Felix is ​​still loyal to bite Roxanne's lips. Before long, his lips went down towards Roxanne's white neck and gave some marks of ownership there. Felix smiled seeing the results there. Hearing Roxanne's soft voice because of his actions, it just becomes more convincing for Felix if Roxanne also wants it. Now. Roxanne's two hands did not stay still - wringing Felix's hair as Felix continued to play around at her neck. In fact, she let out a sighing sound that hse could no longer endure. Oh, she's sure her neck will turn red until tomorrow morning.

Felix pushes Roxanne's body towards his bed –sleeping Roxanne there without releasing their hot kiss. Then, Felix rested his body with one hand so as not to really make Roxanne feel too heavy because of his body. Felix's other hand slides into Roxanne's clothes and gently rubs her flat stomach. Both of her feet held Felix's side — making the man even closer to her body.

Felix continued to kiss every inch of Roxanne's lips, face, and neck. In fact, he bites Roxanne's earlobe to make Roxanne feel a strange tingling in the neck area. Felix crawls down — finds Roxanne's collarbone and kisses her. He looked at Roxanne who was also looking at him. The woman just gave a sweet smile while squeezing Felix's hair.

Luckily for Felix, Roxanne only wore a night shirt that was easy to take off. One hand of Felix unbutton Roxanne's shirt with ease. Now, he could see the bra still wrapped around the twin mound. Felix kisses Roxanne's cleavage - down towards her flat stomach. Ah, he'll give some signs around there too. Felix grinned at the results there.

Felix crawled up again — looking for Roxanne's lips and again crushing them. A little rushed. His hand goes behind Roxanne's body and looks for Roxanne's bra hook - take it off. Felix returns to Roxanne's neck and his hands take off Roxanne's bra to reveal a beautiful view for Felix.

Roxanne looked at the silent Felix — staring at his chest. Jeez, Felix is ​​just embarrassing her now. Roxanne's two hands were about to cover her chest, but Felix stopped her.

"Beautiful." said Felix, smiling at Roxanne.

Felix returned to Roxanne's lips. he crushed it deeply. His hand gently rubs and cupages Roxanne's breasts — making Roxanne unable to hold back her sigh. In fact, she sighed even more when Felix came down and kissed her both breasts.

Roxanne groaned when Felix wouldn't touch the tops of her already tense breasts. Oh, Felix must have been did it on purpose.

"Felix." she moaned.

Felix looked up - grinning. "Why, baby?"

"Please." Roxanne begged. Felix continues to play with Roxanne's breasts - without touching the top. "Please what, hm?" he asked without stopping his activities.

Both of Roxanne's hands grabbed Felix's head and without pause her lips grabbed Felix's lips. "Please, you know what I want." Roxanne begged as she took off Felix's lips and stared at him grimly. Felix grinned. Of course he knows what Roxanne wants. Without answering again, Felix did what Roxanne wanted — fulfilling Roxanne's wish. Makes Roxanne sigh and call his name when her wish has been fulfilled.

After feeling satisfied with them, Felix again crushed Roxanne's lips. Roxanne accepts it again. "Ready?" asked Felix as he stopped his massage. The two of them stared at each other with wistful eyes and breathing. Roxanne nods at him. No need to wait any longer, both of Felix's hands take off Roxanne's sleep pants – leaving the underwear that wraps her crown. Roxanne is feeling embarrassed now. He gasped as Felix gently stroked hers.

Felix again crushed Roxanne's lips-without stopping his hand that was still rubbing Roxanne's. now, her lips fell on Roxanne's beautiful breasts — kissing them. Subconsciously, Roxanne arched her body towards Felix as if she wanted it even more. Roxanne gasped as Felix stuck one finger inside hers and played in there. She sighed even more when Felix had put both fingers in and played deeper there. Roxanne's two hands tightly squeezed Felix's hair.

"You're ready for me." Felix grinned and pulled out his two fingers. Roxanne is sure her face must be red as a boiled tomato by now.

"You don't know how beautiful you are, xyxy."

Roxanne doesn't want to reciprocate. Her breath was still raging. Felix Kisses Roxanne's who is still wrapped in the thin cloth. However, afterwards he removes the thin cloth that wraps Roxanne's crown and smirks. Felix keeps his body away from Roxanne while his knee is between Roxanne's legs.

Roxanne continues to observe Felix - how the man takes off his shirt with a very sensual movement and exposes his broad chest. Then, Felix kissed Roxanne's lips briefly before getting out of bed. Roxanne's eyes continued to watch Felix's movements just as Felix did not take his eyes off Roxanne for a second, then he immediately took off his pants. When Roxanne saw it, Roxanne hurriedly shifted her gaze and turned to the other side — didn't want to see Felix's.

Felix laughed. However, he immediately returned to the bed and crushed Roxanne's body. His hand tugs at Roxanne's chin so he can see her embarrassed face.

"I want you to look at me." Asked Felix. Roxanne just nods at him even though she still feels nervous. In fact, she herself asked Felix to do it.

