Chapter 3 Rise of the Guild

After a couple of days, in game, we manage to get enough coins to create the Guild. All that was was left to do was to purchase a land of any size and we could claim it for our Guild base to be built. After walking around, we found a good location where we had plenty of space to work with and while Luna bought the land I also created the Guild.

[World Wide News]


[You have been rewarded with not just the title of Guild master but also with a total of 500k gold coins and + 150000 contributes points to the Kingdom of Esckomor.]

Smiling I look at the CP I just earned and decided to use some of them to to upgrade my guild to a teir 7 guild so it would look nice on both the inside and outside. Once it was upgraded, I looked into my inventory to find my Guild building permit and pulled it out and placed it on the land Luna just bought for us.

[Do you wish to build your Guild Building on this land?] [Accept/Decline?]

I press accept and watched the automatic building process happen. Just like in the real would, anything that was on the land was removed and the building started to take shape of what I had hoped it would be. With each tier, the looks and bonuses of the tiers would get better. With a tier one Guild, it would look like a normal two story house where you would have all your members hanging out on the first floor while the second floor would be for the core members and higher ups would be for when discussing up coming events or war meeting. A tier one Guild member count was limited to 30 people, while the Tier 7 that I upgraded to could hold 100k members. The tier 7 Guild would look like a castle on the outside while holds a Modern Skyline Sweet with multiple levels on the inside. You would have the Bar for Bard players or NPC Bards. then you would have plenty of rooms for resting Guild members and the counter where you could pick up anything from the guild or place an order for the guild. Other players, who had yet to join other guilds would have to walk in and apply at that counter as well if they choose to apply to our Guild. If another player who has joined a Guild but was asking for help, they would still need to place it with the person at the counter. Any jobs would be posted on the board on the first and second floor depending on how tough the mission rating would be. From rating F to D would be on the first floor, while the ratings for D+ to AAA would be on the second floor. S to SSS ratings missions would be handed out to certain ranked players within the Guild. On the Third floor, would be out Material usage area. Classes that are like Luna's Alchemy class along with Blacksmiths would be found here. A member could just walk up to a certain blacksmith of their choice to ask about a special armor or weapon to see if they could make it. The 4th level would be where the Core members would hang out whenever there is a Event happening or when we are planning a raid or prepping from War. The 5th floor would hold the Guild master's room, Guildmaster's office, Vice Guildmasters's rooms and offices. the higher the tier of the Guild the more Vice Guildmaster's you would need to keep the members in line. You wouldn't get a 2nd Vice Guild master till you upgraded the Guild to level 5 when you reached 50k member limit.

Thinking about all that I smile as I watch my castle Guild being built without any NPC or players to build it. It was fascinating to watch it being built and once it was done a Pop up flag was in my face asking me to design the Emblem of our Guild. Smiling as I have an idea, I quickly design it with a background of wolves running in snow while attacking a bear.

Now that Ive completed the Guild building I walk in and see a NPC is already standing behind the desk.

I walk up to him and say " I would like to look at the requirements to recruit new members."

"Most certainly. Would you please follow me to your office so you may input your commands there Guildmaster Overdeathk9?" The gentleman ask as he bows his head towards me.

"Please do." I respond while I invite Luna to the Guild as a Vice Guildmaster.

"Right this way Sir and Madam." he says to us once Luna accepts the invite I sent. He shows us the way to the office and once we are in, leaves us to be with the papers to fill out the requirements for Recruiting new members. Since we already knew how we were going to do the recruitment I didn't have to ask her input as how to do anything.

Once done and I had applied the requirements, all I had to do was wait. For the members to start applying. It wasn't long till the Applications started to fly in. After an hour of applications were still coming in, I had to press the close recruitment button so we could gather the applications as we headed down to the first floor.

Once we stepped down the stair till we were infront of the crowd of people wanting to join while yelling at the poor clerk about joining us, I yelled so I could be heard "SHUT UP FOR A MOMENT SO I CAN TALK TO YALL!"

Once everyone could hear me yelling at them, they went dead quiet. Now that everyone had quieted down I didnt have to yell as loud but to make the Guild look professional I held onto my serious tone as I said "Now, after an hour of opening the recruitment for Our Guild I have received over 20k member requestment forms to join us. While I do appreciate the support y'all want to give us, we are looking for not just the numbers but rather also the talents and determination and Loyalty to our Guild. So be ready for the test We will put you through to join our Guild. I will warn you, it will not be for the feint hearted for those of you who are wanting to be fighters. Y'all will be under my keen eye during this test."

