17. Simply Jerks

Ash's POV

When I had found him in the forest, I was pissed. He thought he could just run away from me right after he promised he wouldn't! Walking through that village, though, I felt a deja vu hit me. I felt like I had been there before, but I couldn't put my finger on when. We had walked into that room, and I felt my nerves escalate.

Once I stepped out, I suddenly recognized that face. This isn't possible, they're dead! I saw their bodies.

"D-dad?" I whispered, my voice breaking.

The room was silent until my mother stood up from her chair and ran towards me, her blonde hair bouncing on her shoulders until she pulled me into a tight hug.

"We thought you died," she breathed.

"I thought you two died," I replied, feeling content near her.

My father walked towards our hugging party on the floor, pulling us both in using his long arms. I had never seen him cry until today, holding onto us as if we were his life.

"How did you escape?" he asked quietly.

"I just ran as fast as I could until I knew I lost them."

"And you somehow survived on your own this whole time?"

"Well, most of the time. I found Alex when I turned twenty, then a new coven moved in and let me stay with them for a few days."

"We're proud of you, son," my mother breathed happily.

We finally separated after a few minutes in the same position. Alex had stood himself a few feet away, smiling happily. My dad turned to look at him, saying, "why do you look so familiar, wolf?"

"I... Uhhh..." He was shocked and doing a bad job of hiding it.

My father looked closer at him, their eyes meeting for mere seconds before Alex, like my good little submissive, looked away.

"Your eyes look just like his," my father observed.

"L-like whose, sir?" Alex was full on nervous. I prepared myself to explain to my father how different the boy was from his father.

My dad stepped towards him until they stood toe to toe with Alex's face trained on the ground. His hand roughly jerked Alex's face upwards which caused me to hiss at the scene unfolding. It kind of looked like my dad was about to kiss him, but I knew he wouldn't. Alex didn't even struggle against the hand, knowing that it was better to roll with it.

"In fact, they look exactly like the bitch's." He released his chin and turned to the guards littered around the entrance. "Take him to the dungeon!" he shouted.

If my mother's grip on my arms wasn't tight enough, I probably would have jumped onto him and fought for Alex.

"No!" I screeched as he was dragged away right before my very eyes.

My father walked towards me and my mom, looking her in the eyes.

I broke out of her grasp and dashed at him, feeling the anger deep in my heart. He was way stronger, taller, and better trained than I was, and he soon had me pinned down. I tried to struggle, but his grip was too tight on my shoulders.

"His father tried to kill us, did he not tell you that?" he snarled into my ear.

"He's nothing like that bitch."

"Says who? He could be spying for him right now."

"I told him I was a vampire and he didn't care. He doesn't hate me for being myself, shouldn't that be enough?"

"Maybe for you, but not for me!"

"You changed, father. You used to be fair, but now you're as blinded by hate as his father!"

"Don't compare me to that person, young man! I'm just trying to protect you and your mother."

"By imprisoning an innocent werewolf?"

"By imprisoning a potential threat."

"You're blinded by hatred now. He's different! He's guilty. His father kicked him out of the pack for being gay!"

"Obviously a set u-"

"No! Then he proceeded to beat him almost to death in front of my eyes! He didn't hate us even before we became mated. I heard him talking to one of his pack members, talking about how he didn't understand why they hated us so much for doing nothing. I love him, I can't just let you keep him in a cell around all of those actual threats."

He was speechless, his mouth hanging agape in shock. "I don't care what you think, he's a perfect blood donor for our coven."

"You wouldn't dare."

"I would. There's nothing you can do to save him."

"You're a monster, the worst kind."

He finally let me up from the floor. I felt the blood begin to leak from the side of my mouth. I guess I was biting my lip too hard. There was a tingling feeling in my fingers that spread up my arms and into my head. I felt my arms raise on their own accord as a small bit of flame was born from my finger tips. My father was flung backwards, yelling from the pain of being burnt.

"You will free him," a voice that wasn't my own demanded from my mouth.

"Or what! You can't hurt your own father."

"You seriously underestimate me, don't you?''

Everyone except for him in the room had already collapsed and begun trembling in fear.

"Give. Me. The. Key!" I shouted loudly, my entire body shaking with rage.

His eyes registered fear before he pulled them out of his pocket and threw them at me, which I swiftly caught. Even my way of walking yelled dominance as I stalked through the corridors. I could smell his scent, so I knew exactly where I was going. I found the door and jerked it open. I looked behind me to see there was a trail of red particles floating in my wake, then walked into the room. There were humans and werewolves, with a few vampires, lining the wall. A few members to the coven were down here feeding, and even in my power filled state I had to wonder if this was happening to Alex. The end of the corridor drew nearer, so I looked to the left to find a huge group of coven members hoarding around a singular body. I kicked the cell door onto the floor which startled quite a few from the crowd. Once they realized how pissed I was, they spread apart and then exited behind me as if I was the plague.

I got to the front of the group and saw his body hanging there. His eyes remained half closed, leaving me to pray they hadn't killed him. I reached up to his bitten neck to feel for a pulse, sighing in relief when I found a weak one. I lifted his limp body, carrying him out of the room and into the village. I marched through as if I owned the place, glaring at anyone who looked at me.

One I got out, I set off running as fast as possible, which was decently fast, through the woods. It took me only an hour at top speed to reach my true home. I had thought that my home lay with my parents, but they ended up being douches.

I walked carefully to my tent, setting him onto the sleeping bag in the corner. Even though his eyes were closed, his pulse, as well as his body in general, had become stronger. I smiled happily and lay behind him, pulling me into my chest with an iron grip. I would be here when he woke up.