Felix crushes Roxanne's lips. His hand did not stay still - rubbing Roxanne's chest and getting down to Roxanne's sensitive point. Roxanne sighs. Her body curved here and there felt a strange sensation but felt very good. Both her hands traced Felix's broad chest and moved further towards Felix's back.

Felix swipes hers against Roxanne's – making Roxanne bite her lower lip and close her eyes. Then, without waiting any longer, Felix slowly entered hers. Don't want to hurt Roxanne.

Both of Felix's hands are beside Roxanne's head and brush her hair, which is strewn around her pillow. So sexy. Felix kisses Roxanne's forehead - starting to enter hers a little deeper. He can feel Roxanne's fingers that are gripping his shoulders harden.

"I'll go slowly. I won't hurt you." Said Felix then crushed Roxanne's lips. made the woman feel comfortable with Felix's moving back and forth even though it was really hard because Roxanne had never been touched.

Roxanne groans between kisses until she releases her lips. Her head looked up — sighed. However, her hands pulled Felix closer to her body even more. both her legs flank Felix to keep Felix moving.

Felix groaned. He never expected that he would do this with Roxanne — so soon. He added to his rhythm even more when he felt Roxanne was comfortable with Felix's movements. Faster with more demanding lip lubrication.

Roxanne clawed at Felix's back as Felix accelerated his movement even more. Felix pressed on even more. However, Roxanne feels nothing but pleasure. Oh, say Roxanne is a bad woman who asked for this before they got married. However, Roxanne really wanted Felix right now.

In this room, which is only lit by a light sleeper, you can only hear the sound of sighs, cries, and moans of the lovers who give each other pleasure in bed.

"Ah, Felix!"

Felix knows that Roxanne will soon experience her first release, he punches her so fast that she has an orgasm which is followed by him. Felix bows his head against the recesses of Roxanne's neck. The two of them hunted their breaths.

Felix looks up slightly – turns to Roxanne and kisses her cheek. "Is it hurt?"

Roxane smiled — unable to answer because her breathing was still raging. However, Felix can tell if that smile means Roxanne is enjoying it.

Felix still hasn't pulled it out of Roxanne. Roxanne who keeps moving beneath him instead makes Felix groan.

"Honey, are you teasing me? You're very naughty, huh." Felix grin. Roxanne just feels uneasy because Felix hasn't pulled himself away from Roxanne's. In fact, she actually made a mistake. She woke up the lion who was resting.

Before long, Felix pulled himself - lying beside Roxanne. Roxanne thought that Felix would ask her to sleep. However, her guess was wrong.

"I know you must be tired," said Felix attentively, inversely proportional to the grin on his handsome face.

Just right. Felix turned Roxanne around to wait for her while Felix positioned himself sideways. One hand Felix squeezes one breast – making Roxanne bite her lower lip.

"But, we're not done yet, Honey." He whispers sensually in Roxanne's ear. it must make Roxanne lose her mind even more. Not getting there, Felix also licks Roxanne's ears, temples and neck.

Now, Felix's hand that was on Roxanne's breasts, descends to rub Roxanne's flat stomach, getting down until it stops at Roxanne's sensitive spot — rubbing it gently.

Roxanne sighs as Felix inserts two of his fingers into Roxanne's and moves them quickly. In fact, Roxanne screamed a little as she did her release just because of Felix's finger. Oh, that feels embarrassing.

Felix grinned. Roxanne turned her head back to face Felix and Felix immediately greeted her with his lips. One of Roxanne's hand pulls Felix's head - deepening the kiss even more. Felix's hand pulls one leg of Roxanne upward - so that he can position himself right on Roxanne's. without waiting anymore, Felix pushes his own — making Roxanne gasp.


In fact, Roxanne took her lips off of Felix and kept on sighing because Felix was moving so fast. His hands did not stay still - squeezing Roxanne's breasts.

Before long, Roxanne did her release again, followed by Felix. Felix smiles seeing the current Roxanne - red and sexy. In fact, he still remembers Roxanne's gentle sighs and screams while experiencing her release.

Felix hasn't pulled himself out of Roxanne yet. however, he tightly embraced Roxanne from behind. Roxanne felt comfortable and safe with Felix's embrace at this moment. Even though Felix's hand continued to gently rub her breasts, Felix's lips were still kissing and licking Roxanne's neck, and most importantly of all - Felix had not let go of hers - made Roxanne unable to move freely because she was amused when Felix kept teasing her neck. .

"I don't know if it's because of the effect I'm doing it for the first time or I'm this strong," pause Felix - laughing, "but I still want you, xyxy." he continued – kissing Roxanne's neck.

Oh, my. This is her fault. She was the one who asked Felix not to hold back anymore. She felt that she had turned into a bad woman today. Felix doesn't give Roxanne a protest because afterwards, Felix moves hers back.

Roxanne doesn't know when Felix will quit. Nor could he stop Felix - because she wanted this too. She wanted Felix. Perhaps, Roxanne will just accept the pleasure Felix is ​​giving her right now. Yes, until this man is tired. Maybe.