
The humans were heading for a deadly future which they couldn't even imagine in their worst dreams. An apocalypse like never before was soon going to ravage their whole world.

"Be ready to get the best out of worst," said Dr. Tressa.

"What does that mean?"

"You will soon get to know."

"Ok. But what do I need to do? Do I need to stand here and you will transfer all the abilities or shall I lay down here. Tell me."

"You will have to die, then we will take out your heart and DNA structure and then we will transfer some of the abilities to you," said Dr. Tressa.

"You will do what…. Take out my heart and I have to die…. Hahahaha…. I guess this time you are really joking. Am I right," Aurel said with nervousness and fear visible on his face.

"Do you think anybody will joke in such a situation?" said Major Giant.

"Exactly!!! That's what I'm trying to say that nobody jokes in this type of situation. But why the hell are you making such scary jokes." "Don't be a crybaby, Aurel. We assure you nothing will happen to you," said Dr. Tressa.

"Still Noooooooo....!!! I'm not a fool to believe both of you, and who knows what you will do to my precious body after I die."

"Are you sure you don't want to?"

"Hmm, I'm sure."

"Then we don't need you anymore so we have to kill you since you have known our identity."

"Wait… Wait, you are going to kill me?" Aurel's face became pale.

"Yes," said Dr. Tressa.

"But just a few minutes ago you said that I'm a very special person so how can you kill me," said Aurel.

"But, now you're not special anymore," said Dr. Tressa.

"Why are you doing this to me, I even didn't have my first kiss," said Aurel.

"Is that the petty thing which you're worried about. A kiss," Major Giant asked.

"It seems petty to you but it's the most important thing in my life."

"We don't have time, just say yes or no," said Dr. Tressa

"Do I have any choice? Either way I have to die."

"No you don't have any choice. Okay, so now please lay here down."

Aurel hesitated to move at first but he gathered courage and eventually laid down on the bed.

Dr. Tressa gave him an injection and slowly his eyes started becoming heavy and then he fell asleep.

(After 10 hrs of strenuous operation)

"Wake up, Aurel, can you hear me. Aurel, wake up," Dr. Tressa slightly poked his shoulder trying to wake him up.

Aurel slowly started opening his eyes. It felt like he has never had a good sleep than before. He was still dizzy but woke up with a new refreshment.

"Did I not die?" Aurel asked yawning heavily.

"The operation was successful and we were able to transfer 10% of our total abilities," Major Giant said.

"What...… only 10% and what about the rest, when will I get them. Do I need to die again?" Aurel said with frustration.

"We couldn't transfer more because you're very weak. Your physical strength is not sufficient to handle more power. So you need to go through extensive physical training first," said Dr. Tressa.

"How many days do I need to get training?" Aurel asked.

"We'll decide it according to your development but since you have acquired some of our abilities you'll gain physical strength at a faster rate than other human beings. So don't worry." Major Giant said.

"Okay, now let's start your training. Are you ready?" Dr. Tressa asked.

"Yeah, why not. I'm ready," Aurel replied.

"Now, you'll learn to use your first ability. I hope you know about Telepathy."

"Ah, so that's my first ability. Can I really do it?"


Major Giant seemed like he had got some important information. He hurriedly went out of the door talking with someone.

Aurel was wondering what could be the reason Major Giant walked out when suddenly Dr. Tressa came unbelievably close towards him and started tying herself with him around their waists. He could feel her body against him. This made Aurel quite uncomfortable and he started to sweat profusely. He became nervous.

Wh.. wh.. what are you doing, Aurel said in a stuttering voice.

"Stand straight. I need to monitor your heart beat and neural signals while we practice telepathy," Dr. Tressa said.

"Can you please just not do this and move a bit farther away from me."

"Why, are you getting attracted towards me?"

"What…. What.. attracted towards you. Why would I get attracted towards you. Are you crazy, you are an alien so why would I get attracted towards you. Woah, you are so direct. Ahh, seriously," Aurel's voice still stuttered as hd felt really uncomfortable.

"If not, then stand quietly."

Aurel stood there quietly until Dr. Tressa tied themselves with each other. She then sticked a bead like thing on his chest and made him wear a helmet with full of lights. She was finding it difficult to place the helmet on his head as Aurel was 6'1" tall but Dr. Tressa was just 5'3" tall. So he just bent down and she placed it. But Aurel couldn't control himself and as soon as she placed it on his head he stood up straight breathing heavily.

"Ok, now close your eyes and focus on your mind. Try to talk with Major Giant. Can you connect with his mind," said Dr. Tressa.

Aurel did as she said and tried to focus on his mind. He calmed down himself and tried not to think of anything. He forced himself and tried to connect with Major Giant but he got no success.

"Don't put pressure on your mind, just think of him like you're talking with him face to face. Just imagine him talking with you while looking at him, that would be easier," Dr. Tressa adviced him while calming him.

Aurel panted heavily due to increase in his heart beats but was soon able to control himself.

He closed his eyes and imagined talking with Major Giant. Hello, Aurel. You have done a great job. These are the words which he heard from Major Giant.

He tried again and this time too he succeeded in connecting with him although, it was for a short amount of time.

"Well done, kiddo. I've never seen someone who has succeeded his telepathy skills in just a short amount of time. You are special," said Dr. Tressa.

"I'm not a Kiddo, I'm 17," said Aurel.

"Oh Whatever. You have successfully completed your first training,"