Chapter 47

(Ichika's POV)

I admit that I did not expect this gesture from Madoka. I realized that she was a little sticky, but knowing that was why I was surprised, but also very happy to be honest. After the initial shock passed, I answered the gesture by putting my arms around her waist and she putting her arms around my neck, and we stayed that way until the shortness of breath forced us to part.

We were staring at each other, I don't know how my face was, but Madoka's was very red, to the point that she hid her face in my chest and lowered the cap of her pajamas even further.

(Ichika): "It took me by surprise." - I said stroking her head.

She didn't answer anything, but I could have sworn I saw smoke coming out of her head.

(Ichika): "But I'm happy that you love me that much."

She lifted her head and looked me in the eye, her face still very red.

(Madoka): "Are you really happy?" She asks in an anguished voice.

When I heard the question, I realized that she was afraid of ruining our relationship, just as she was afraid of meeting Chifuyu-nee, afraid of rejection.

(Ichika): "Of course I am." - I said that holding her face with both hands and kissing her right after.

We stayed like that until the shortness of breath forced us to separate again, that's when I noticed the tears in her eyes, but as she was smiling, I assumed they were tears of happiness.

(Ichika): "Well... things are going to get a little complicated now."

(Madoka): "Not exactly, I already told Hisui-san about it."

(Ichika): "And how did she react?"

(Madoka): "At first she was in shock, but then she just asked me what I would do if they found out about it."

(Ichika): "And what did you answer?"

(Madoka): "There is a law on clans of honor that allows marriage between relatives. So we can get married without anyone getting in the way. "

(Ichika): "Is there such a law?" - I asked really surprised and happy, because then, I would not need to hide my relationship with Chifuyu-nee and Madoka.

(Madoka): "Yes, but there are not many honor clans anymore, and the ones that exist, apart from Orimura, have several members, so I think they ended up forgetting that detail."

(Ichika): "But do you want to talk?" - I asked looking into her eyes.

I didn't care what they said, but Madoka and Chifuyu-nee would be a different story.

(Madoka): "Well... I really wouldn't mind, but... I wish I could talk to the others before that... and also... about how we met."

(Ichika): "If this is what you want, know that I respect it." - I speak with a smile and then kiss her again.

While we were kissing, Madoka took her hand to a part of me that I didn't expect.

(Ichika): "We have barely started and already want to take the next step?" - I speak in a playful tone, but I would lie if I said I wasn't anxious too.

(Madoka): "Since I realized that I love you as someone of the opposite sex I hope for that." - She speaks with a somewhat malicious smile while pushing me making me lie on the bed and she climb on top of me.

(Ichika): "But others can hear us."

(Madoka): "They can't, Rain Meusel said that the walls are soundproof."

(Ichika): "Are they?" - I asked surprised, because this information I did not know.

(Madoka): "Tonight... you are mine, Ichika-nii."

The night was quite wild.

The next day, Ichika woke up with Madoka still sleeping on his chest. I stared at my sister / lover's sleeping face while I smiled. I poked her cheek until she woke up.

(Madoka): "Good morning Ichika-nii." - She speaks while scratching her eyes.

(Ichika): "Good morning Madoka." - I speak and then I give her a peck, which makes her smile. - "Now, bathe, because if not, it can be a problem and you will have to change rooms."

Her eyes widen and she runs to the bathroom, before entering the bathroom she looks at me.

(Madoka): "Don't you want to take a shower with me?"

(Ichika): "Stay for the next one." - I said laughing, knowing what she wanted.

She looks a little sulky but goes into the bathroom, after she leaves I go in, and after that we dressed up and went straight to the cafeteria, shortly after the others arrived, except for Char.

(Houki): "Good morning, Ichika."

(Ichika): "Good morning, does anyone know where Charles is?" - I said while still maintaining the false identity.

(Ling): "No, but... today he will speak, isn't it?" - She speaks in a lower tone, so that those close to her do not hear.

(Icihka): "That was the idea."

(Cecilia): "Madoka-san... why does it look like you are shining?"

(Ichika): 'The female intuition should not be underestimated at all.' - I think while I sweat cold, as this would certainly cause the biggest problem for me and Madoka, especially in Chifuyu-nee's hand.

(Madoka): "It's just that I'm really starting a normal life, so to speak."

(Houki): "What do you mean?"

(Madoka): "Let's say... before I met Ichika-nii and Chifuyu-nee, I didn't have the life of a normal person..." - She lowers her head, possibly thinking about the almost abusive training that she commented that [Phantom Task] forced her to do it since she was little.

The girls realize they stepped on a mine and were quiet, I did a cafune on her head which made a smile appear on her face. We continued breakfast without saying anything, and right after that we went straight to the living room, after everyone entered, except for Char, Laura, Maya-Sensei and Chifuyu-nee entered the room.

(Maya): "Good morning, everyone!"

(Class 1-1): "Good morning Orimura-Sensei! Maya-Sensei! "

(Chifuyu): "Well, we are going to introduce a person today."

(Student 1): "Wait, Orimura-Sensei! Where's Dunoa-kun? " - She asked being accompanied by the other students.

The moment the student says that, Maya looks a little uncomfortable.

