Tiger-nee-san and I decided to go to the airport that night. We took our things and went to the car we took at the airport in Shanghai. I was still surprised at myself. I had killed not even two hours ago, and the nausea I felt, which made me vomit when we arrived at the inn, was no longer present.
The adrenaline was still a little on me, as I had survived a battle to the death. I admit I was proud of myself and happy that Tiger-nee-san was proud of me too, but a part of me was scared, because I only managed to win through my opponent's carelessness, if he hadn't tried to end the blow special, he was quite capable of me dying.
We arrived at the airport and went to the area where the plane was when we arrived. The same driver who brought us was there, which made me wonder if he slept or if the plane had autopilot so he could sleep.
When we were on the air, Tiger-nee-san decided to start the conversation. The worried look from before was gone.
(Tiger): "Do you understand all the procedures?"
(Ichika): "Yes."
(Tiger): "Great, as there may be a chance that you have to do a mission alone."
(Ichika): "Really? I thought it had to be in pairs."
After all, I never saw any solo mission, Dragon-Sensei insisted on two people going on a mission.
(Tiger): "It is more common to be in pairs... but sometimes it will be better for the person to go alone."
(Ichika): "Understood."
(Tiger): "Are you really okay?" - She said with a worried look.
(Ichika): "Yes, somehow, after throwing up I felt relieved... even I'm surprised, but you don't have to worry about that, Tiger-nee-san."
I put on a smile to try to reassure her. She still looked a little worried, but then a smile came over her face.
(Tiger): "Well... you finished your first mission with praise, and even defeated the 'Sparrow'! Dragon-sama will be proud."
I really hoped that my performance would make Dragon-Sensei proud, and that was making me a little bit distressed. I don't know what Tiger-nee-san did on the plane after that, I just know that I slept, because tiredness started to hit.
I woke up with Tiger-nee-san moving, we went to Tiger-nee-san's car, which was in the same place she left, and we followed the path to the base, after standing for a while time, my arms were hurting even more due to my fight against the 'Sparrow'.
When we got down at the base, Tiger-nee-san put the car in the spot, and we went to the main hall, where everyone was around the table, with Snake-san standing, I realized that she was going to present a job. As I was about to start they didn't notice us, and I think that's why Tiger-nee-san decided to speak out loud.
(Tiger): "We're back!"
Everyone turned to face us, the girls got up and went straight to me to see if I was okay. With all of them in front of me, I couldn't see Ox, Monkey, Rooster-san, Goat-san and Dragon-Sensei right, but I was almost sure that they let out a sigh of relief that we were back in safety.
After the girls calmed down after seeing that I was fine, Dragon-Sensei approached us.
(Dragon): "Report..."
(Tiger): "The target and his accomplices are dead. I found out their names and where the brothels were. I left a copy of the information for the police as well."
(Mice): "What about the organizations that helped him?"
(Tiger): "They were in the roles I found, he was supported by [Phantom Task], but the partnership was over before today's events."
(Rabbit): "What about the 'Sparrow'?"
(Tiger): "Dead. Ichika-kun killed him for killing the target and fighting him." - she said while putting her hand on my head.
Everyone was wide-eyed at what Tiger-nee-san had just said.
(Rabbit): "Did Ichika-kun kill him!?"
(Tiger): "Yes."
Everyone looked at me and I just nodded, because I was very tired. When it looked like they were going to start an interrogation, Dragon-Sensei came to my rescue.
(Dragon): "As it was Ichika's first mission, he must be exhausted, both physically and mentally, since his opponent was the 'Sparrow'. Let's let him rest. Tiger..."
(Tiger): "Okay. Come on, Ichika-kun, I'll make sure you get to your room."
I just nodded again, with sleep taking over my mind. I followed Tiger-nee-san to my room, and as soon as I saw my bed I threw myself on it and blacked out.
I woke up the next day without being at the base of the scam. My arms still hurt a little because of the 'Sparrow', but it was bearable. I went to the bathroom and took a cold shower to try to relieve some of the pain, when I arrived in my room to get dressed I heard Horse-san's voice.
(Horse): "Guys, lunch is ready."
I stopped on the spot. Lunch? Did I sleep that much? Why didn't Dragon-Sensei wake me up for our daily training? Since I wasn't going to be training anymore, at least not with Dragon-Sensei, I put on a white, high collar jacket over a tan sweater vest, a pair of black pants and combat boots, and went to the kitchen when I arrived everyone was already seated there, being served by Horse-san.
(Tiger): "Good afternoon, sleepyhead. How are you?"
(Ichika): "The arms are still hurting a little, but I'm fine." - I said as I sat down at the table.
