Roxanne is in her kitchen making food. This morning, Felix had contacted her if it turned out that he still had a lot of work and meetings with his investors that couldn't be postponed any longer. Roxanne understands it, because she knows that work is as important as when her brother is busy with work.

Roxanne cooks some food for Felix's lunch later. Yep, she plans to deliver lunch to Felix in his office. She was a little embarrassed when she thought about the incident a few days ago in his office. Not when they kissed, but when Felix introduced her to his employees. Oh, my, that's so sweet.

Roxanne prepares her lunch with the help of her home chef. Her mother has left to take care of the boutique. her father was relaxing in the family room, and there was no way her father could help her cook. Victorina has been hanging out with her friends lately, She doesn't know. Jeanette went out to play with her friends, because it's weekend.

After she finished making several dishes, she put the food into the dining area. She smiled when she made it. Even Roxanne looks really cheerful today. The chef who saw her smiled and shook his head in amazement at Roxanne's unusual behavior. Roxanne is indeed friendly to everyone at the mansion, but it's very rare to see Roxanne who is preparing lunch like this. In fact, earlier she had also kept her promise to prostrate in front of the servant she snapped yesterday. Roxanne feels very guilty.


There are still a few hours left and that is enough to get ready. The choice fell on white pants with a gray blouse and covered with a brown coat. Not to forget, she also prepared her hand bag and white high heels. Roxanne applies her natural makeup. After a few minutes she used to get ready in front of her mirror, finally she was perfectly ready.

Roxanne comes down and sits with her father.

"Where do you want to go?" asked her father.

"Hm? Just dropping off lunch, dad."

"Oh, Felix, huh?" her father raised his eyebrows. Roxanne just nods while eating the snacks on the table.

"Yes, I'm leaving first, dad." excuse Roxanne. "Be careful on the road, Anne." said her father.

Roxanne rushes to her Austin Martin which has been prepared. She would drive himself because she didn't want to bother Felix later. When Felix is busy, there's no way Roxanne should bother him by asking to take her home.


Felix is ​​very annoyed today. His secretary just told him this morning to go to work this weekend. For God's sake! It's the weekend and he should go on a date with Roxanne today. He was very sorry when he told Roxanne that he couldn't leave today. Felix rushed off only to quickly finish his work at the office.

It was almost noon and Felix had just come out of his meeting room. His secretary trailed behind him. When he got to his room, Felix sat in his oversized chair.

"Em, are you tired, sir?" asked the secretary in front of Felix's desk.

"Is it even questionable?" said Felix while sighing harshly. Felix didn't even bother looking at his secretary.

His secretary walked over to the table by the sofa and put down some files, then walked slowly over to Felix. Felix, who was closing his eyes due to the fatigue he felt, only made his secretary even more daring to get closer to Felix. Then, without Felix knowing, his secretary massaged Felix's shoulder.

Felix was surprised by what his secretary was doing. Felix opened his eyes in surprise.

"What are you doing?" asked Felix dryly. "Go away from me."

His secretary lowered her head and whispered sensually behind Felix's ear.

"I'll make you relax and let go of your fatigue, sir." Felix closed his eyes so he could control his senses. Gosh, his secretary is crazy.

When Felix wanted to yell at her, the door to his room opened and he could see who had opened the door. Reflexively, Felix stood up and almost fell over his secretary because she was still looking down trying to kiss Felix. His secretary looked at the woman who entered with a sneer.

Oh, no no. This is not good. It hasn't been 24 hours since making up with Roxanne because of her misunderstanding, and Roxanne has to see him being seduced by his own secretary.

"Dear, Roxy, I swear it's not what you think it is. Really." Felix tried to explain. He saw Roxanne walking over with a… smile? Oh, this is not good.

"I've told you to stay away!" Felix tried to yell at his secretary who was still looking at Roxanne sarcastically. Oh, so his secretary is trying to seduce him to make his Roxanne jealous. And this all happened at the right time for him.

Roxanne gets closer to her and puts the bags she was carrying on Felix's desk.

"Just sit down, Felix. I know you're tired all day. Right?" Roxanne asked softly. Felix, who still didn't know what to do, only obeyed Roxanne, hoping that then it would please her.

Roxanne is standing behind Felix's chair. Then, she touched felix's shoulders. Felix himself doesn't know what Roxanne is going to do. But, he will obey. He hopes Roxanne won't use violence on him. However, something unexpected happened.

Roxanne massages her shoulders. Felix raises his eyebrows because Roxanne is massaging him slowly and gently. Then, Roxanne kisses the top of his head affectionately. Makes Felix wonder what Roxanne is up to and wants to do with him.

"Is it better, honey?" Felix cocked his head. What's with that call? What's wrong with Roxanne? Felix instead feels scared by Roxanne's attitude like this. Felix was still silent, not knowing what to answer. In fact, he couldn't have answered.

