His sad eyes (5)

It had been a long day, full of human interaction and tiring conversations. All I wanted was to relax alone in my room, drink some tea, maybe read a book. But he was talking, he was still taking. Ugh

Lucina's brother, Jamie was blathering on about something or other. He had caught me on my way back to the dorm. "Where did you and my sister go? How did you decipher what she said?"

I sighed "it's a different language genius."

He looked at me suspiciously "what language?"

"..I'll tell you, but thats my favor repaid."

Jamie's frown deepened "fine."

"It's English."

"I've never heard of that language. You're not lying are you?"

" what reason do I have to lie, and don't tell Lucina. She probably wouldn't be happy I told you."

Before he could say anything else I started to walk away. "Hey commoner! Hold on!"

I ignored him and quickened my pace. He stopped following me after I kept on ignoring him.

When I got back to my room I rolled around happily on my bed. "Aaaah, at least I have a place to relax." It truly was a blessing that I didn't have a roommate. I mean I loved making new friends, and talking to my friends...it's just that I loved alone time more. The perfect friend is one you can casually talk with when your lonely. Just like every relationship it was give and take.

My mind was peaceful, more peaceful then it had been in a long time. I guess the fire helped me to vent. Usually when I tried to fall asleep I would lie awake in rage for at least an hour. But today I was lying awake simply contemplating the day. It was nice.

I thought about Cyrus, my first friend from this world. He was odd, and the words he said to me were very wrong. "The same, he said I was the same as him"

Then I thought about Lucina and her scary eyes. It seemed to me that the people who were similar weren't me and Cyrus, but Lucina and Cyrus. I wonder if they know each other?

I soon drifted off to sleep...

As always the morning came. But unlike most of my mornings there was an uninvited guest looming over me.


Lucina smiled at me "good morning!"

"L-Lucina? What?!" What was she doing in my room?

"Could you explain to me why you told my brother about English?" That brat! He snitched on me. I'll kill him.

"That's...well because he asked."

"Because. He. Asked.?" She enunciated each word.

I looked away from her scary eyes "I don't like lying to people."

Lucina looked a little surprised, it was the first time her expression cracked from her friendly facade. "What, you really want me to believe that?"

" if you count not telling people what I think of them as lying, then I lie all time. I don't know it's just when a question is direct I don't see the point in lying."

She tilted her head to the side "it's weird, you don't seem like your lying, but you have to be."

I tilted my head, mimicking her "why is it so weird?"

Lucina started to smile again "because everyone in this world is a liar."

"Just because I don't like to lie, doesn't mean I'm not a liar."

She pursed her lips "now you're just being confusing."

"But- I guess I can believe you for now~"

Lucina patted me on the shoulder "next time, ask permission before giving out important information!"

"Bye then~" she climbed onto my window the jumped out.

This doesn't bode well for the rest of the day.

I sighed loudly and got ready for school. Before leaving the dorm I peered out the windows to see if anyone troublesome was outside. The coast is clear we're good to go!

When I walked into class a familiar girl ran up to me, she had straight brown hair and had talked to me yesterday. What was her name? I know she told me. Jo,Jo-something or other.

"Olivia! Is it true that lady Regis and you are friends?"

Friends? Hmmm, not what I would call it. "Where did you hear that from?"

"Yesterday at lunch you sat with Lady Regis and Sir Regis, then I heard you and sir Regis were talking to each other in the courtyard!" She clasped her hands together "how did you become so close to them? Lady Regis seems so friendly, but she almost never talks to anyone outside of her circle, and Sir Regis straight up won't interact with people he thinks of as below him."

The part about Jamie sounded about right, but what she said about Lucia surprised me. Really she doesn't talk to most people?

"Well, I'm not really sure. Lucina is the one who sat by me."

She gasped "are you serious!?" Another girl who was listening came over and grabbed the arm of the girl taking to me. "Come on Joselyn, don't bother her."

Joselyn! That was her name. I nodded at her slightly "pleasure talking to you."

Joselyn was pulled away by the other girl. She seemed normal, but so did Lucina. I wonder if she's hiding something.

The teacher walked into the class "alright everyone, take a seat."

"Today we will be reviewing basic magic theory. Each element corresponds to certain emotion, fire is anger, wind is fear, water is sadness, and earth is joy."

The teacher waived their hand sporadically "of course it's more complicated than this with all the emotions in between being suited for specific and complex spells. But basically magic is about emotions and control."

The teacher stared at me. "Skilled magicians can make up for a lack of magic power, but people with a lot of magic power can't make up for their lack of control. And if they try to they end up causing harm to everyone."