(Chifuyu): "This is kind of the subject, you can enter."

The next moment the door opened and a person entered.

(Girls): "NO! IT CAN NOT BE!" - They exclaimed when they noticed the appearance of the person who entered, which was Charlotte.

(Charlotte): "Pleasure, my name is Charlotte Dunoa." - She speaks with a smile.

The mood in the room got a little heavy while several murmurs from the girls were heard.

(Student 2): "I was in love with a girl..."

(Student 3): "Ugh... I feel betrayed...."

(Student 4): "Look at her breasts! They are bigger than mine! " - She exclaimed and pointed in the hard face while crying anime tears.

Char blushed at that sentence, but I had to admit that her breasts were actually big, almost as big as Houki, Cecilia and Madoka's, which just made me wonder how much she suffered hiding them when she disguised herself as man.

(In this fic, Madoka's body is similar to Houki's, but she maintains the height of the anime.)

(Student 5): "Wait! She was sharing a room with Orimura-san! "

At that time, all the girls remembered this detail and stared at Char who was still blushing. At that time she looked at me for help.

(Ichika): "We just shared the room, you don't have to look at it that way." - I spoke loudly for everyone to hear me.

I heard some sighs of relief from some girls and they stopped looking at Char, who gave me a look of thanks.

(Chifuyu): "Very well, since they are finished, Dunoa, in your place." - She speaks and Char quickly goes to her chair. - "And it seems that Bodewig has not yet arrived."

At that time, she enters the room.

(Laura): Sorry for the delay, instructor.

I realized that her tone was not as cold as before, which made me a little happy that she changed her way.

(Chifuyu): Don't be sorry, just go to your place. - She said in her neutral tone.

(Laura): "But first... I would like to say a few words." - She speaks while looking at the room as a whole. - "First of all, I'm sorry.... I'm sorry that my attitude so far has been so... bad..."

That surprised me, I didn't think I would be able to change her to the point that she was going to apologize to everyone, I saw that Chifuyu-nee was also surprised and soon afterwards a small smile appeared on her face, possibly happy for the change of face. attitude of his former student.

(Laura): "I hope we can start from scratch." - She spoke with a small reference. And then he looked at me as he approached. - Orimura Ichika, I'm sorry to have said those words when we met for the first time.

I just nodded, after hearing Mice's story from her, I didn't blame her for worshiping my sister, not to mention that she lived in military code, possibly thinking that my relationship with Chifuyu-nee was a weakness.

(Laura): "And I would like to say two more things... first, I want to ask you to continue fighting with me, so that I can improve even more." - She speaks in a serious tone and I just nodded, I saw no problem with that. - "And second... I decided that I will be your wife."

The whole room was silent as I stared at Laura, who was holding me with a serious expression. After a while the whole room screamed, except for my sister, although I'm sure she held on.


(Cecilia): "What did you just say?! How can you say such a thing?! " She exclaimed as she stood up.

(Laura): "What's so strange?" - She speaks while tilting her head clearly confused. - "Clarissa told me that when a strong person finds a good enough partner, he or she claims it so that they can get married and have a strong descendant. If I were the strongest, I would be the husband, but since Orimura Ichika is stronger than me, that makes me the wife. "

I wondered who this Clarisse was and where she got it from, and the question was not just mine.

(Houki): "It doesn't make sense!"

(Charlotte): "In part..."

(Laura): "I don't understand." - She speaks and looks at Maya - "Did I say something wrong?"

(Maya): "No... it's just that you confused things." - She speaks with a forced smile. - "Let me explain... marriage is when two people love each other enough to want to live together forever."

(Laura): "I understand... but I had understood that marriage between strong people was necessary to bring a strong descendant into the world."

I couldn't deny that. Currently, arranged marriages were on the rise, in order to generate a child with talent enough to be a pilot, after all, the Representatives were the main military power of the countries, the stronger their representative, the stronger their country was, for this is why Japan practically stayed on top of the world, because Chifuyu-nee was the representative, and it was for this same reason that several countries sent her marriage proposals, because they wanted Brunhilde's descendant, which made me angry only to remember some marriage proposals when they sent home.

(Maya): "M-But marriages are a proof of love, one that has to be accepted by both parties."

(Laura): "I don't understand... one of my superiors in the army married a man she didn't know just because she had ordered... Why do I have to wait for Orimura Ichika to accept my proposal?"

This made the room quiet again as everyone stared at Laura.

(Laura): "Did I say something wrong again?" - She asks confused.

(Ichika): "Not exactly... we don't have that custom here, Laura." - I saw a small smile and she turned a little red when I said her name.

(Chifuyu): "Bodewig... the point is that in Japan, marriage has to be accepted by both." - She speaks looking at Laura, and I could have sworn I saw a little bit of jealousy in her eyes. - "That means you can't marry him."

(Laura): "Unless he accepts..." - She murmurs and then looks at me. - "Orimura Ichika... will you be my husband?"

(Houki & Cecilia & Charlotte & Madoka & Maya): "NO!" - They exclaimed, but then they faced each other.

(Students): "Maya-Sensei?! Orimura-san?!" - They exclaimed.

Chifuyu-nee just blew out a tired breath and right after that I stare at the window.