"Don't worry, Victor doesn't live here anymore, he's moved to his mansion that's closer to his office." said Agathe to Felix in the living room.

Tonight, Felix decided to spend the night here. Well, he doesn't need Roxanne's approval because Roxanne's parents forced him to stay over. Felix is ​​happy about that. At least, Roxanne's parents already believed in him. Felix promised to keep their trust with all his heart.

Roxanne is tidying up Victor's room, so Felix is ​​still with Roxanne's parents who are watching television shows and chatting together.

"When you try to calm Roxanne down in her room, mom could see if you guys get closer." said Agathe, smiling meaningfully.

"What did you see, dear?" asked the husband gently to Agathe.

Oh no. Please, don't say it here. Roxanne will be angry later. Ah, not only that, what if Roxanne gets angry and turns away from Felix. Felix stared at Agathe with his pitiful face, hoping not to tell him anything. And luckily, Agathe understood the meaning of Felix's gaze and only smiled faintly as she shrugged her shoulders, making Adrien a little confused by Agathe's sudden reaction.

"Ah, just normal, mom. Besides, I still have to try harder." said Felix later. Adrien turned to Felix and laughed.

"That's my daughter, sometimes she is very stubborn, so you have to be strong against it. Moreover, if what I think is true, she has never been in a special relationship with any man. So, she still feels strange and it must be difficult for her to believe in people other than us. And because of that, we also hope that your efforts will pay off and be able to melt her. " Adrien explained with a sincere look at Felix. Agathe just smiled and stroked her husband's arm. They look romantic.

"Yes, it can be seen from her attitude, dad, I know, but it won't be a problem. Actually, lately I've started to be able to deal with her attitude which I find adorable, I know, she often turns into a tigress and a little cat in a long time. almost simultaneously." Adrien and Agathe, who heard Felix's story, laughed. They know very well that Roxanne's character is really temperament.

"Oh, we'd better shut up, the tigress has appeared." Felix stares at the arrival of Roxanne who is walking towards them. Agathe and Adrien who had their backs to Roxanne turned their backs and laughed again.

"You guys look... closer. What are you laughing at?" Roxanne asked while turning to Felix. As if she knew that this must be Felix's doing. Bad deeds.

"The room is ready, right, Ella?" asked Agathe, changing the subject. Roxanne only nods. Roxanne was still looking sullen from earlier. She doesn't know what's wrong with him.

Don't ask why Roxanne keeps on frowning. Since hearing that Roxanne's parents forced Felix to stay over, Roxanne seemed to have just been struck by lightning. Living together with Felix in her mansion is not a problem. The problem is, Felix will sleep in Victor's room which is directly opposite the room in front of her room.

Look at their closeness. They look very familiar. In fact, they laughed together as if nothing in this world could make them sad. Oh oh. When Roxanne just approaches them, they stop laughing and that makes Roxanne astonished, suspicious to be precise.

Roxanne sits next to Felix even though she is not close together like that. Correction. It's not Roxanne's will to stick together like glue that is hard to remove, but Felix who keeps clinging to Roxanne. It's not an uncomfortable problem, for God's sake, they're in front of their parents. Roxanne has had to endure her embarrassment this whole day.

"What did you say to mom and dad?" Roxane asked in a whisper.

"Nothing," Felix replied, shrugging his shoulders.

Roxanne won't believe it. Because, after she asked Felix, they laughed again.

"Is there something funny? You guys are very happy like him. And when I came here, you were silent, as if I was a bully." Roxanne grumbled.

Finally, they stopped laughing. However, their parents even left them both together. As soon as her parents left, Roxanne was about to leave too, but Felix held her hand.

"What." snapped Roxanne. Felix laughed.

"Come on, Roxy, why are you so annoyed all day? Are you angry?" asked Felix beside her.

"No, i'm not."

"Yes, you are angry,"

"Not, i'm not."

"Okay, okay, gosh you're a grumpy girl, you know." felix laughs, ending the debate with the same words.

"You suck." Roxanne shook off Felix's hand.

