
"Hey quack, come here" ! Shouted a boy. There was no response, but once again the same call still no response.

After calling for two times, there was no response and the whole class could hear a banging sound turning the attention of the whole classroom at one spot, the last bench of the claasroom where Aurel was being bullied.

"What now," Aurel screamed loudly, but as soon as he screamed a tight slap was placed on his soft cheeks which broke his already dilapidated specs into shards of glasses.

Now let me introduce you to Aurel- the class topper but the biggest social loser.

Scoring the topmost marks in school had become a habit of him but when it came to socializing or making friends he was the dumbest in the whole school.

Teachers loved him but classmates loathed him, he was always an easy target for school bullies since elementary schooling.

"Are you deaf or did you not hear my words on purpose?" The bully Robert or Rob as he was famously called him asked Aurel with collars in his hands.

"I heard you but I only hear them whom I want to hear," said Aurel with clenched fists and gritting teeth.

"Oh my, Oh my, the boy has grown up, hmm. This kid now dares to talk back to me. Ok, then I will show you the consequence of defying my orders," said Rob.

A punch came at Aurel with an extensive speed and he was unable to dodge the punch. One punch and he laid on the ground like a corpse, but this was not the end, punch after punch, kicks after kicks started raining on Aurel by Robert and his gang.

The immense hard hitting left him with an excruciating pain, he was beaten to a pulp with bruises covering his head to toe.

The bell rang and everybody went on their ways to their home.

Aurel too was walking towards his home but there was one thing which was common with all of his schoolmates but different with him.

He always walked home alone because he had no friends but others always walked to their homes locking arms with their friends in flocks having fun all the way together.

This thing made him the most disappointed. He had only one friend and to make the matter worse, his one and only friend left the school to study abroad since 3 years.

His friend who also went through the horrendous situation of harassment and bullying, had to relocate his school.

Walking desperately to home he felt like someone was following him, he looked back but no one was suspicious.

"Who would follow a boy like me in this," he thought. He walked away and reached his home.

He lived in a small apartment room which was just enough for his needs.

He didn't need any fancy big room since he lived alone after his parents passed away in a car accident when he was in the middle school.

He fell down on the bed looking quite tired and gasped heavily.

He earned very little through many odd part time jobs and had to support himself since he had no relatives.

He cupped his face under the pillow and started sobbing complaining how hard his life was going on.

While he was sobbing he saw a bright bluish light coming out of his cupboard which was bright enough to illuminate his whole room. He became curious about the light and forgot about his hardships.

He started walking slowly towards the cupboard and held the handle.

He paused for a moment and thought, "what could it be?" Then he decided to open the door, he opened the door slowly and when the door was fully opened the intensity of the light was too much that it was impossible for him to see anything.

He covered his eyes and almost tripped his leg at the table. He had never seen such bright light in his entire lifetime.

He opened his eyes slowly but all he could see was nothing. He felt like someone had painted his total surroundings in white color.

He couldn't understand what was happening and he was trying to adapt to the light but he still wasn't unable to see a thing.

The intensity of light slowly began to minimize and he could now just grab a glimpse of his surroundings.

He was still unable to see anything distinctively since his eyes were not quickly adaptive to such intensity.

The light's intensity was now at a optimal level and it took him a few minutes to see everything clearly.

He took out his spare spectacles from his left pocket and wore it.

He was awestruck to see in front him.

This enlarged his eyes which seemed like his eyeballs were going to fall off anytime soon. His hands started trembling and he tried to move backwards.

He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing at that particular moment.

He tried to understand what was going on but his mind was completely blank at that particular moment.

He was too scared to understand anything. He just had only one thought at that time and that was to run and save his life but he felt like his body was completely paralyzed by some unknown force.

He moved backwards trying his best to stand but after moving for some distance he reached at the end of the length and stopped at the wall.

He could neither go forward nor backwards. It was a dead end for him.

He felt his whole body was vibrating with terror and he had goosebumps all over his body with his forehead covered with beads of perspiration.

Then suddenly he started saying with a stuttering voice, 'NO', 'NO'..... Don't …. Don't come, 'Don't come near me, and then he slowly felt very weak.

He let a strong cry, 'Nooooooooooooooooo...…. And then he passed out due to fear, but just before he passed out he heard a very weird but clear voice calling out his name.