Two days before the wedding.

Joanna and Agathe brought Roxanne to do the fitting of her wedding dress at Agathe's own boutique. Now, Roxanne has tried her 3rd dress. Neither Joanna nor Agathe has yet reached the right decision.

"Why isn't Felix here yet." Joanna grumbled as she kept glancing at her expensive watch.

"Looks like stuck in traffic on the road. It's almost new year, right." Agathe tried to calm the restless Joanna.

At the same time, Roxanne came out from behind the curtain in her 3rd dress. She looks very beautiful and charming. In fact, Joanna wants Felix to be here soon as only she can make the decision right away. Honestly, she was tired because she hadn't found a dress that suited her taste. Likewise with Agathe.

"Hmm, what do you think, Jo?" Agathe asked Joanna.


Joanna didn't answer. Joanna, agathe and Roxanne turned towards the source of the sound. Felix is ​​standing with his gaze fixed on Roxanne. Makes Roxanne an embarrassed smile.

According to Felix, the dress was very beautiful. Not so luxurious but looks elegant. Perfect for Roxanne herself.

"Oh! Finally, you came, Felix!" Joanna exclaimed and immediately pulled Felix who was still standing still looking at Roxanne in her wedding dress.

Felix turned to his mother, smiling. "Sorry, Mom. The streets are very busy. I have to cross several roads." Felix said, then greeted Agathe who was standing not far from where Joanna is today.

"So? Do you like it, El?" Joanna asked Felix.

Felix looks back at Roxanne who is still standing with a shy smile.

"I love it. Very pretty." Praise Felix. His gaze at Roxanne, he can't take off for a second. He was fixated on Roxanne's current beauty. even though Roxanne isn't wearing too much make-up. Only a white wedding dress is beautiful yet looks perfect.

Agathe cleared his throat. "You mean the wedding dress?" she asked, trying to make sure Felix didn't flinch.

As if waking up, Felix scratched his nape that didn't itch and tried to take his eyes off Roxanne, even though it was really hard.

Joanna laughed, forgiving Felix who turned out to have really fallen for Roxanne's current charm.

"Very well. We'll take this dress at your wedding ceremony." She said.

Several people beside Roxanne help Roxanne down from her place and close the curtains so Roxanne can change into her next dress.

"Now, it's your turn to try the tuxedo that we've prepared." Joanna said as she pushed Felix away following a few people from the boutique shop. Felix also followed suit.

Before long, the curtain where Roxanne changes her clothes opens, showing Roxanne in her new dress. Complete with a white fur coat that covers her bare arms.

Joanna and Aagthe stared at Roxanne in shock. The plan, the dress will be worn after their wedding ceremony. Agathe designed it himself. The fur coat that Roxanne wears will warm Roxanne's body. What a brilliant idea.

At the same time, Felix appeared. He was already wearing the black tuxedo he chose. So fit in his athletic body that he looks so handsome and charming.

Joanna and Agathe cheered happily. "Finally! I was expecting you all will look perfect with my design!" exclaimed Agathe happily.

Agathe invited Joanna to leave the room and chat with some of her workers. Meanwhile Felix approached Roxanne who was still looking at her with a smile. A pretty smile for Felix.

"What do you think?" asked Felix.

Roxanne snorted. "Even if I say you are ugly, you will definitely refute it with various reasons." Roxanne said.

Felix laughs, but his steps are getting closer and closer towards Roxanne. Roxanne herself was only able to swallow her saliva with difficulty. Felix has climbed the ladder. His gaze is fixed on Roxanne. Then, he stopped right in front of Roxanne, still looking at Roxanne's beautiful face, smiling.

"You are beautiful." Said Felix.

Roxanne chewed her lips. She became embarrassed by herself at Felix's praise. Felix's index finger raises Roxanne's chin for the woman to look at him this time.

"I can't wait to see you put on that wedding dress and I put a ring on your sweet finger and you -"

Roxanne stopped Felix's words by kissing Felix's lips. At first, Felix was surprised, but a second later he pulled Roxanne's body closer and closer and then returned Roxanne's kiss.

The kiss lasted quite a long time, until they didn't even realize that the door had opened, revealing Joanna and Agathe who had entered. They were surprised to find Felix and Roxanne kissing without noticing their arrival.

"Feliixx!" exclaimed Joanna. She felt annoyed at Felix who was unable to maintain his attitude in public places like this.

Suddenly, Roxanne and Felix turned together towards the source of the sound. Even Roxanne turned her body towards the wall in embarrassment. Felix himself could only scratch the nape of his neck which was not itchy and got off Roxanne's place. Letting Roxanne change her clothes.

"Yes, Mom. Yes, I know." Said Felix, stopping Joanna's sentence from leaving his mouth. Felix walked out of the room to change his clothes.

Agathe just laughed dryly. "Lucky no one else saw it." She said.


Roxanne just got out of the bathroom. All day she has been drained of energy because she has to prepare some preparations for her wedding. Fortunately the other preparations have been taken care of by Roxanne and Felix's parents.

Roxanne sees Felix who is struggling with his laptop on the bed. The woman climbed the bed and leaned closer to Felix.

"Working on something?" Roxanne asked.

Felix looked over for a moment before saying, "Just read a few e-mails that came a few days ago. Most of the other companies are congratulating us for our wedding."

Then, Felix immediately turned off his laptop and pulled Roxanne closer. "So, how is the little guy in the princess's stomach?" Felix gently rubs Roxanne's stomach. Roxanne made a laugh.

"I'm so tired, Daddy." Roxanne answered with a made-up tone. Both of them laughed at the adorable tone.

"All right. We've spent all day outside. Actually I wanted to ask -"

"Felix." Roxanne hissed trying to warn Felix before the man could finish.

Felix laughed. "All right, all right. I know you're tired. I'm not going to ask for it now. Bed time."