"Those of you who wish to be a craftsmanship for the Guild will be under my keen eye. It won't be as harsh as thise who want to be the fighters of the Guild but it will be demanding work for them and for the future of our Guild. I will decide who fails and who passes based on my own experience as a craftsmanship and my area of expertise. Just like the Guildmaster is a brave and strong fighter, I am a determined and drivin to perfectionist about supporting our fighters. Both test shall start in half an hour from now. So Gather your equipment craftmanship, Gain some experience points or level up as much as you need to Fighters. Because Once you enter the Guild you will be put to the test." Luna said taking control of all the new members.

"Fighters, Join me at the West Gate in half an hour. If your late, you can kiss you application good bye to our Guild. We do not tolerate tardiness. We are a Beastman and we mean to rule. That is all folks see y'all soon." I said before I turned around to head up to the office and wait for that half hour.

Since I need to show them that I am not a push over I opened my inventory and pulled out one of the Huge EXP potions and drank it all down in one gulp. after drinking that I instantly grew to level 35. Smiling at how much it boosted me, I open my stats screen to decide what I should put my new points into.

[Player Name: Overdeathk9]

[Race: Beastman]

[Class Card: Legendary Beastmaster]

[LVL 35]


[LVL up Points:75]












Beastmaster Summoning

Beastmaster Sealing

Beastmaster Knowledge


LVL 1 Eclipse {Alpha Wolf}

After deciding that I want to balance my warrior traits and my non combative traits I decided that I would put 20 in WIS, 25 in VIT, 15 in CHR, and 5 into STR.

Since right now all the players are only around level 7 or 8, that told me that they worked hard to earn those level but some could have just used the Exp potions to raise there levels so I decide to take them out on a Mob killing spree. Turns out, while we were sorting out who wanted to be what, Most of them wanted to be fighters of different kinds. Some we as mages, other as warriors and some and martial artist. So that I am not seen as a Weak player bossing around strong members, I choice to raise my abilities to the max without being TOO OP.

So now here is where I stand at with everything I put into.

[Player Name: Overdeathk9]

[Race: Beastman]

[Class Card: Legendary Beastmaster]

[LVL 35]


[Level up points:5]












Beastmaster Summoning

Beastmaster Sealing

Beastmaster Knowledge


LVL 1 Eclipse {Alpha Wolf}

Proud that I'm growing fast and stronger, I stand up and start heading to the west Gate. It takes me less the twenty minutes to get there and I see everyone waitting around for me. Once I walk by everyone I stop at the gate and yell "LETS SEE WHAT YOU LITTLE GIRLS ARE MADE OUT OF SHALL WE? ALPHA WOLF PACK GUILD TEST #1 IS UNDER WAY FOLKS SO SHUT UP AND NUT UP."

Without waitting for them to respond I turn around and head to the forest. Once in the forest, I slowly walk forward listing to the sounds of the people behind me and to the winds hitting the leaves. About 300 yards into the forest I hear a sound that was familiar to me. Smiling I raise my hand up with my fist closed to tell them to halt. Once they stopped and I could hear the sound clearly, I knew right then it was the perfect beast for me to tame for the shop. I turn my head around looking for a mage. once I saw a group of them, I waved them over to me so I could talk to them real quick.

Slowly and quietly they walked over to me before they stopped moving all together. "What is it Guildmaster?" One of them asked.

"Do any of y'all know paralyze spells or sleeping spells?" I ask looking at them while I listen to the creature.

"Yes, I know a paralyzing and a sleeping spell. why?" She replied back with a curious look.

I point at her to look right above my head at the title I have on display to show her why.

She looks up and then it dawned on her and shoke her head yes.

"Okay. Can you get them ready while I distracte it?" I ask her as I sheth my weapon.

"Sure, but you will need that weapon to tame it, wont you?" she asked with a confused look.

I just shake my head no to her as I use hand signals to tell everyone to stay and watch me work my magic.

Once everyone nodded back, I stand up and start walking towards the beast. The Beast was an amazing friend of mine in my past life where I could use it alot to ease my travel time. It was a Dragon, and not just some Dragon, but the kind that's rarely found. It has a purple and blue body with bright green eyes. it was as tall as the castle I had just built times 4. I walk up to it slowly without a weapon in my hand to show I have no intention to harm it.

"Why have you come here Beastman? Is it to take my life?" The Dragon ask as he leans over to me with his mouth wide open as to eat me.

"No. I have not come to take your life Dear friend. Rather to see why you would be in the Magical Forest instead of up in the moutians where you would normally be resting in?" I say as I sit down.

