After talking to the village leader, we went to the inn where we would stay for these two weeks. Whenever Tiger-nee-san needed to speak to someone she would hand over the translator phone and when the conversation was over she would take it back. We left our things in the room, which for some reason only had a double bed, and went to see Yun Shaoran's mansion with our own eyes.
The man who had seen the woman taken to the mansion was our guide. We walked for 30 minutes to see the mansion. It had two floors and was very traditional, like the temples in Japan, the wall must have been about three meters high, which was not a problem for us. I realized that the mansion was very old and the people who used it just kept it standing.
There were some armed people on the walls, watching to see if anyone was approaching. Tiger-nee-san and I stayed in the shade of a tree for the rest of the day, watching how guards were changed, what a round was like, and see if there was any procedure to enter the mansion.
At night we went back to the pension and rested... or at least Tiger-nee-san rested, since she hugged me in her sleep, as if I were one of those hugging pillows, and I couldn't sleep with sensation of her breasts. It made me miss the time when I was most innocent, and I cursed myself for spending time with Rooster-san.
This was our routine for two weeks until the day of the meeting. No one entered the mansion, which I took as both a good and a bad thing. Good because it meant that they didn't receive any kind of reinforcement during the week, and bad because it showed that no one had left for us to be able to do an recon.
On the night of the meeting, Tiger-nee-san and I stayed close to the same tree that we kept watching over the mansion. We both had binoculars to recognize who was going in so we could eliminate them.
(Ichika): "Tiger-nee-san, when will the meeting be?"
I was watching the area hoping to see a group, but I found nothing.
(Tiger): "We will only have to wait an hour."
We were watching for another half hour when I saw a group arriving. They were being escorted by men, who looked like a bunch of executives, with military equipment.
(Tiger): "They are well dressed for a bunch of pimps." - I heard a lot of disgust in her voice.
(Ichika): "This mansion belongs to a politician, even if he is hated. Possibly it was to not attract more attention than he already does, after all this region is considered peaceful, and they have an armed escort worthy of a president."
(Tiger): "Make a point of memorizing each of their faces."
I focused on their faces and memorized them all... or at least most, but seeing that group made me doubt that it was in my head for a while to come back with everything.
(Ichika): "I didn't see any women as a guard... wouldn't it have been better for them to hire an IS pilot?"
(Tiger): "It would be... but I think they thought they would become their enemies if they saw what they were doing."
(Ichika): "Well... as far as we know, we will only have to worry about the 'Sparrow'."
(Tiger): "And the problem is precisely this 'as far as we know', but it is better than nothing."
(Ichika): Are we going to wait for the meeting time for us to infiltrate or do we do it now? "
(Tiger): "Let's wait. The changing of the guard is close to the time of the meeting, we can enter without us being seen."
We wait for another twenty minutes.
(Tiger): "Get ready." - She said while putting the binoculars and was in position to run.
I put the binoculars away, put on the hood and prepared myself too. When the guards left their positions we ran, when we were close we jumped on the wall and we fell on a large courtyard.
We hid in a tall bush and saw if there were more guards, when we saw that the bar was clean, we ran again and jumped onto the roof of the first floor and quickly to the second floor, which I considered very lucky, because soon then I heard the voice of some guards who were going to their posts.
We walked in silence on the roof until we found a glass bell jar, inside there was a circular table that would fit all the people who entered the mansion almost half an hour ago.
Tiger-nee-san took a microphone recorder from his bag, cut the glass with the gloves, which also had claws, in a size that we could enter and put on and hung the phone inside. Even with the phone and the cord in front of me, I almost couldn't see them. I took a camera and prepared it to record that I was going to enter that room.
This was the procedure that the [Zodiac Beasts] showed they were guilty of, in addition to the evidence that we collected that took us to them, we caught them jumping when it involved people we hadn't researched, as was the case.
After five minutes, Yun Shaoran himself entered the room, accompanied by the man that Ox said was the 'Sparrow', he entered the room and sat in the most decorated chair, which was by chance the one that was on the coast for us, the 'Sparrow' was slightly behind him.
Little by little, the people we had seen arriving at the mansion were entering the room, and before long all the chairs were occupied. I was happy to know that they were all present... and with no guard besides 'Sparrow'. After that I turned off the camera, she had already done her part.
Tiger-nee-san pressed the recorder button to start recording. and Yun Shaoran started the speech.
