Academy Prison

Aurel slowly walked down the corridor, without making any sound of his footsteps.

The curfew was still ongoing but he sneaked out of the room, it was night time and everyone were fast asleep. So it was the the perfect time for him to go anywhere.

He followed the directions displayed in his watch and reached an isolated building which looked like not even a beggar would like being at.

"So this is the academy prison," he murmerd.

"Where should I go, this damn watch says me to stop here."

It was quite dark so he activated his night vision and slowly walked inside the building,

As soon as he entered the building, a stinky smell covered the atmosphere,

"Aish, what is this crappy smell, I shouldn't have come here," he murmerd covering his nose.

He walked slowly noticing his surroundings, which was nothing but a pile of dust.

He entered a room which had some light coming through it,

but before he could completely take a look at the room, a dull voice said,

"Ah, so you are here."

"Ahhh ahhh, ahh, that scared the fuck out of me," Aurel shouted in a completely shocked voice.

"Hey, why are you here."

A tall figure with shining black hair stood in front of him, it was none other than Scarlett.

"Eat this, it will reduce the stink," Scarlett said without looking at him.

"First tell me why are you here."

"I'm here for the same reason you're here."

"Don't tell me you are here to search which beast has escaped from the prison."

"You wouldn't understand," she said in an irked manner.

"Understand what," he asked.

Scarlett cut his words and asked, "Are you really this innocent or a stupid fool that you came here without knowing anything and that too without a weapon."

"Ah, that..... I forgot."

"Why don't you forget being alive too," she said.

"Aren't you too harsh."

Scarlett took out a sword from her back and gave it to him, "Take this, you're good with swords."

"Thanks," Aurel said.

"Now follow me, we don't have much time to return to our rooms."

"Wait, why should I follow you, do you know where should we go."

Scarlett ignored him and moved forward cautiously, so he had no other way so he followed her quietly.

Aurel quickly activated his ability,

<< Scan >>

He wanted to see the stats of Scarlett so he could figure out her power level

<< Scan failure >>

<< Level up for more information >>

This was the first time, he was unable to get some information through his scanning ability. Now that he knew he had to level up quickly he needed Scarlett with him.

Her range of power was insane.

They walked up on a stack of dust laden debris which was piled up.

"Hey, are you sure you know where you are going or is it just a bluff," Aurel asked.

"Follow me or go back to your room," Scarlett replied ferociously.

"Ok, I'll follow you quietly, you sound scarier."

They then entered an open field which had crumbled buildings in it. It looked like a city that once existed but now it had been abandoned.

Aurel looked around him and was surprised, it was completely different than the academy, it was calm, peaceful with absolutely no habitation.

"Stop there, don't move," Scarlett shouted.

"Wh.... why, what happened, why are you shouting."

Scarlett walked up towards him and hit her feet hard on the ground, more like she jumped on the ground heavily and then with a bang they were going down through a tunnel.

In a swoop, they had reached the academic prison base.

"How do you know everything about the prison," said Aurel. "As much as I know, students from the academy are barred from coming here, how can you... You are a shady person."

"A student who sneaks out from his room without telling anyone where he is going says I'm shady. Who do you think you are," Scarlett said.

"Some people hide better in the light than in the darkness,....and you're one of them."

Scarlett pushed a button behind a wall which led them to a control room, it had all the details of the beasts which were kept there.

The total number of beasts read '575', but the total no. present was '574', which clearly meant that one beast had escaped.

"Now listen, we need to kill a beast in order to lure the escaped beast," Scarlett said.

"But why do we need to kill a beast."

"Because these beasts are connected through a neck band, if one gets killed they all will undergo terrible pain and eventually come to the site of the death, to avenge their comrade's death and then we can easily nab it."

"If we kill one then all of them will attack us, how will the escaped beast only come to us,it doesn't make any sense.

"Nothing will happen, I'll manage everything, you just follow my orders."

"You mean, we're going to fight with the beasts all alone."

"No, we'll just fight two beasts," Scarlett said with confidence oozing out from her body.

"Oh lord, save me I'm still virgin."

Scarlett quickly threw Aurel and herself inside a portal and without any second thoughts pressed a red button.

Now, they were being teleported to where the beasts were captured. Their head was swirling and they had a tingling sensation which somewhat felt pleasurable.

A few moments later and they had arrived to their destination. They opened their eyes and it was dark, the only light source were the two moons which provided just enough light to see.

The conditions were quite similar to the planets he had been, completely desolate land like a desert with rocks making up for most of the land.

Their head was still riling but before he could completely see his surroundings he spotted a creature coming towards them.

They were standing on the middle of a path between the rocks. Scarlett took out her whip and said, "Get ready, it's dangerous."

It was clearly a creature which he had never seen, except in the fictional movie shows.

He quickly drew out his sword and climbed up a rock.