(Monkey): "Hey, Ichika, how was your fight with 'Sparrow'? Tiger said he left you looking after him while cleaning the mansion."
The moment he said all the women faced Tiger-nee-san, clearly unhappy with her action, of leaving me alone against 'Sparrow. I told them how it was and when I finished, everyone was silent.
(Dragon): "You did very well, Ichika..."
(Ichika): "Thank you Dragon-Sensei, but why didn't you wake me up for training?"
(Dragon): "Because you deserve a break."
So I was just supposed to rest today. We finished lunch and I went for a walk. During the walk I saw a boy with red hair, possibly my age, with several boxes in his hand, he was almost falling and I ran over to him and helped him not to drop the boxes.
(???): "Thank you."
(Ichika): "You're welcome, but why do you have so much box?"
(???): "My mother and my little sister decided to go shopping, and according to them, it is the man's duty to carry the luggage ..." - I couldn't see his face, but I heard a sigh at the end.
(Ichika): "And where's your father?"
(Dan): "Working. He can't close the restaurant."
(Ichika): "Why don't you just leave things on the floor until they arrive?"
He didn't answer me for a while, and right after that I heard a grunt, it seems like he hadn't thought of that. He put the boxes on the floor and I could see his face. He seemed quite normal to me.
(???): "Thanks for the warning, I think I would be holding these boxes until they come back. I'm Gotanda Dan."
(Ichika): "I am Orimura Ichika."
(Dan): "Orimura !? Are you Orimura Chifuyu's brother?"
(Ichika): "Yes, she is my onee-san."
(Dan): "And what are you doing here?"
(Ichika): "Chifuyu-nee had to travel for work, so I'm with some friends so I don't have to be alone."
(Dan): "Dude, I wish I had an older sister, I have a younger sister. She is only five years old and already plays the rain."
(Ichika): "How bad luck ..."
(Dan): "I know ..." - he was almost crying at that time.
We continued to make small talk, it was nice to talk to someone my age, until a woman who seemed to be between 35 and 40 years old, came back with a little girl, both had red hair which made it obvious that they were the mother and sister of Dan.
(Dan): "Mo~m... why did it take so long?"
(Mrs. Gotanda): "I couldn't help it... there was so much inside... and who is your new friend?"
(Dan): "This is Ichika. Ichika this is my mother and my little sister, Ran."
(Ichika): "Nice to meet you." - I said while bowing.
(Mrs. Gotanda): "Ara ara, what a polite child. My son could learn a few things from you, Ichika-kun."
(Dan): "MOTHER!"
While Dan was arguing with his mother, I looked at Ran who was trying to hide behind her mother's legs.
(Dan): "What happened to you, Ran? Normally, you would be performing already."
(Ms. Gotanda): "Ara ara, come on Ran-chan, introduce yourself to Ichika-kun."
She leaves behind her mother, and introduces herself with a red face.
(Ran): "I am Gotanda Ran."
As soon as she said that, she went back to hiding behind her mother's legs. Seeing that reaction I remembered once that Tiger-nee-san said that some girls are so ashamed to talk to the guy that they like that they decide to hide.
(Ichika): 'It can't be... or can it?'
I looked at her, and when she looked at me she hid again. I won't comment on the base today, otherwise Rooster-san will want to kill me or Tiger-nee-san won't stop making fun of me.
(Mrs. Gotanda): "Ara ara."
(Dan): "Why don't you stay at home like that, Ran?"
She just glared at him, obviously she didn't want Dan to give me a bad image of her.
(Mrs. Gotanda): "Well... we have to go."
(Ichika): "Do you want me to help with the boxes?"
(Dan): "YES! Thank you so much Ichika."
Dan and I shared the boxes and followed Mrs. Gotanda and Ran who led the way. My arms complained a little, but it was tolerable. It didn't take long for us to arrive at our destination.
The place had two floors, where I got to see a restaurant sign, which made me realize that the second floor was where they were and the first was their business.
We entered the place and took the boxes on the second floor. We put the boxes in Dan's parents' room.
(Ms. Gotanda): "Thank you so much for your help, Ichika-kun."
(Ichika): "It's okay."
(Dan): "Thank you, Ichika."
(Mrs. Gotanda): "Do you want me to take you home?"
(Ichika): "You don't have to, I'm not far from where I'm staying."
(Dan): "Come here more often, then I'll introduce you to my other friend."
(Ichika): "Okay."
I said goodbye to both and left the place. I tried to say goodbye to Ran, but she locked herself in her room. I really wasn't going to comment on that at the base.
So I went back to base, and replaced all the material that I lost in the two weeks of the mission. Right after that I went to sleep.
And that ended another day of mine at [Zodiac Beasts].