(Syaoran): "Greetings, gentlemen. I'm glad you decided to come."
(Accomplice 1): "Do you have the shipment?"
(Syaoran): "Yes, all of them in the usual state, completely addicted to aphrodisiac and sex."
When I heard that it made me want to jump and eliminate that scum from the world, but somehow I managed to stay calm. Just like Tiger-nee-san.
(Accomplice 2): "So do we continue with the usual conditions?"
(Syaoran): "But of course."
(Accomplice 3): "You wouldn't have any with you who haven't gone through the process yet, will you?"
(Accomplice 4): "Still with the habit of breaking them yourself?"
(Accomplice 5): "Well... it's understandable."
The more I heard, the more my anger increased, and at that time I, if I still had any hint of hesitation to take their life, she died instantly, after all they were worse than animals.
(Syaoran): "Actually... I have one that I haven't touched yet... you can keep it for the usual price."
(Accomplice 3): "Done."
(Accomplice 6): "Could you show us the goods?"
(Syaoran): "Obviously."
He pressed a button on the table, and in a short time, three armed men entered with three women. They were in a pitying state, they clearly hadn't eaten in days, and one had lifeless eyes, while the other two begged for more drugs.
(Accomplice 7): "One of them is broken beyond the point."
(Syaoran): "You! What happened to her?"
(Guard 1): "My apologies, sir, but she was already like that when we caught her."
(Accomplice 8): "What a pity... she looked perfect."
(Accomplice 9): "But these two are the way we like them."
(Syaoran): "If you want to 'prove it', feel free."
I didn't understand the 'prove' part, but his accomplices were excited about it.
(Accomplice 10): "Then take the blonde to my room."
(Accomplice 11): "And the brunette for mine."
(Syaoran): "What about this one... get rid of it... or if you want, you can keep it, the choice is yours."
The three guards bowed slightly as they led the women out of the room.
(Syaoran): "Well... is there anything else you want to talk about?"
(Accomplice 1): "[Phantom Task]... have they stopped supporting you?"
(Shaoran): "Yes. Unfortunately, Miss Meusel canceled our partnership."
(Accomplice 2): "What are you going to do now?"
(Syaoran): "You need not worry, gentlemen... I still have many allies... losing just one will not change our situation."
(Accomplice 4): "It better be true..."
At that time Tiger-nee-san turned off the recorder, which could only mean one thing, it was time for us to finish the job.
(Tiger): "Ready?"
I nodded my head. Tiger-nee-san came in first. She went straight to the person furthest from us and smashed his head with just one punch. Everyone involved shouted at Tiger-nee-san's sudden appearance, except for 'Sparrow'.
(Shaoran): "Who are you?" he shouted with fear in his voice.
(Sparrow): "Tiger from [Zodiac Beasts]..." - he said as he took the sword out of its sheath and went towards it.
(Tiger): "Thank you for introducing me to your friends, 'Sparrow'."
(Accomplice 1): "[Zodiac Beasts] !? How did they discover us?"
(Tiger): "You shouldn't underestimate us."
(Syaoran): "So you came alone ... it seems more like you decided to join our 'amusements'."
When Sparrow was in the middle of the distance between Tiger-nee-san and Yun Shaoran, I jumped towards our target and with a single movement I cut him and the chair from one side of the waist to the opposite shoulder.
He made a sound of pain when I cut it, which made the others look at him, only to see a piece of his body fall and blood to flow from the other piece. Even though I knew he was rubbish, I still felt a little sick with what I had just done, it was like Mice-san had said, the first time is never easy.
After that they realized my presence, and saw that Tiger-nee-san had not come alone. I saw a worried look on her face after I killed our target.
(Sparrow): "Did you bring your apprentice, Tiger?"
(Tiger): "He is not my apprentice."
(Accomplice 3): "Stop talking to them."
(Accomplice 1): "That's right! KIL-!"
I interrupted him by cutting his head off with just a single movement after jumping in his direction, after I did, I put my feet on the wall and used it as a platform to go towards the other accomplice, but my sword was interrupted by the 'Sparrow' sword.
(Sparrow): "I see someone skilled..." - he said while I was going backwards because of the block he made.
(Accomplice 5): "Just get rid of these guys!"
(Tiger): "What's the hurry? Didn't you want to have fun with a woman? So let's have fun."
I knew that Tiger-nee-san could deal with those guys, and with the guards who could come because of the screams. At that time I was just concentrating on the swordsman in front of me.