The Secret Part Three

"LOLA!, don't listen to them! Im tellin u Kim lyin! U know she like to look "under yonder"!

"Just shut up Jeffery!"

"Kim sick, I been tellin y'all that since she was 2 or 3 years old!"

"Y'all know ya uncle throwed off! Lord, Ms. Velma gone, look at her, so peaceful..."


"Aunt Lola he gonna call the police on us!"

"YEA! Y'all need to be in JAIL! Lord, Mama gone to Heaven!!"

(Kim mumbles)

"I wouldn't say all that..."

"WHAT? Y'all know it come in threes, yall better be careful! Up in here smokin---the, the Devil's Grass! And done killed Mama...!"

"Ok, we can explain everything Aunt Lola...Grandma ain't Grandma!"

"SEE LOLA! What they puttin' that shit these days? Meka the last person Kim shoulda gave that shit to, she gone drive through the front door like last time! Mama wouldn't hurt a soul, she gone yall!"

"Jeffery, LEAVE THESE GIRLS ALONE! Let's just get to the bottom of this. Now how long has she been dead and what is Jeffery talking about! All this ruckus!"

"We don't know Aunt Lola! Tell her Kim!"

"Unh uh---"

"I just wanna go home! All I know is we just know we found a letter dated with today's date to herself that she wrote along time ago! We came to ask her about it and she was dead!"

"Meka found it by herself Aunt Lola!"


"Where is the letter, let me see it!"

"They LYIN Lola...! Ain't no letter!"

"MEKA...! Give it to her!"

"OK! I, I--- just had it right here, where is it?!"

(Looking for the letter)

"Is it still in the attic?!"

"NO! We musta misplaced it Kim...!"


"CAUSE AIN'T NO DAMN LETTER LOLA! Tell me what the letter said then! And what it gotta do with Mama being DEAD! Mamaaaa...!"





"All 'tween Mama legs and shit..."

"What is he talkin' bout Kim?!"

"Grandma had a twin Aunt Lola!"

"Yea, and a mole between her legs!"


"Grandma is aunt Thelma!"


"SEE Lola, see what I'm talkin bout! MAMAAA!!!, I want u to come back and get they ass!!!"

"We can just prove it by going upstairs to the attic! The pictures!!"

"Nooo Lordy! I ain't going up there Lola!!! They lying anyway! It's a place in hell for y'all, done killed Mama!"

"Why do u think Ms. Velma had a twin Kim...?!"

"Because we found the letter and the newspaper article with the details! It happened January 13, 1956, on a Friday!"

"YEA In Mississippi!"

"MISSISSI...! Mama wouldn't set foot in Mississippi!

"Come on Kim, lets go get the pictures from the attic! We know what we saw!"

"Well technically Meka saw them..." (Throwing up her hands)

"And U know sheeee been smokin that shit Lola! Oh! Mama ain't had no twin, she staying right here!!"

"Jeffrey u getting on my last nerve, say something else u sleeping in the DEN!"

"We'll be right back, we got proof!"

(Climbs attic ladder)

"Turn the light on Meka...Uncle Jeffrey know he dead wrong!"

(Light Flashes)

"FUCK, the bulb blew out!"

"Bitch, how the fuck...? The bulb way up there how we suppose to reach it?! Where is the box with the pictures?"

"In the corner!"

"Ok, ok, now which box, ain't this a bitch! IT'S 30 Muthafuckin boxes over there. Turn on yo flashlight."

"Ok...I got 22 percent, hurry up!"

(Shines light)





"U scared Kim? I am!"

(Descends ladder)

"Ok, Ion know what the fuck up there... but we gotta find that box!"


"Yea and it's kinda strange that she postdated that letter to today's date, January 13th 2013, Friday the 13th at that! The day Velma was killed was also Friday the 13th..."

"Ok, may be that's just a coincidence..."

"Kim, how many times have Friday the 13th fell in January since 1956? Only a couple...also, why would Mama pick today for us to clean grandma's attic?"


"Mama always treated me like I was the black sheep, she always said 'Joyce gone always shack up with somebody else's man she ain't nothing but a good time girl, and I know where she got it from. It took me a while to figure things out, Douglas had always been the smartest. She had Jeffrey brainwashed, he was definitely her child...

When Daddy passed he had a letter dated January 13th 1978, the last letter he wrote before he went blind. 'She took my true love away from me and raised my daughter and son as her own. I pray God softens her heart so she will reveal what happened to Benjamin, my first born son... When I returned from the Korean War I saw my first born in 1954 I was overwhelmed with joy. But in 1956 when I returned from Suez she could not explain the malady he had been stricken with to cause his sudden demise, and much smaller she had become. The letters of hopes and dreams had turned to letters of dutiful intent. As alike as they were, their handwriting had been unique. The mole had been a secret. 'She is insecure about the mole, the only thing that separates our likeness' Velma had said, 'It's hideous! I told her she would have to blind her husband!

My eyesight is getting dim, this may be the last letter I write as I sit and strain to tell her secret. Envy and jealousy has overcome her, she has killed the one I adored and caused my son's demise. She has taken the children Velma had given birth to and kept them from knowing their true identities. If u are reading this I have transitioned, do not weep for me, I am with the one I love...Velma Myers.'

Benjamin King

I had not known what to do or who I could talk to, so when I went to the attic to find Daddy's flag for the funeral after he died and found the letter folded inside I realized what had happened. She had taken Douglas and I! He was only a few days old, I can remember him, Benjamin my older brother before he was thrown from that window! From shame, Velma had hid Douglas, the whole nine months. Three children out of wedlock was unheard of! Only Daddy and her sister knew...He had promised to move her to Georgia and the shame would be no more. Douglas was a survivor, the crash had not taken his life...I saved him he would have laid on the ground to die. I looked up at the window he had fell from, and saw Mama...

What I would see was like a movie coming together over the years, bits and pieces here and there. The old car mama had left in I've seen on the movies, they got inside, only she had returned the car I have not seen again. Then Daddy came and saved us. She raised us and made sure we needed nothing, the settlement of 1.9 million dollars secured our well being, but her depression didn't have a cure. She spent the last 4 years of her life bedridden, and the mole she had I would see everyday. Donnie had said to Meka, 'Grandma Velma got a chocolate chip between her legs! I saw it, we put the mirrors on our shoes!' Soon afterward his bathwater was too hot, he suffered the terrible burns...I hadn't told Kim and Meka what really had happened, they have not saw him since. 'She is evil! Lola , his mother had said...

Jeffrey hadn't known what the Visine bottle was for, she just said help him put it in his eyes. Why does it smell like bleach Mama" he had asked...'U can go see Friday The 13th if u help him.'

So he went.

When she needed the blood...I was not a match, only Jeffrey was."

The coroner report disclosed Thelma Myers King's time of death was Friday January 13th 2013 at 6:45 P.M. Exactly 57 years after her twin sister Velma. She had not known Benny knew about the mole, and blinded him to keep him from ever seeing it...she had hid it for over 20 years, she'd thought.

The letter was found between her legs where Meka had put it when Jeffrey walked in the room.