"Why I am here is none of your concern. Why did you call me a Dear Friend when I don't even know who you are?" The Dragon asks looking surprised by my response.

"It's simple really, if I dont intent to harm you I dont see why we couldnt be friends. Wouldnt you agree to that idea? And if you are wonder who am i, its simple. My name is Overdeathk9, Guildmaster of the Alpha Wolf Pack Guild. I came into this forest to test those who wish to join my guild in a series of test. I was just walking with them when I heard you and I told them to stop there and wait for me at the bushes over there." I say point atvthe group who is in Awe that their Guild master is talking to a dragon, then when they see he pointed at the group that all went from Awe faces to Shocked faces.

"What kind of test are you going to put them through? And am I part of this test without know it.?" The Dragon ask while looking at the group.

"I'm putting them through a battle and Loyalty test. As for your last Question, you werent part of the test till I heard you. The test your part of right now is what we are doing here and now, sitting and talking. Getting to know one and another to get a better understanding of where we could possible be standing with each other." I say smiling up at the dragon.

"Why test them?" The Dragon asks as he looks back at me relaxing a bit more.

"Because I dont know them and I wont allow those who are weak to be a part of my Guild. If they cant learn the basics of combat and learn what their weaknesses are or what they hope to become, then I have no need for them." I say looking around at everyone. "Plus right now, I'm testing myself here at this very moment."

"How are you testing yourself? All you are doing is talking to me." The Dragon asks me.

"Its not everyday you talk to a Dragon of your caliber, Dragon god Bahamute." I say bowing my head.

The Dragon looks at me with surprised that i know it's real name. "I see, so you knew who I was and was still willing to put yourself through this meaningful test. I am also guessing that the Wolf beside you is your pet, correct?"

"He most certainly is Bahamute. His name is Eclipse and I am actually a Beastmaster." I said smiling as I scratch Eclipse's neck a bit.

"Well it seems to me that Fate has brought me just the person I was looking for." Bahamute says as he moves his hand to uncover a egg the size of a human being. "This here is a dragon egg of the most purest under myself. its parents were killed a long time ago and I have been looking for someone who would raise it to be a well mannered Dragon. I think I will leave it in your care, Overdeathk9 Guild master of the Alpha Wolf Pack Guild. Raise it well and treat it well and once its fully grown, if it should choice to leave you then I will be there to take it under my wing. But should it choose to stay, then I will give you a reward for all that you have done for it."

[New Quest]

[Tame or Release the Dragon]

[Rating SS]

You must hatch, raise, and train the dragon. Once it is fully grown, it will decide weather to be with you or to be with its own kind.


25 mil gold coins

2 Beast Transformation Armors

Two Dragon eggs.


I smile as I get up and bow to accept the quest. "Thank you Bahamute for giving this Beastman a chance to raise a truly magnificent dragon to be the best I can make it become."

Once Bahamute hears my response, he stands up and jumps into the sky to fly away leaving the dragon egg to the me.

Once the dragon is out of site and out of my hearing range I walk up to the dragon egg and put it into my inventory. Once I turn around, I see everyone standing behind me with a completely Shocked face.

"WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?" They all yelled at me at the same time.

"Simple, I got myself a quest for myself and a future Vice Guild master. The reward for this quest is two dragon eggs. One of them, once hatched that is, will be given to Luna and the other will be given to the other Vice Guildmaster whenever she/he is appointed the position. Work hard for the Guild and if your given the chance to become the Vice Guild master, you could have the other egg." I say smiling an devilish grin.

"NOW BACK TO THE TEST" I yell as I walk back into the forest with a fully motivated party behind me. We spend all day and night for a whole week. Every night I send ten people back and say 'thank you but you won't be needing here.' By the end of the week, I had well over 200 people still stand with me as I walk back into town and towards the Guild.

Luna and I had kept contact about everything that has happened since we created the guild till the present day. As soon as we get to the Guild everyone fell forward as if they had no energy left in them. Luna was already done with he tests and turns out only 40 people passed and became actual Guild members.

When I entered the Guild I was greeted by the new Guild members and Luna." Welcome back, Alpha!" they all yell while laughing.

"Who's brght idea was that to start calling me Alpha?" I laughed while asking. The guy behind me looked at everyone with a confused look at the joke that was made.

Everyone pointed at Luna who couldnt stop laughing. I smile at her as I walk up to her and slap her on the back a bit. I say "Lets all calm down now."

After a minute or so everyone that was laughing and calm down to listen to what I had to say.

