Unlike any other days,October 20th is the most important and memorable day to 9 young girls all who have their own past and story on their journey to the present. Today was the day that these nine girls were able to accomplish their dreams into becoming an KPOP IDOL. They've been working hard and practicing their dance,singing and rapping to the limit during their years as trainees hoping to accomplish their dream and today was the day where it comes true.
The past months have been gruesome for them, competing against each other to earn a spot in the group called Twice, a name referring to their ability to capture the heart of the audience with their vocals and visuals. In the end, the 9 members chosen were;
Im Nayeon, The Lead Vocalist and Center
Yoo Jeongyeon, Lead Vocalist
Hirai Momo, Main Dancer and Sub vocal/rapper
Minatozaki Sana, Vocalist
Park Jihyo, Main Vocalist and Leader
Myoui Mina, Main Dancer and Lead Vocalist
Kim Dahyun, Lead Rapper and Sub Vocalist
Son Chaeyong, Main Rapper and Sub Vocalist
And Finally Chou Tzuyu, Lead Dancer, Sub Vocalist, Visuals and Maknae
After a exciting day of performing their debut song for the first time in front of a bunch of audience, they were in the change room changing into their regular clothes. Each member filled with happiness talking to their family members about how the future would turn out. Though one member was sitting in the corner in deep thought with a frown shown on her face.
Tzuyu broke her thoughts and looked up at the person calling her name, in front of her was their amazing leader, Park Jihyo. She is the leader of their group and the main vocalist, not only she is able to shock people how great she was at singing and beauty but how well she is able to understand and listen to her member's problems. She was one of the few people that she looked up to since the day she joined the company. Jihyo looked at the youngest of the family in worry and asked
"Tzuyu-ah are you okay, why are you crying? Tell Unnie"
Tzuyu couldn't keep it in anymore and jumped into Jihyo's arms and cried heavily attracting the attention of the other members to look over and see their maknae crying into their leaders arms. They all rushed to her aid, hugging her and patting her back smoothly trying to calm her down. This went for a few minutes until she slowed down, Jihyo was concerned, she knew that her maknae had much difficulty with handling her emotions, hiding behind a mask of savageness,and for her to cry so hard would mean that something really bad has happened. She then asked with concern
" Are you ready to tell us Tzuyu? Why were you crying so hard?"
"Sniff.. Unnie… It's just that today is such...a happy day for us"
"We know Tzuyu it a happy day for us as well" she said in a kind tone
" It's just that, all your family members came and celebrated but"
Tzuyu looked down in sadness not being able to look up at her members. The rest were worried for her and was confused as they realized that not once did she tell them about her family
"Where are your family members Tzuyu? Did you not tell them?"
"Its.. Its just"
Sana went to open a door and saw a russian redhead wearing a whole black tight suit with a strange circular symbol with a hawk like image in it. Sana was confused and asked her who she is and why she was here. The redhead asked her in perfect Korean
"Annyeonghaseyo, Is Tzuyu here?"
"Ummm Yes she, and who's asking"
"My name is Natasha Romanoff, and i have something for Tzuyu from Justin"
The moment she heard that name, Tzuyu ran to the door and asked her
"How do you know that name???" Tzuyu asked in angry voice pointing at the strange women
"He's my best friend and co-worker, he wanted you to have this" said Natasha
Natasha gave Tzuyu a USB and Tzuyu quickly took it and whispered " Thank you"
"No problem anything for my best friend's precious baby sister" She smirked as Tzuyu blushed and walked back inside while Natasha left.
She went back to the others and asked them for a laptop and plugged in the USB. The members were huddling together behind Tzuyu, curioused after watching the whole conversation with the redhead. In the USB was a video named "To Tzuyu, my baby" she opened it to see the face that she hasn't seen for the past 6 years. Tears started to form just by seeing his handsome face, without further a do she click play.
"Hey baby girl, (Tzuyu blushed heavily while the girls giggled) We haven't seen or talked to each other for a long time haven't we. Well at least for you Chewie, I've been looking after you since I left and you've grown up to become such a beautiful young lady haven't you, being surrounded by a bunch of beautiful young ladies(the girls blushed) who also watched you grow up to become who you are right now. I'm sorry that I've left that day, but it is for your own well being, just like everything that i've done in the past was for you as well. I promise I'll be back with you as soon as possible. Anyway now that we are done with the sad stuff, I've heard that you are debuting in a Korean Girl Group just like you always wanted to in the past, hehehe, I remember all those times where you showed me your passion for dance and singing. All those times where you would fall down on the ground tired after practicing for hours,and I would always be there to pick you backup to treat you to your favorite ice cream. Tzuyu I just want to say congratulations and that I hope you and your friends have success in the future. Just remember this Chewie, I Justin Chou will forever be your lovable big brother and you will alway be my precious baby sister. 再见我的月光"
Tzuyu broke down in tears as the message that her big brother sent brought back all the wonderful memories they had together when they were young. Tzuyu finally was able to see him, even though it was a video, after 6 years of him being gone.
Outside of the window on a tree branch
A figure watched as Tzuyu was being hugged by the members, a smile forming onto his face it said "see you soon" and disappeared into the wind.