A few days after Kate jumped into the slip space getting away from the Oni cursers. Kate saw an abandoned Oni research space station as Kate landed on bored with the pelican in one of the open hangers. As the landing, doors open. Kate thought she heard a little girl's voice saying "(Follow me)". Kate grabbed her two magnums and a shotgun. Kate also turns on her helmet flashlight. Kate came upon a crossroads. In which, Kate looked at three options left, right, or middle.
Kate went middle of the three holdings her shotgun at point-blank range. As Kate kept walking down the middle hallway looking for anything that moves all she saw was some crates that have been turned over and open with nothing in them. Kate heard the voice of the little girl behind her saying" (Follow me I need to show you something)". Kate turned around so fast that she didn't see anyone or the girl. Just a long hallway that Kate came from.
Kate looked at her surrounding areas she saw some more crates, but they were not open. Kate just went past it. Kate continues down the corridor with cation. Kate came to a doorway with big white letters above, the doorway saying (Control Room). Kate got closer to the door open halfway while the other half was not working.
As Kate enters the room Kate heads to the window and manages to open the windows. To Kate's surprise, it opens to reveal a huge rock of some kind. Kate also wanted to know what Oni what were they researching here, so Kate when to the middle control panel in the middle of the room. As Kate turned on the control panel an AI appear next to Kate on the control panel. Does Kate ask "what is your name AI"?
"My name no one has ever asked my name in four years," said the AI. "Well my name Project Forerunner just call me Forerunner, " said the AI. Kate said, "Alright, what is this station main objective"? Forerunner says " the main objective of this research station is for researching new technology and forerunner artifacts". "I can not tell you more information about the projects because you need a higher clearance level". Kate asks " if Forerunner can turn on the power in the station"? Forerunner said "I can turn on parts of the station, but not all because of the reason is unknown to me"
Kate said, "take me to the Forerunner Artifacts room or where ever you call it". Forerunner says "to acknowledge the processing for the quickest way to the room" "If you take a right before you get to the crossroads before you got here," said Forerunner. When Kate got to the crossroads as before. The girl's voice came from the left this time saying"(You are no fun at all)". Kate looked to her left to see nothing at all. Kate held her shotgun tight with her hands.
Kate heard some doors open and closed, then some creates fell over. In the left hallway then suddenly everything became very quiet. Which sent a shiver down Kate's spine. Kate jumped back in the hallway as she felt death is coming towards Kate, but nothing happened. Kate started running in the right hallway towards the forerunner artifacts closing the door behind her as soon as Kate enters the room with a few forerunners artifacts.
Kate felt the forerunner artifacts calling her. Kate had the biggest headache as soon as she touches the nearest one she saw everything in the future and other worlds. Kate's brain tried to process everything that she was seeing. Kate manages to hold on for a few minutes before she passed out. After Kate wakes up she tells Forerunner to turn on the life support systems in this room. He does just that.
Kate takes off her helmet and puts it next to her while sitting on the ground. If anyone we're to look at Kate while her helmet was off is very lucky to have seen her face. Kate's face reveals a white female with short black hair with blue at the tips of her hair. Her eyes are hooded eye shape with amazing Dark blue eyes that look like data streams. Her skin is very smooth. If anyone we're to touch her skin they would be impressed by her looks. Kate began to couch a lot until. She catches her breath and slowly, but surely she managed to calm down a bit.
Kate looks at her helmet and back at the door in which everything seems fine. Kate does not like taking chances that she can not win. Kate waited for an hour to see if anything would happen, but nothing did so kate thought that whatever is out in the corridors must be afraid of one of the many artifacts that are in this room. Kate touches another artifact. Various Visions of a game world, so Kate takes this artifact in her left hand as she put the shotgun on her back. Takes hold of the magnum on her right leg.
While holding an artifact and a magnum in the other. Kate slowly moves towards the door, then Kate hits the control panel with the butt of her magnum. The door opens with nothing waiting to see if anything is behind it. Nothing is there at the moment. Kate then began to pick up speed going towards where she landed the pelican. Kate ran towards the back of the pelican the door was already open.
Kate uses her helmet flashlight to look around and doesn't find anything. Kate then boards the pelican, then she places the artifact in the co-pilot seat. Kate then closes the pelican's door after done that she heads to the pilot seat. Kate began to lift off the air and she retracted the landing gear. The pelican slowly began to turn around while being in the air. In a matter of a few minutes, Kate was outside of the station.
Just as Kate was about to get up from where she was sitting the pelican's radar is picking up multiple ships coming out of the slip space. It is the Oni cruisers was what that thought was going threw her mind at this moment. Three Oni cruisers come out of the slip space they tried to hail the pelican and no response. The captain on the Oni ship in the middle of the other two responses with an open channel "HELLO SPARTAN" I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR SO I WILL ONLY SAY THIS ONCE. I WANT TO GIVE YOUR SELF UP AND WE WILL GO SEE SOME PEOPLE THAT WANT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT SOMETHINGS." "WELL IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME HERE IS ONE NOW".
Dr.Halsey says "hello Kate it's been a long time coming since we last talked and saw each other".
Kate, " I thought you were dead Dr. Halsey".
Dr.Halsey "well there have been some complications"
Kate "When is there no complication with you Dr"
(Flash Back)
Little Girl Kate "Hey Dr. Halsey when can we go play with the other kids".
Dr. Halsey "Not right now we need to go to the lab to do somethings with you, Kate".
Little Girl Kate "We always do that tho. Just for one day pretty please".
Dr.Halsey "No Kate we can't we need you at your best for when (they come)".
Little Girl Kate " Alright how about tomorrow then".
Dr. Halsey "We will see then".
(FlashBack End)
Kate "I always thought of you as a mother which I never had Dr. Halsey"
Dr. Halsey "I know what you must be feeling but don't take your temper on others for what Oni for making what you are today"
Kate "Ok you know what I have a forerunner artifact on this pelican and I will activate it I don't know what will happen".
Dr. Halsey " Kate you need help you are unstable you are having a meltdown and don't what's real"
Kate "What are you talking about Dr. Halsey"?
Dr. Halsey " You are an AI spartan with loaded experimental technology"
Dr. Halsey "Kate clam down we need to get you to the lab to fix you. We can help you, Kate. Let's up to help you, Late".
Kate "I don't believe you"
Dr.Halsey "Come on Kate believe me. Come with me, Kate".
Kate puts one of her hands on the artifact and it starts glowing bright red.
While the Oni ships started firing on the pelican just before it jumps into slip space.