Roxanne walked beside Felix. Suddenly she moved Felix's chair back and Roxanne sat on his lap sideways. At first, Felix was very surprised by what Roxanne was doing. He could only widen his eyes when Roxanne sat on his lap and smiled seductively. Roxanne draped her arms spoiled around Felix's neck.

It feels like Felix finally found out what Roxanne was doing to him. So, it won't be Felix's fault if he continues Roxanne's current game.

Roxanne tried to bring her lips closer to Felix and kissed him softly and softly. All this time, Felix had to kiss her first. So maybe just in this situation Roxanne dared to kiss him first. Felix is ​​very happy. Felix accepted Roxanne's kiss happily, of course. Just an ordinary kiss, before Roxanne stops the kiss. Felix furrowed his brows in displeasure.

"Don't you know what privacy is," Roxanne turned to Felix's secretary and glanced at her name. "Miss Lily?" Roxanne tries to put it as incisively as possible.

Felix noticed Roxanne's eyes direction and turned to his secretary. Even his secretary didn't show any fear. Felix must have lost his mind when recruiting a secretary like this woman.

"Nobody needs you here, get out now!" Felix just stares in awe at Roxanne who yells at his secretary. He almost laughed but he endured it because he was happy to see Roxanne like this. Unexpectedly, the secretary walked out with a sour and annoyed face. She slammed the door of Felix's room.

Roxanne turned to look at Felix now. In fact, she was very embarrassed now. Somehow she felt the need to do it so that the secretary knew her limits.

Felix couldn't hold back his laughter anymore. He laughs and looks at Roxanne amusedly. "So you dare to show your fangs to other people too now, huh? To my own secretary?" he said while tucking Roxanne's child's hair.

"Your secretary, you said? What kind of secretary would dare tease his boss." annoyed Roxanne. Felix squinted.

"Oh? You're jealous, huh." Felix raised his eyebrows and laughed. Roxanne who saw him just snorted and turned her gaze to the side.

Roxanne tries to get away from Felix's lap, but suddenly Felix holds her and she sits back down. Roxanne is still staring to the side. Felix who saw it then pulled her chin to meet him. "I'm here, xyxy." he said.

Roxanne is still silent. Felix who saw her only smiled and cupped Roxanne's cheeks.

Felix kisses Roxanne. At first, just a soft kiss. Felix directs his hand to Roxanne's back and pulls her so that Roxanne's body is tighter with Felix. Lulled by the softness that Felix gave her, Roxanne draped her arms and traced Felix's back hair with her fingers and Felix crushed those sweet lips.

Felix continues to crush Roxanne's lips and Roxanne reciprocates. Slowly, Felix took off the coat Roxanne was wearing and threw it onto the floor. Felix's office was filled with the sound of their mouths clashing. Tongue interlocking to feel each other's taste. Felix lifts Roxanne's body like a koala and takes her to the sofa. Then, he lay Roxanne down on the long sofa without letting go of their kiss. Felix gets on top of her and Roxanne squeezes Felix's fine hair even more.

Roxanne groans softly as Felix kisses her jaw and drops down her neck. Roxanne closed her eyes even more. Trying to absorb the pleasures that Felix gave there.

Felix kissed Roxanne's lips again, which felt like addiction to her.

"Xyxy," he said between their kisses.

"Hmhh," Roxanne is speechless.

After a few minutes, Felix stopped their kisses and pressed his forehead to Roxanne. The two of them, with panting breaths, neutralized their thoughts and absorbed what remained of their enjoyment between them.

Felix smiled. That sweet smile also catches Roxanne.

"God. I Love You, xyxy." said Felix casually.

Roxanne is taken aback by Felix's statement. but a split second later, she smiled. She could only smile in response.

Then, felix kisses Roxanne's forehead gently and sits back down. Felix helps Roxanne to sit up and straighten her messy hair.

"Next time, I'll try to control myself even more," said Felix. "But, come to think of it, it's not entirely my fault, you either -" Felix hadn't finished speaking and Roxanne had already hit him in the arm. Felix laughed.

"What's in the bag?" asked Felix as he picked up the bag that was on his desk.

"Um, I brought you lunch." Roxanne replied doubtfully. Felix took it and sat next to Roxanne.

"WOW! Really?" amazed Felix. Then, he put down his bag and opened its contents.

"I know you won't eat when you're so busy, so just eat, don't talk too much." snapped Roxanne. Felix laughed at the huff of Roxanne.

"Ohhhh, my future wife is very caring and sweet." said Felix then hugged Roxanne from the side. Roxanne was silent as Felix kissed her cheek countless times.

Felix released his hug and started eating his lunch. Sometimes, he is spoiled asking Roxanne to feed him, or he also occasionally feeds Roxanne, even though Roxanne will comply too.