What is wrong with me? >_<

This got my blood boil, there is no way I would allow this to happen any further. I need to do something quickly, I look around and see two mobsters in the back holding guns looking at the scene. I just need to get them distracted so I can tranquillize them with my dart gun. I crouch down and grab the gun that was attached to my legs. I took my empty cup of coffee and threw on the ground on the other side of the cafe. They looked over and I shot two darts at both of the men. The leader and the other mobster look over, Mobster 3 runs towards me throwing a right hook, I block it with my right hand and slam my fist in his stomach and kneed him when he was bent down. The leader looked shocked as he just witnessed his men being beaten so easily. I see a gun hanging around his waist, I run towards him as he is about to take his gun. I smack his gun away and punch him in the face which knocks him onto the ground unconscious.

"Well that was all anticlimactic" I look over to see the girls shaking, I walk towards them and ask

"Are you girls oka-" I was pushed to the ground with the two girls hugging me tightly

" It's all okay now, you're safe" I hug them until the police come.

When cops Arrived

I gave my statement and started to walk away until I felt a hand pulling me back. I turn around and saw it was Mina and Sana.

"Do you need anything girls?" I asked

"Um no We just wanted to thank you for saving us from the bad guys," said Sana

"Your welcome, I sure if I wasn't there someone else would've tried to help."

" yea right" Whispered Mina

I looked at Mina, with a small smile

"Wait here"

I ran down the street to an ice cream shop and got two ice cream cones. I ran back and gave them the ice cream

" Here eat this, It'll calm you down"

"Thank you" they replied

I looked at my watch and saw it was already 5 pm, I needed to get a hotel for the night.

"Anyway girls I need to get going, I assume you guys are heading back to your dorms?"

"Yeah," They say

" Okay Bye then and be careful alright."

I turned around and walked away until I heard

"What's your name!!" Screamed Mina

"Its Justin" I said

I got a cab and asked for the nearest hotel here, as he drove I thought to myself "Things are about to get way more interesting"

Mina P.O.V

"Justin huh, why does it sound so familiar"

"Unnie, Does that name sound familiar to you"

"Not really, there's a ton of guys named Justin in the world right."

"I guess," I said but I could stop thinking about him, and his muscular arms and chest. I blushed "What is wrong with me, Is it because of his heroic act? No can't be. Sigh I just want to go home"

" Mina are you okay? Your face is red." Sana asked in concern

"I'm fine"

"Okay, tell me if something wrong"

"I will"

At Home

��We're Backkk" yelled Sana

Sana ran in after throwing her shoes away to the living where the girls were watching Kdrama.

"Girls you don't know what happened today," yelled Sana while clutching Tzuyu tightly


"We almost died," I said quietly

"WHATTTTTTTT" the girls yelled

They flew to us hugging and checking us in worry

"We are fine now," I said, smacking Nayeon hands from my cheeks. I rubbed my cheeks from the pain "damn large bunny hands."

"We were saved by this man at the cafe, He did all these cool moves, took down all the bad guys in seconds," Said Sana while demonstrating by doing some kicks and punches.


"Do you know his name?" asked Jihyo

"He said his name was Justin," I said

Tzuyu flinched at the name and stared at Mina

"What did he look like," asked Tzuyu

"Uh He is 6ft with medium-short hair and he doesn't look Korean but is Asian," I said

Tzuyu was in deep thought, wondering whether that was her brother or not. Then again there are plenty of Asian males called Justin…. Right?

"Anyway, girls we should all go to sleep. We got a fully booked schedule tmr." Said Jihyo as she started walking to her room.

Everyone went to their bed and slept peacefully except for two individuals, who both had plenty of thoughts running through their minds.