that's why, sleep with me tonight." said Felix quietly. Roxanne just smiled and nodded. Felix is ​​glad Roxanne didn't reject it.

He kissed Roxanne's forehead again. Then, down to his eyes, nose, and when his lips were in front of Roxanne's lips, Felix could no longer hold it. He wants to kiss Roxanne.

Slowly, Felix pressed Roxanne's body against him and softly kissed Roxanne. Initially, the kiss was very soft and fragile. but over time, Felix felt like being addicted to Roxanne's sweet lips. She bit Roxanne's lips softly so Roxanne opened her lips. His tongue immediately entered and absent everything in Roxanne's mouth. Roxanne doesn't refuse. Felix again crushed Roxanne's lips. Now, Roxanne groaned feeling Felix who was continuing to crush her lips.

For a moment, they stopped just to take a breath. However, they kissed again. Roxanne put her arm on Felix. Roxanne alone can't stop Felix. She does not know if this is true, but she cannot stop it. She will not stop if Felix does not stop.

Felix finally stopped the hot kiss and pressed his forehead to Roxanne's forehead. They were silent, still absorbing the remaining kiss.

Felix smiled at Roxanne. "I respect women, especially you. I'm a normal man, you know what I mean, right?" Roxanne who heard it smiled shyly and nodded.

Felix lay down next to Roxanne and pulled Roxanne's body close to him. Then, he kissed Roxanne's forehead gently.

"Go sleep," said Felix. Roxanne, who felt the warmth near Felix, did not refuse and her eyes closed with Felix.