Chapter 02

After my sister received the awards for winning the championship and doing the interviews, we went to celebrate at home. I prepared her favorite food. She could have made the food, but as it was a special occasion I insisted on making it, besides, my sister was so busy because of the IS, that I learned to cook and, I dare say that I cook better than her.

I still remember what our life was like before the IS, two years ago, my sister only had the kendo club, but since Shinonono Tabane-san, who was a great friend of my sister, although my sister didn't seem agree with that, have revealed IS to the world and my sister shows great affinity to them, she ends up spending less time at home.

The revelation of IS, a powered exoskeleton possessing technology and combat capabilities far more advanced than any other weapon system, had some consequences. The first was a crisis in the whole world, after all, the IS very imbalanced the strength between the countries, to the point that Tabane-san had to distribute this knowledge to the whole world.

Thanks to this, Tabane-san was considered a genius in this area all over the world, which leads to another problem, the fact that she or her family is the target of attacks to get something more out of it, this led the Shinonono family to enter in the protection program for important people.

That was the last time I saw my friend, Shinonono Houki, Tabane-san's younger sister, I can't even get in touch with her anymore, after all, her and her family's location is a secret.

We were eating the dinner I made while we watched the news. In all channels it only had news about my sister's victory in the 'Mondo Grosso' championship. However, another news caught our attention, the news that Tabane-san could already be developing the second generation of IS.

That left me wide-eyed. Just yesterday I heard a news that it would take between three and four years to reach the second generation of IS, but Tabane-san might as well finish them in less than a year or two. And that she released only one comment, 'If you want a second generation, do it yourself'.

(Chifuyu): "She did it again..." - she said with a sigh.

(Ichika): "Won't this cause problems for her family?" - I said worried.

(Chifuyu): "Worried about Houki?" - she said with a little smile.

I just nodded, if my sister, who was just an IS pilot, drew so much attention to the point that they decided to kidnap me, what could they do with the family of the person who was the creator?

(Chifuyu): "The Japanese government is doing everything possible to keep them safe, after all, neglecting them is the same as having Tabane as an enemy."

This was definitely something that nobody wanted. At that time my sister's cell phone, which to my surprise did not break when she threw it when she saw me, rang. My sister stopped eating and answered it, when she saw the number her expression went dark.

(Chifuyu): "This again..."

(Ichika): "Is everything okay, Chifuyu-nee?"

(Chifuyu): "Yes, Ichika, it is. It's just an idiot doing a prank." - She said while answering the phone.

She was silent, possibly just listening to what the person on the other end was saying.

(Chifuyu): "Listen here... if you do this prank again, I'll make sure Tabane finds out who you are, just so I can break your face."

She was silent again, I couldn't hear what the person on the other end of the line was saying, but I could imagine what it was.

(Chifuyu): "My brother is in front of me, having dinner with me... and if you think about actually doing something with him I will make sure you regret it."

She hung up the phone and put it away. I decided to stay silent, I didn't want to worry her even more when I said that it wasn't exactly a prank, it just didn't have a chance to be effective.

At that time there was another news, a person who, it seemed, had a great political influence, was found dead. Apparently, he supported a terrorist organization, but as he bribed some Japanese, German and Italian government officials, he managed to get away with it.

The only thing that was left behind by the people who did this, besides the evidence that showed him guilty, as well as the people he bribed, was a card with a ZB in the middle of a circle that was divided into twelve parts, each one had a symbol that I couldn't identify.

(Chifuyu): "They again..."

(Ichika): "Do you know who they are, Chifuyu-nee?"

(Chifuyu): "They are an organization of vigilantes, so to speak, after all, all their victims were criminals or corrupt, and as they left the evidence and why they did that, no government is exactly behind them."

I understood the concept of corruption, and if the government of the country was corrupt, it could lead to bankruptcy or submission by the country.

(Ichika): "So they are... what was it like... 'a necessary evil'?"

(Chifuyu): "It's a way of saying... many countries have tried to hire them, after all they are very skilled, but apparently they have their own standards and rules."

(Ichika): "So... do they just do this... or are they paid to do this?"

(Chifuyu): "Apparently, a little bit of both... but those who tried to trick them did not end so well..."

(Ichika): "What are they called?"

(Chifuyu): "...[Zodiac Beasts]..."

