
Base 86,

Irene stood on a tool firmly and was practicing her telepathy skills. But not for once, even for a short moment was it successful.

Why the hell can't I do it, damnit. I did it when I was in school but why not now. That rascal will now have a reason to mock me on face again. Ah, this is crazy. (talking to herself)

Dr. Tressa-: People say those who talk to themselves are crazy in real life. I guess they are right.

Irene-: I'm not crazy I'm disgusted over myself.

Dr. Tressa-: Why, what happened?

Irene-: You ask what happened, you and that old hag admitted me in the same school as Aurel and now I have made a fool of myself. I can't improve my skills.

Dr. Tressa-: Why do you get upset over such small things. You say you can't improve your skills but look at Aurel he has improved most of his skills in no time and why is that, because he is calm and concentrates over things which are important but you, you just complain about everything.

Is this how you're going to develop your skills?

Irene finally understands her mistake and apologizes for her immature attitude. From now on I'll develop my skills.

Base 96,

Dr. Tressa-: Get ready, you're going to die soon.

Aurel stopped doing his workout and stood up astoundingly, he couldn't believe what he just heard.

Aurel-: I'm going to die, but why, what did I do now.

Dr. Tressa-: Relax, by dying I meant you'll procure new abilities, so get ready for your operation.

Aurel-: Hey, choose your words properly. You gave me a heart attack just now.

After 7 hrs of operation,

Aurel wakes up with dizzy eyes. Dr. Tressa was by her side keeping aside several equipments.

Dr. Tressa-: Oh, you're awake

Aurel-: You look very happy! Did I get all of my abilities?

Dr. Tressa-: No, it's not that but you'll get it soon. This time you have achieved 43% of your total abilities.

Aurel-: That's good, but what are the new abilities?

Dr. Tressa-: First, is the magnetic ability. With this you'll be able to pull off any material towards you but be careful it's very hard to control. Next one is, you can control almost all type of electronic equipments, be it the microwave, a light bulb or a cellular tower.

Aurel-: Wait, wait this seems too unreal. Are you sure these all are my abilities.

Dr. Tressa-: Yes, these are all yours. Now please listen, will you.

Aurel-: Ok.

Dr. Tressa-: Now, the last one is take this Ultron.

The thing which fascinated him the most was this Ultron, it was a glowing stone which was perfectly oval in shape. It's bluish color was the most beautiful one which he had ever seen in his life. What does this do, asked Aurel.

You will be able to change into any human form and imitate their behaviour but the condition is that it should be kept in contact with you, replied Dr. Tressa.

After a few seconds, the Ultron changed its color to green. Wow, this stone also changes its color, it's certainly cool. I love it.

Let me try it. I want to change into Rob and held out the Ultron, he then looked himself in the mirror but he didn't change, then he asked her why he didn't change.

Dr. Tressa-: You cannot master the abilities easily. Till now the abilities you've gained were very easy to be mastered but this time it will be a very difficult thing for you.

Aurel-: Then what do I need to do.

Dr. Tressa-: Go to the library and read the books related to these abilities and you will know how to practice and control them.

Aurel hurriedly went off towards the library. He was too excited to get his new abilities.

Base 86,

I succeeded with it. Irene excitedly told Dr. Tressa while hugging her. Now, I can do it any time I want. Do you want to see.

Dr. Tressa-: Sure, why not.

Irene concentrated for a few moments and then she was really able to connect with Dr. Tressa but it was a vague signal and it went like a spark through her head. She fell down on the ground as if she was paralyzed. Dr. Tressa was unable to understand anything so she took her to Dr. Serene without wasting any time.

Dr. Tressa-: What happened, why did she fall down. Is there any problem with her.

Dr. Serene-: Don't worry, relax. Eh, I told this kid not to overexert herself but she is so stubborn. She was practicing her telepathic abilities with me and guess what, she did it but while connecting with you she probably must have had a headache due to overexerting.

Well, there's nothing to worry, she just needs to rest and she'll be fine.

Dr. Tressa-: Oh, I see, then I was worried for no reason.

Dr. Serene-: But, is there any problem cause' I haven't seen Major Giant in days.

Dr. Tressa-: Yes, everything is fine but I also don't know what he's been up to these days. He seems too busy. But don't worry I'll ask him whenever he gets back to the base.

For now, I will take her to get some rest.

Dr. Serene-: You too, get some rest. I know you also get tired since you're in this human form, it must be hard for you.

Base 97,

Dr. Tressa was laying her down when suddenly Aurel came running towards her calling her name. He was covered with sweat and he seemed very anxious about something. His hands were shaking as if he had something very wrong. He held some very old textbooks which were in a very dilapidated condition.

Dr. Tressa-: what happened, why are you running like a madman.

Aurel( breathing heavily)-: Why…. Why…. Is this here?( pointing towards something in the book).