Tzuyu P.o.V
Tzuyu woke up to a loud snore coming from the other side of the room.
Dahyun always snored loudly in her sleep, especially right after a tiring schedule. As usual, She walked out to get ready and headed down to the kitchen to make some oatmeal. She looked down at the oatmeal in disgust, Tzuyu never liked eating oatmeal but since we are preparing for a comeback we need to eat healthily.
"I wish my big brother was here since he would always cook my meals and it would taste delicious."
Tzuyu sat down on the couch watching Tv until my other members woke up. It wasn't 5 minutes until a body came down on the couch wrapping her hands around the waist. She looked to her left and saw a pair of big round eyes which belong to no other than Jihyo.
"What are you doing so early baby chewie?"
"Nothing much just thinking."
"You know that you can tell me right" She stared at her with her ultimate puppy eyes
"I know, anyway what do we need to do later?"
"Apparently JYP needs to meet us, so go get ready"
They all walked down the halls towards JYP'S door and knocked. They heard a "come in"
They walked in, bowed and sat down around the table.
"Okay girls, as you know about what happened in the cafe shop. I decided to hire a personal bodyguard to protect you at all cost. You'll all be living with him."
To say the least the girls were shocked. Not only that their little freedom will get compromised but they will be living with a stranger for the foreseeable future. Each girl had their own personal thoughts but what they all have in common is who is the person that they will be living with and protected with.
"Umm Pd-nim, who will be this person," Asked Jihyo
"Well, you'll find out when you arrive at his house. Your stuff is already packed and will be moved to his house. Here are the keys and the address" Jyp said as he left the room after giving the keys and a note to her
"Okay girls I guess we would find out who our new roommate is," said Jihyo
At the house
The van, that the girls are in, drives into the driveway of a huge mansion. The girls were amazed at how beautiful the large mansion was. The moment the car stopped, the girls jumped out of the car and stared at the mansion.
"Wowww he must be very rich"
"Wow it must take a long time to clean it"
"Wow there must be a lot of expensive artwork"
"Wow there must be a lot of good food"
Everyone turned and looked at their resident dance machine.
They shook their heads and walked to the front of the door opening it with the key given by JYP. Once they were inside they froze at the beauty and modernization of the inside. Beautiful artwork on the walls, a large living room with a theatre 100-inch tv, and to one's excitement a huge open fridge with a girl stuffing food in her mouth. Wait
"I'm h-hungry," said Momo with a bunch of food in her mouth
They all walked around throughout the mansion and found out that there were many different rooms. On the second floor, there was a Music studio, a dance studio, a workout room, a swimming pool and a large theatre room. When they arrived on the third floor there were 10 rooms, each room they saw their own personal items. When they arrived at the final door, across the Tzuyu bedroom, they opened to see a room that was 2-times larger than their filled with traditional Chinese vases, books, a computer with 6 monitors and many pictures.
"Wow this room is sooo big" Said Chaeyoung
"It looks bigger because you're just small" teased Jeongyeon
"YA UNNIEE" screamed Chae
Jihyo walked around the room and arrived at a shelf filled with pictures.
"Um guys, get over here," she said
They walked to see what Jihyo was looking at.
"Isn't that the redhead from a few years ago?" Said Nayeon
"Wait a second, Mina isn't that the guy who saved us," Said Sana
The picture was Natasha and Justin hugging each other after the attack in New York. It was a tough fight as the Chitauri were everywhere and trained assassins could only do some much compared to aliens.
"Um Tzuyu isn't that your brother," asked Jihyo
Tzuyu looked at Justin's picture and saw his charming smile that he would always have on his face when greeting her or whenever she made him proud.
"Big brother" Tears started to leak down her face. The girls went and hugged Tzuyu with Jihyo giving her a long kiss on her forehead.
"Wait does this mean he's our bodyguard?" Asked Dahyun
"Yes it does," said a male voice
When they turned around, leaning on the wall by the door was a tall handsome Chinese male, to the girls they saw the same handsome guy in the picture, but to Tzuyu it was her loving big brother wearing the exact same charming smile.
" 妹妹,我终于回家了," he said opening his arms.
"哥-哥哥" Tzuyu flew to his arms crying her eyes out on his chest
"不要哭着月光,我现在终于永远和你在一起" He whispered to her