My eyes widened again. [Zodiac Beasts]? It was the same group as Tiger-nee-san. So she was part of that organization. I was amazed when I remembered that she had said she was going to meet some friends when she decided to help me, it must be to do this job.

At that time, the home phone that rang, my sister gave a tired expression while going to answer it, the report kept talking about [Zodiac Beats] and how they have helped governments and the world with their actions. It made me want to join the group, but I couldn't do that with my sister present, after all she would never accept it.

My sister came back, sat down and continued eating the food, I decided not to ask about the call, after dinner, we went to watch her favorite movie, which was one of samurai, until late at night, when the movie was over I was almost sleeping on the couch. My sister picked me up and put me to bed.

(Chifuyu): "Good night, Ichika." - she told me and then she kissed my forehead.

(Ichika): "Good night, Chifuyu-nee."

I blacked out on the spot.

The next day, it was totally normal. I got up and bathed, made breakfast for me and my sister, after breakfast, I got ready and my sister took me to school.

Although my classmates came to talk to me because of my sister, there was no change at my school, except that my friend, Huang Lingyin, who asked me just to call her Ling, had come back to China with the your parents. That made me sad because, like Houki, I had no way of contacting Ling.

When I came home, my sister was already there, which I thought was a little strange, as I usually came back first, and she seemed a little discouraged.

(Ichika): "I'm back, Chifuyu-nee!"

(Chifuyu): "Welcome back, Ichika."

(Ichika): "What is it, Chifuyu-nee? Did something happen?"

(Chifuyu): "Yes ... let's say I have to go on a trip ..."

(Ichika): "Why?"

(Chifuyu): "Kind of... they offered me a job."

(Ichika): "How long are you going to be gone, Chifuyu-nee?"

(Chifuyu): "One year... maybe two..."

Although I was sad that I couldn't see my sister anymore, I was happy because this was the chance I needed, if my sister was not around, I could try to join [Zodiac Beats].

(Chifuyu): "That's why I bought this for you."

She handed me a box and when I opened it, it had a cell phone inside.

(Chifuyu): "You already have the chip and my cell phone number ... if you have any problems don't hesitate to call me."

(Ichika): "Okay. Are you leaving tomorrow?"

(Chifuyu): "I will... after I take you to school, I will go straight to the airport."

(Ichika): "So I'm going to make a farewell dinner."

I showered and prepared dinner. We just talked, and again we went to watch a movie together, since we would be apart for maybe two years, this time we watched a favorite movie of mine, which was about space travel.

As we were going to be separated, I asked if we could sleep together, which my sister didn't refuse, when I fell asleep I was hugging her and she was hugging me, in that I felt safe, I felt that nothing could hit me.

But I knew it was temporary, after all my sister would not always be by my side, besides, I wanted her to feel when I hugged her what I felt when she hugged me, I wanted to be able to let her know that just like me would be safe by her side, she would be safe by my side.

The next day, the morning was the same as yesterday, although my sister had a melancholy expression, she took me to school and said goodbye to me at the gate.

(Chifuyu): "I have to go, Ichika, have a good day at school, I know that I have everything ready for when I'm gone."

(Ichika): "Alright, Chifuyu-nee."

(Chifuyu): "And promise me, if you need me, call me."

(Ichika): "I promise."

I made that promise with no intention of keeping it, which made a feeling of guilt arise, but it was necessary, after all if everything went well I would be with [Zodiac Beasts].

(Chifuyu): "Goodbye Ichika." - she said while hugging me.

(Ichika): "Goodbye Chifuyu-nee. Good luck at work."

She left and I went to school, it was another normal day, but after I left, I went to a place that no one could see me and called the number on the card that Tiger-nee-san had given me. When I was answered, I heard Tiger-nee-san's voice in her playful tone.

(Tiger): "Hello~"

(Ichika): "Tiger-nee-san, it's me."

(Tiger): "Ichika-kun?!"

(Ichika): "Can we meet?"

I didn't get an answer for a while, but when Tiger-nee-san spoke again she had the serious tone she used when I said I wanted to join the group.

(Tiger): "Are you sure about this?"

(Ichika): "I am."

(Tiger): "Very well."

She gave me an address, which coincidentally was not far from my school, I hung up the phone and went towards the address, making a promise to myself... I would enter [Zodiac Beasts] and be stronger, that way I would be able to protect my sister next time.