"The men and women that I have brought back today have now passed their first and second trails during this week long event. They have learned what it means to be a fighter done to the core and had put up with my harsh and demanding training. So to them I say 'WELCOME TO THE PACK BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE BEASTS!' And to those of y'all who passed Luna test I also say it to y'all." I say as I start to clap loudly. "May the next recruitment session be as fruitful as this and so on till the end of days."

Everyone howls and yells with excitement and those who I brought back home finnally finding the strength to stand up and join their brothers and sisters for a beer or two. Luna and I head up to the Guildmaster office to leave the rest to enjoy their time together.

Once in the office I sit down in my chair while Luna sits on the desk side ways while looking over some paper work she had been doing during my absence.

"So now that we have more members, what should we do now?" She asks as she hands me some of the paper work to overlook it.

Grabbing the papers and overlooking at them, I notice that there were a few names I recognise and put them aside from the rest. Once done, I set the papers down to grab those I put aside. "Now I am going to make these people core members. They are loyal, strong, and well developed in the art of war. Have you seen any of those names I sent you earlier?"

"Yes, some but how did you know that they would apply to our guild? Granted we are the only guild in H&E MT, but they could have chosen to solo for a while before joining another Guild or even create their own." She asked as she turned towards me with more paper.

"It was a guess that they would show up. I had a gut feeling that they would prove to you that they would be useful. Now, I hate to say this but I must go back into the forest for a while alone. I have a quest I wish to complete alone. I'm at the right level to handle it, now just need to get the right gear to handle it." I say as I stand up and walk over to the door to leave.

"How long will you be gone?" Luna asks with a bit of a tone of worry in her voice.

"No more then 3 days hopefully. There is a Demon Beast I must slay for the quest." I say as I open the door and walk out.

Before I knew it I was walking down the stairs and out the door of the Guild as I walk to a certain blacksmith. There I bought the needed gears to handle the Beast, it wasnt really a Demon Beast but I had to make it sound cool, and once I got the gear I set off to slay the beast.

In the middle of the Forest while I set up camp for the night, I had placed the dragon egg on the Bonfire I had made for it, hoping it would hatch here soon. Not even an hour had passed by before I heard the cracking of a shell, so I had gotten up and walked around it to see where it might have cracked and I see the crack as the opposite end then where I was sitting. As soon as I saw the crack, a head busted out of that crack and started to push the shell away till it was free. The whole time the dragon was getting itself free, I had tried to help by pulling with everything I had to give but even with my help it was a tough battle to free the baby dragon from its own shell.

Once free, the baby dragon looks over at me and turns its head at me.

"Hello there my beautiful baby girl. How are you feeling now that you have broken free of that shell of yours?" I ask as I raise my hand up to its face. The Dragon hasnt learned to talk yet but it's still an intelligent being so it knew that I meant no harm towards it. So the baby dragon reached down and patted my hand with its check. Smiling, I say "Summoning Seal." and I try to tame and seal her in my orb, the baby dragon didnt fight me because she knew I meant to protect her and train her to be well behaved.

[You have tamed and sealed The baby Dragon.]

And before I knew it she was gone and my orb was glowing.

Smiling I reach down and grabbed the orb and said "Summon Baby Dragon."

The orb glowed even brighter as the baby dragon came out of the orb as if it was just given birth to, minus the blood part.The dragon was a dark purple with a tint of gold if you look at it at a different angle. It's eyes were a bright green with blue hue pn the edge of the eye. it's wing span was as long as I was if I was laying down, while thinner then a branch of a baby Oak tree.

At first, the baby dragon didnt move, just looked at me and everything around us. It felt like it was waitting to receive an order. When if finally realized that I wasnt going to give it an order, she got up and started walking around me, stumbling from time to time as it was getting used to walking. It's a common knowledge back in my old life that baby dragons are not able to fly at all. Due to ungrown wing muscles, the baby dragon would have to learn to walk first and learning how to attack wasnt going to be all that necessary because like other pets, she would learn what she can do and what she cant do.

So after a while of her walking and less stumbling, I knew down and she runs back to me before getting on her hind legs and her front claws are resting on my knee, I say to her "Now what should I name you?"

*************************************************** Thank you guys for reading my story. I just want to let you know that I normally dont post my novels because I'm used to doing it the old fashion style, pen and notebook. Doing this is a new experience for me as a creative writer and as such I ask that you leave a comment down below about what I could possibly do to make it better. I do work full time as a Construction worker and part time as a Dishwasher for my boss's mom when she needs me so I hardly got time for myself. So I will try to release a chapter or two every week. Again, Thank you for reading my story, it provides me with comfort that y'all like it and want to see it grow into an awesome story.