Aaah, aggressive. I get it,ok. I WONT DO IT AGAIN, OKAY?!

"Now, I know that you kids are supposed to learn this kind of basic theory long before now, but it appears that some of you have forgotten..."

Lady Rodenne snickered at me. Just you wait rat-girl, I'll get you one day.

When the class finally ended I rested my head on the desk. Are all my classes going to be like that?! This is making me angry...speaking of angry how could Lucina do that?????!

I'd rant about how I'm gonna throw her in a fire, but she scares me too much to even think about that. I shivered, at the thought of what she might do to me if I ruined her plans. For now I'll just lay low and not interact with any of the capture targets...but I don't know who they are.

Hmmm, well I know Jamie is one. And probably the crown prince brat, and...hmm who else? Maybe I should just avoid all the boys. As I was thinking that a gentle voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Olivia? Are you in this class period?" It was Cyrus, he was standing next to my desk with a mocking smile.

I looked around, the room was filled with different people. Oh, I forgot I have to go to a different class for my next period "no...I am not." I started to collect my belongings.

"Ah so you were waiting for me" Cyrus jumped to the wrong conclusion

"No I'm-" he cut me off.

"I was going to look for you anyway. I guess we really do think similarly" He slid a sheet of paper onto my desk. "come to this location after school."

Whaaaat... this guy. When I met him I thought that maybe he had a screw-loose, but he's really insane.

why did he think we were similar? It just didn't make sense. He's met Lucina, right?

I stuffed the note into my pocket and grabbed my bag. "Cyrus, you are very wrong about me, next time we have time to talk I hope we can clear up the misunderstandings."

Cyrus frowned, "Olivia you have a weird sense of humor."

I sighed and left the room.

In my next class I read the note, I didn't recognize the address. Should I ask someone or just not go. What a dilemma. I mean we did agree to be friends, but I don't wanna go. Still, Cyrus had talked to me today. Without his help I don't think I would have remembered that I was supposed to switch classes. That was like my definition of friendship, uuugh guess I have to go.

I could ask...Cyrus, I mean I don't see why not. He's going there anyway, maybe he can give me a ride.

When lunch finally came I debated my options. I could go to the cafeteria and eat lunch with Lucina and her brother, I wish I could eat lunch with Cyrus. But he was a year ahead of me and had a different lunch. I think I'd rather eat alone then take my chances with Lucina.

I could eat in the garden then, that wouldn't be so bad. Yeah! Let's do that.

I strolled through the large garden looking for a secluded place to sit. On one of the benches a red-haired boy was sleeping. His hair looked as if it was burning in the sun light. He moved his mouth and muttered something. Is he sleep talking?

I leaned in to hear what he was saying "miss...Earth...back."

He furrowed his brows in distress "I want...to go back"

HUH?! Did he just say Earth? Is this guy from my world?

Suddenly he opened his eyes and grabbed my wrist. His grip was tight, so tight that it hurt.

His eyes met mine, they were a dark ash-grey and there was a deep sadness behind them.

"Aah! I...sorry for eavesdropping." I awkwardly stuttered. It was hard to think straight when I couldn't look away from his eyes, something about them was...familiar.

He sat up and sighed. "What do you mean 'eavesdropping.'"

"Umm, you were sleep talking."

His grip on my wrist tightened "what did you hear."

It was a demand, not a question. "That's... I would rather not say." I had to stop myself from groaning in pain as his fingers dug into my flesh.

"Did it sound like I was asking? Because I wasn't." he glared at me with cold eyes, familiar cold eyes.

Should I just tell him what I heard? But he was being so rude about it. Maybe I can try magic, yeah I could probably manage some wind magic. But would it be useful...no. I don't think a breeze would help me right now.

Definitely not fire, earth would cause collateral damage, and... fudge I'm not competent enough with spells to cast a useful one. Aaah it's murder or a light breeze, why is there no in between?!!!

I was brought back to reality as my wrist started to heat up. This lunatic he's trying to fry me!!

"Fine! I heard you talking about earth."

He let go of me, and I rubbed my wound.

"So you know then, that I'm not from this world." He crossed his arms and looked towards me sullenly

"Well, yes....but couldn't you have just told me you were talking about dirt?"

His gloomy expression didn't falter for a second "like you wouldn't have figured it out, you are also not from this world."

Whhhhat? Am I that obvious... "how did you know?"

"It's always that way." He stood up and walked away with out looking back.

Well, at least the bench is free now.