Irene's Truth

Aurel collapsed on the rooftop of the building.

After 2 hours, base 97,

Dr. Tressa-: You woke up, have some more rest.

Aurel-: What happened, why am I lying here?

Dr. Tressa-: You were badly injured and your suit was injured. How can you be so careless to wear that prototype suit and not the main suit. Do you even know that if the zombies would have bit you then what would have happened.

Aurel-: Yes, the zombies, what happened to them?

Dr. Tressa-: Don't worry about them. when the building collapsed they all were crushed.

Aurel-: People must be panicked now, the whole city is now under threat. What do we do now.

Dr. Tressa-: Don't worry about that, our guys have taken care of that. Your people don't know about the zombies yet. It's not the time for them.

Aurel-: What do you mean?

Dr. Tressa-: All the zombies have been disposed at a safe place and few of them are inside our lab. We are trying to change them back into their human form.

Aurel-: Ok

Dr. Tressa-: But, do you know Irene?

Aurel-: Why do you ask?

Dr. Tressa-: It's just that it seemed like both of you knew each other. So, I was just curious.

Aurel-: She was my first crush back when I was in the middle school. I had feelings for her but she was also just like other girls. She bullied me because I was weak. One day she threw me inside a pond and I could've died if my friend had not helped me.

Dr. Tressa-: Oh, so that's why you looked disappointed after meeting her. But she looks like a tender girl, are you sure it was that girl who bullied you.

Aurel-: You can't always judge anyone based on their looks. It will only deceive you. Since then I never had any crush on any girl.

Dr. Tressa-: Ok then, rest for now.

Aurel-: Why did you drag her into all of this?

Dr. Tressa-: I thought you didn't have any feelings left for her. You seem worried about her.

Aurel-: it's not that, it was just because I didn't want to see her anymore.

Dr. Tressa-: She is a mutant just like you.

Aurel-: What?

Dr. Tressa-: Although she cannot become as powerful as you but still she can be an useful asset in fighting off the Terrians, so we recruited her.

Aurel-: Why can she not be as powerful as me, you said she is also a mutant like me.

Dr. Tressa-: You are the only one in this entire planet who has this type of unique DNA structure. Yeah, she also has a unique DNA structure but it's rare. We could have found out another mutant who has similar DNA structure like her. Further, her DNA is not as stable as yours. We haven't found anyone else whose DNA is as stable as yours.

Aurel-: But where are they now.

Dr. Tressa-: Major Giant has some work to do and Irene is at her base.

Are you ok, why do you look so tensed?

Aurel-: When we were fighting the zombies it felt like someone was trying to control my mind. I lost my abilities for a very short moment and when I exploded the bomb I think I saw someone holding a gadget behind a pillar.

Dr. Tressa-: Then did you see who it was?

Aurel-: No, I just couldn't see, there was too much chaos.

Dr. Tressa-: This can't happen, the Terrians still haven't developed the mind controlling ability.

Aurel-: Then who could it be?

Dr. Tressa-: I think now it's time for you to see what is behind that door.

Aurel's eyes sparkled with excitement. Will you really be showing me what is behind that door, said Aurel.

Dr. Tressa-: Hmmm.

When the door opened, Aurel was amazed to see the sight. It was a breathtaking view. He never imagined to see such things in reality. It was a large endless hall which had exquisite and unusual colored walls. The creatures whom he called aliens lived inside a transparent igloo like structure. Robots were flying in the air doing all the chores. It had large buildings which served as artificial stations.

The rooftop was nowhere to be seen. It just spiralled to a point upto which it just became invisible. Huge oval shaped spacecrafts were stationed at an elevated platform. The creatures were projecting on the wall spaces through their eyes.

Augmented Reality was probably at a much higher level than that present on earth.

Dr. Tressa-: If you're done looking shall we go somewhere.

Aurel-: Where?

Dr. Tressa-: You will know once we reach there.

Aurel-: Hey, why do you always tell me incomplete things. Can you not just tell me the entire thing at once, it makes me anxious.

Dr. Tressa-: Stop whining like a baby and just follow me. When will you grow up.

Aurel took out a white handkerchief and made the piece of sign. Okay, okay, I surrender, I can never win against you, said Aurel.

Dr. Tressa-: Good, now follow me.

After following her for sometimes, they entered a huge dome shaped structure. While looking here and there, a rectangle shaped structure covered them, it looked like a elevator.

Aurel-: Can you give me any warning before anything like this happens. Do you know how scared I was.

Dr. Tressa-: You never asked for any warning.

Aurel was stunned by her audacity. At last they entered a big hall which had several high tech equipments. Many people were working with the equipments, like some experiment was going on.

Aurel-: Are they humans or…..

Dr. Tressa-: No, they are in their human form.

Aurel-: I knew it. But why did you bring me here?

Dr. Tressa-: To get you an operation.

Aurel-: Operation, what operation, now what. I'll not let you do anything with my body once again. Who knows if I will survive after this operation or not.

(After a momentary pause,)

Aurel-: Ah, this is making me crazy. At least tell me what operation shall I undergo.

Dr. Tressa-: Once we reach our destination, you will get to know.