Chapter 30: Surrender

Crimson anger arises from the burning blaze as the whole Sanctuary is made to watch Dwight prepare the furnace.

Nate and I exchange looks with each other. It's quite apparent what's about to happen. We're getting the iron. The worst possible punishment that Negan has ever come up with. First, you endure the agony of having half your face burned then what's left is a huge ugly scar. Every day you have to live with it, you will never forget.

"I presume you all heard the gunshots from upstairs and are probably freaked the fuck out but there's no need to worry, everything is under control now" Negan announces to the audience of mostly confused people. From their perspective, this is a random sadistic move by Negan to assert his 'claim' over me. They don't know that there was an assassination attempt on their leader's life moments before. the gunshots could've been explained as another attack on the Sanctuary. 

All eyes are on Negan as he strolls to Dwight and is handed the steaming hot iron. The heat radiates so powerfully that the entire room feels like a sauna.

He continues his speech getting closer to Nate and I. We're bound to chairs, so there's no evading our fate, "Without going into details, I will say treason is the reason for this public demonstration which we all know is the greatest sin that can be committed"

The word 'treason' is not something you want to be associated with you. An overwhelming sense of shame washes over me, witnessing the demeanor of the crowd change. Any ounce of sympathy they felt has left. I can't bring myself to look at the disgust and hostility on people's faces.

"Nate, you're the first lucky winner since you were the mastermind! That pretty-boy face of yours is gonna look like an overcooked pizza by the time this is over", he holds the destructive instrument only inches from his face but Nate being the warrior he is doesn't even flinch.

"Let's just get this over with", he glares straight into the eyes of the devil. Nate never shows fear in the face of adversity. His strength is the thin string holding me together.

"that's fine by me..." Negan says, staring down at him.

The fact that Nate is unphased is a change in the typical response. Begging and crying is the energy that fuels the monster deep inside the soul of this so-called "leader". It's never a good thing when someone doesn't react the way Negan would want them too.

If only I could be as strong as Nate, but that's not how I am, "Negan, he doesn't deserve this! There has to be another way we can make up for this"

My plead momentarily brings the situation to a halt but Negan doesn't waste much time with me, "no outbursts! He's made his bed now he has to lay in it! Be glad he's even alive" he shuts me down quickly then resumes his time of terror.

"Say goodbye to the old Nate!" he cackles while he pushes the iron into Nate's cheek. It's sizzling and smokes like a BBQ grill. The screams that come from him are similar to an animal being branded. It takes a human-made of pure evil to find any satisfaction with mutilation.

As much as I struggle to hold it in, the pain comes out like an uproar from my throat in the form of a scream. The beads of water fall down one after another.

The torture feels like it went on for hours but in reality, it was a few seconds but even in a time that short. The immediate aftermath is devastating. Out of the corner of my sight, I can see Nate's head drooping with his eyes completely shut. He passed out.

"Aww, baby, why are you crying? I haven't even got to you yet" Negan redirects his interest to me and brushes strands of hair out of my face. The condescension is yet another blow to my emotional state.

Luckily, I get a brief time to breathe when he leaves my side to hand the iron back to Dwight. It's my chance to gain my composure and come up with a plan to maybe get Negan to spare me.

I toss around a couple of ideas in my head, watching the furnace heat back up the torture device. Maybe I can use his obsession with me against him, "Please, if you love me, you wouldn't" my shaky voice lets out the manipulating phrase.

Negan closes the distance between us and talks in my face, "that's where you're wrong. A good husband wouldn't let you get away with something like this. It's my job to put you in your place".

His response isn't what I wanted to hear but I still find a way to use it to my benefit, "okay, you're right. I know what I did was stupid but I felt trapped"

He rolls his eyes like an adolescent, "I've heard it all before Carmen, it seems like you only learn the hard way. Maybe you'll finally get the message this time", he wickedly smirks.

"It's ready!" Dwight shouts, handling the iron that once again is steaming. 

"Hear that? It's time sweetheart" he jogs back over to the furnace and takes it in his gloved hand. My watery eyes enlarge and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. It's my turn now. I glance over at Nate but he's still out cold.

"Just remember to breathe in and out, it will all be over soon" he approaches me menacingly. I tremble at each step he takes. When he gets close enough that I feel the heat I close my eyes and brace myself.

"Look at me" he demands sternly. My lids flutter open again without him having to ask me twice.

"Have you learned your lesson?" he asks, flaunting the iron near my left cheek. The threat of being burned still floats over my head.

"y-yes" I whimper with the last of my will. Much to my astonishment, this is enough to gratify him.

"Perfect! let me wipe those tears" he sits the iron on the floor then uses his jacket to soak up the sadness from my skin. 

My muscles relax when the realization hits me that I'm going to be okay. I won't have to live with a scar or go through the pain that Nate had to.

I become euphoric but of course, it doesn't last long. Negan still has a trick up his sleeve, "Don't get too excited my dear, there's still one more thing left to do" he warns me as he unties me from my restraints.


"You'll stay in here till I see a real change in you" Negan slams the door shut behind him, leaving me in a cell, which isn't more than a hollow cube of concrete, one way in, no windows. In here you have no idea how much time had passed or even if it was night or day. It is totally disorientating by design the only thing that soothes me is knowing that Nate is in the cell beside me. Though I hate that he's in so much pain and hasn't received medical care.

I sit in the corner and pray for a way out of this crisis but the truth is I'm at the mercy of a madman. He gets to decide when this is all over but for the time being, I'm in 'time out' like a child...