I wasn't sure when I fell asleep. Heck, I didn't even realize that I had until I was awoken by the dull roar of applauds. Slowly, I pulled myself up to a sitting position. I cast a glance outside my small window but was greeted with nothing but blue waves. Even when the ship wasn't submerged, all the opening allowed me to see was water. The applauds continued and I found it slightly unnerving. Where are we? I surveyed my cubicle bedroom, stalling. I didn't want to get up. If I was being honest, all I wanted to do was curl into a ball and drift back into my dreamless sleep. How long are you going to keep sulking? And you call yourself a pirate. My self slander did little to help my situation, but it did motivate me to at least stand up.
I slipped on some black denim shorts and began surveying the tattoos on my legs, stalling yet again. I traced the loopy cursive ink engraved on the outside of my right thigh with my index finger. The lettering ran vertically down my leg spelling out "life." I set my right foot up on my left knee and blankly stared at the word "death" printed out in gothic calligraphy on the inside of my thigh. Such a beautiful appearance for such a solemn concept. I marked my skin with these words when a crewmember saved my life by giving up hers. I put it there to remind myself that one can't exist without the other and that there's only a fine line between the two.
"Human lives are fragile things, huh?" Shira invaded my mind once again. I could've spent hours gazing at all the black lines running up and down my body, recalling what each one stood for. I probably would have too if she didn't speak up. Even when my own insults couldn't call me to action, the malice I feel when hearing her voice could. It was only then that I noticed the cheers had stopped. Hastily, I wrapped my cloak around my shoulders and laced up my boots. I emerged on deck where the rest of the crew was gathered. We were in an ocean-fed river below hundred of women staring at us.
"What's going on here?" I leaned towards Shachi who happened to be closest to the door.
"We were supposed to be going into Lily Amazon but now they're telling us we have to dock at some cove and can't leave from there." The disappointment in his voice almost made me crack a smile, almost. Amazon Lily isn't that the all female island that the Warlord Boa Hancock is from? I took a glance at the wooden ship beside us, and sure enough she was standing aboard. What the hell did I miss?
We spent the next few days anchored in the cove. Most of the men didn't seem to want to stay with the ship and I typically didn't want to leave. That's how I ended up watching Strawhat when he woke up. I had been sitting on the floor next to his bed with my scythe leaning against the wall over me. He screamed as he returned to consciousness, causing me to leap to my feet. That was my first mistake. The sudden movement caused him to punch in my direction. I tried dodging but I was too close and not expecting to be attacked by a patient. His fist clipped the side of my stomach which resulted in my back slamming into the wall. All the air seemed to leave my lungs at once. My knees buckled from underneath me but I managed to stay on my feet. Luffy began leaving the room, the look in his eyes was menacing. I followed him out, my second mistake. In a blind rage, he struck the wall, bursting a pipe behind it. The oxygen caught on fire, causing a small explosion right in front of me. I dove back behind a door for cover but an ember leapt onto the hem of my cloak, igniting it in flames. I threw off the fabric and stomped out the fire, but it was already ruined. Suddenly, I could feel the ship rock beneath my feet when Luffy threw himself out through the ceiling.
"I'm going to regret this." I muttered to myself before following in hot pursuit once again. By the time I stepped out of the ship Luffy was already out of sight. Trafalgar raised an eyebrow in my direction, an irritating smirk plastered on his lips.
"Seems Straw-ya caused you some trouble too." he daunted.
"Yaeh keep laughing, wait until you see the damage on your ship." I barked back at him, too pissed off to care. If I was being honest, which I wasn't, I was not mad at Strawhat, just myself for being too slow to dodge. I took a look around once more. "Where is he anyways?"
"He went off on a rampage through the forest. Jinbe went after him." Trafalgar tilted his head in the direction of torn fabric that separated the cove from the rest of Amazon Lily.