Skill Unlocked

"It's been midnight now and he still hasn't come to the base." It looked like she was worried about his safety but that wasn't the case at all.

She just wanted to know the reason behind the glowing tattoo.

"If he really is special and has some kind of special abilities then it must really be helpful to increase my abilities," Irene thought to herself.

Aurel panted heavily and sat down on the rock looking at the dead beast's body, his hands were soaked with the creature's blood.

He too was bruised heavily but that didn't bother him anymore, the feeling of defeating the creature overcame his bodily pains.

The creature vanished into thin air, and so did the weapon and the armor. A notification popped up-

<< "You've defeated your enemy" >>

<< "Your health points will be restored" >>

Status-: level 3

Power-: 100

EXP-: 100

Strength-: 100

<< "Accelaration skill unlocked" >>

<< "Bonus +10 EXP" >>

Aurel stood up both in shock and with excitement.

"Skill, what does this mean and what does this do."

<< "Would you like to test out your new skill" >>


He couldn't believe his eyes, he was not able to use any of his abilities in any other planet and now this was his chance. Without any further delay, he said "ACCEPT."

<< "The skill would consume 1 point from Power">>

<< " The skill can be used only for 70m" >>

<< " The Power points auto regenerates in 30 seconds after the usage of the skill" >>

After receiving basic information he received the information on how to use it.

<< "Run a distance of 10 m. and activate the skill" >>

He ran a distance of 10m. and thought "activate acceleration", within a split second he was 70 m away from his last position.

He tried the 2nd time but this time he was standing but this time he was unsuccessful.

Only to be sure, he tried for the 3rd time while running and it was a successful attempt.

"Ah, so the skill only works only while running, that's cool."

He checked his stats and he had lost 3 Power points, but after a few seconds he regenerated another point and now it was 98.

He closed his stats and looked at his surroundings more comfortably as he knew his quest was over but unlike the first time, he had stayed at the planet for more than 5 mins even after defeating the creature because last time he teleported back to earth immediately after he crushed his opponent. He found it weird but decided to utilize the time and explore some more area.

But after he just decided to explore some more area, a notification popped up-

<< " You'll be teleported back to earth" >>

In an instant he was standing at the middle of the forest but when he arrived, the sky was pitch black which meant that he had already fought for a whole day.

Standing at the middle of the forest he realized that he has not eaten anything since yesterday and his stomach growled with hunger. He was not sure whether he could use his teleportation abilities back on earth since he was not able to use it in any other planet, but he decided to give it a try.

He concentrated and in a few seconds he was standing inside his house, it was a complete mess. Dirt was everywhere and everything was at a very bad condition.

Ufffff,... Am I living in a stable. He let out a huge puff of air and sat down on his bed. Hunger was not his only problem, he looked at his wounds and thought to himself, Do I need to take care of these too.

He removed his clothes and threw them to a basket and then he showered neatly with full pleasure for a couple of minutes and washed his wounds properly. He came out and wore neat clothes and treated his wounds. He then went to his small kitchen and looked for something to eat but he found only a packet of ramen.

He was too hungry to criticize any food and gulped down the ramen after cooking it. After a bowl, he felt like his long bad day had finally ended. But even in this situation there was only one thing that lingered in his mind.

"Who on earth is she, Is she even a human." Ah, I don't know anything.

He dozed off while thinking about the woman but woke up hearing a doorbell sound. For an instance, he felt like it could be that woman so he suddenly went to the door running and opened it without peeping through the hole.

"Ah, it's you." The excitement that was on his face went down in a second.

"Why, were you expecting someone else."

"No, it's not like that, I wasn't expecting anyone."

"Then will you not let me enter, I'm cold."

Aurel didn't notice but rain was pouring down heavily and Irene was standing at his doorstep completely soaked in water and was shivering.

Aurel pulled her inside and covered her in a blanket so that she doesn't catch cold.

"Hey, why are you here at this hour and why did you come in the rain with so much little clothing when you could have teleported," said Aurel.

"I haven't got that ability," Irene replied.

"Ah, I'm sorry, it slipped out of my mind. But why are you here," Aurel asked.

"I was curious about what happened with you so I came here," Irene replied.

"What... Hey, are you an elementary school student that you couldn't wait until morning," Aurel scorned off.

"Eh, Eh ….. cut that crap and give me some clothes, it's quite wet. I'm feeling uncomfortable." She said this and loosened the blanket.

She was wearing a white top so her innerwear was slightly visible, this was distracting Aurel. As soon as the blanket fell down Aurel looked away trying not to look at her.

"Hey, pervert, don't let any dirty thoughts come to your mind else you're going to die."

Aurel went to the cupboard and threw her a shirt and a towel and without looking at her went outside the room.

She laughed while drying herself.

"Tell me when you have changed your clothes." Aurel said waiting outside the room.