The tigress has appeared again. Today, for some reason Roxanne is always annoyed with him. In fact, Roxanne doesn't know if this attitude makes Roxanne even more adorable. Felix laughs as he looks at Roxanne who is still silent with her lips pursed a few inches.

"You're mad at me, aren't you?" asked Felix again.

"Is there a need to ask again? Why today you always make me so, so embarrassed." Roxanne grumbled. Finally, Roxanne answers it.

Ah, because of that. Felix is ​​sitting sideways now. "Very well, Roxanne, I apologize to you for whatever wrong I did to you today." said Felix later. Roxanne turned to Felix, furrowed her brows. Roxanne is afraid that she heard wrong, because she doubts that sorry sentence.

"You will become a bad woman if you don't forgive me, Roxy." just as Roxanne wanted to ask her, Felix even teased her like that.

Roxanne is annoyed. "I can be any woman I want." Roxanne says turning her head. Felix laughed at that.

"Okay, okay, I give up. I seriously apologize to you." Felix pulls Roxanne's chin for Roxanne to look at her. "Forgive me, okay?"

Roxanne sometimes hates herself who is always easy to forgive others. Even though she is angry, she has an angelic side with her high tolerance and forgiveness. Roxanne feels discouraged because she has been annoyed all day with Felix.

"Hm." Roxanne replied. Short and concise. To Roxanne, that was obvious. However, for Felix it wasn't clear, but he would have taken it clear.

Felix pinched Roxanne's cheeks anxiously. This woman is really great. He fell deeper and deeper into her. Jeez, He hopes Roxanne realizes his presence soon and opens her heart to Felix once.

"Fel-iiix, stop!" Roxanne couldn't say properly because of her cheeks being pinched by Felix. Finally, Felix released his pinch. Roxanne held her cheeks which she believed had turned red from Felix's pinch marks. "You're so cute, you know." said Felix.

"It's late, Felix, come on." Roxanne stands up after Felix stops her laughter.

The two of them climbed the stairs and walked side by side to Victor's room, which Felix was going to sleep tonight. Before long, they arrived at a large door engraved with a gold name inscribed with 'Victor M. C.' The carving is very beautiful and looks luxurious. Unfortunately though, Victor was rarely occupied by that room.

"Everything I have prepared, the clothes are already there, you just have to choose them and wear them." Roxanne explained. Felix just nodded and smiled, then approached Roxanne and lifted her chin.

"Well, actually, I wish we could sleep together, you know, share a room with you, like back then." felix whispers seductively. But, Roxanne isn't her if she is seduced by his seduction. Roxanne looked at Felix with a defiant look.

Roxanne grinned, then said, "oh, you want us to share a room, huh." Roxanne rubbed Felix's jaw gently. Felix's smile grew bigger because Roxanne was sweet to him. He traced the skin of Roxanne's face with his finger. Roxanne's facial skin felt soft in her hands.

"IN YOUR DREAM, JULLIAN!" jerked Roxanne suddenly, pushing Felix hard and sticking out her tongue. Actually, she wanted to kick Felix's valuables, but it seemed unnecessary, considering that they were very important for the man's future. It wasn't until Roxanne closed the door that Felix had already managed to grab Roxanne's hand and cornered her against the wall.

"Ohohoho, you bad woman, honey." Felix says in his low voice which sounds sexy to Roxanne's ears.

"But, it doesn't matter, because like you said, you can be any woman you want, and I'll still like it." he continued, intending to tease Roxanne.

Luckily, Roxanne still had some consciousness left when Felix was seducing her. She looked at Felix, who seemed to have become a hungry lion now. Oh, that look. Because Roxanne wanted to avoid Felix who was like a hungry lion, Roxanne pinched Felix's waist tightly and made the man a little away from her body. Maybe, Felix is ​​in pain, Roxanne thought. But, of course Roxanne doesn't care because that's what her goal is.

"Felix, it's late." Roxanne tried to warn Felix, speaking as plainly as possible.

Finally, Felix moved away from Roxanne's body. "I know," Felix kisses Roxanne's forehead. "Good night and have a nice dream, honey," said Felix, ruffling her hair gently.

Roxanne smiled faintly. "Hm, you too."