32. Tomorrow

I walked back and grabbed his hand before breathing, "We need to stay out of dodge until we figure out if there is a real conflict and what side we want to be on. I know that you probably want to go down there, but I think it is unwise. Plus, I'm worried what Ally's mental state will become if he realizes how close we are to where he was imprisoned and if he sees your father."

"I agree with what you're saying. Let's go to the old coven home in the woods, it's fairly central for what we have to scope out."

We joined hands and walked over there in near silence. Ash hesitantly pushed the door open, and we were hit with the scent of... Fresh cooking?

Ash and I shared a glance before entering very slowly. Our hands were still clasped, and we were both ready for a sprint out of here. Ash suddenly picked one of the vases revealing a small dagger. "Just in case," he mouthed before pushing me behind him and proceeding forward with extreme caution. He slowly poked his head only slightly from behind the corner then shoved me back and slammed his hand over my mouth to muffle my shock.

"We attack the coven tomorrow. I know that they have my son, and we will need him either by force or not for what we want. For now we will so kindly use the facilities left by the coven we destroyed."

I was in total shock, but luckily Ash wasn't and pulled me out of there. I was immediately glad that we had left Ally a few yards away because we didn't have to worry about him, he just kind of joined us.

"I... Ash I know I'm not supposed to say this, but I'm scared, " I stated when we stopped sprinting.

"Shh... I'll keep you safe," he murmured in a calming tone. "We need to decide our next course of action before we blindly do anything."

I began feeling more tranquil at his words. "Well, now that we know that this is happening we need to pick a side."

"Unfortunately both sides want you dead, Alex."

"Yeah, but we might be able to convince your dad that I'm not bad if we stand with them."

"You might be right, but it also could affect Ally."

"I know, but I don't share my dad's views at all. If I went with them you would die, and I couldn't survive that. I think we need to side with the coven."

"I agree, let's go."

We set off again in silence. It was kind of cold since I didn't have a jacket, so I pressed as close to Ash as possible. The atmosphere was serene as it could be when we were about to willingly submit ourselves to the conflict that was happening.

The clearing was silent when we arrived, and it made me feel uncomfortable. It was never this quiet or still here before today, so I was feeling quite unsettled.

Ash attempted to open Kailey's door, but it was locked. He then attempted knocking which also proved unsuccessful. He then slammed his foot into the door from frustration... Hard. The door opened with a loud groan allowing us to step into the office.

The coven leader stood behind the now open door with a knife held in front of her face and her eyes screwed firmly shut in fear. "Stand down damn wolves," she shouted loudly.

"Uh..." Ash muttered.

She slowly opened her left eye before putting her weapon down. "Sorry... In light of previous events we're all on edge."

"For good reason. We overheard them talking, they will attack tomorrow," Ash responded smoothly.

"Your parents -they're lovely people by the way- have brought in a few other covens to aid us with the fight. We'll need your help as well, if you're willing."

"That's why we're here... My only request is that my soulmate is placed nowhere near my father because of recent issues."

"That can be arranged."

They continued to talk while I turned to my brother. He was searching through the books on Kailey's shelf when he found the prophecy about Ash and I. I walked over to him and read over his shoulder.

The heir, stronger than any other on Earth, will triumph over an untold evil. Along with him he will need his mate, who shall be his protector, in charge of keeping his power in check, and another of his own bloodline. If he fails, darkness will trump all, and the world shall be destroyed.

"Well that's reassuring," I breathed, feeling as hopeless as ever. I couldn't be in charge of the fate of the freaking planet!

"Uh... How the hell do I fit into this?" Allystar pondered.

"Absolutely no clue."

I placed the book back on the shelf and observed the other two's conversation until they were done.

"We need to get everyone out and begin preparing right now!" Kailey shouted.

All of the beings in the camp heard her because of their heightened hearing and went to the small clearing they had met in before.

"I have received word that the wolves are planning to attack tomorrow. We need to prepare now. Children and anyone who wishes not to fight alongside us get to the bunker. Everyone else begin suiting up."

The clearing erupted into chaos with everyone getting prepared. I felt my eyes begin drifting closed and remembered that I was legitimately the only one in this camp that needed to sleep.

"Here, go to my tent and rest, I need to help," Ash muttered and pushed Ally and me in that direction.

"I-I can't! Not while everyone needs me!"

"We need you to have all of your energy, go to bed."

"Fine," I sighed.


Ash's POV

Alex went to bed, and I began helping where I fit in. "We don't have enough! We're two short!" My mother shouted.

Kailey cursed aloud. "Who do we leave unprotected?"

"I'll do it," my mother responded.

"No mom, you're pregnant," I asserted. "I'll do it."

"You absolutely will not!" Kailey argued.

"And why not, huh?"

"You're important and so is Alex. If you die he will too, with or without the potion!"

"I can take care of myself, they can't. It's my job to take care of them."

I was not going to back down. They closed the hatch to the bunker and covered it up with leaves, sealing those not fighting below.

"Fine... I know you won't give up either way. However, since you aren't getting one neither is Alex."


"Go to him, we don't need you out here anymore."

I went into my living space and saw Ally on one side with Alex sleeping on the other. I lay down next to Alex's already sleeping form. It slowly migrated towards me, following the warmth and comfort of a soulmate. I was ready as I'd ever be for tomorrow, so I stayed mostly conscious. I wasn't going to back down, and I sure as hell wouldn't sleep through it and leave a gaping target on ourselves.

It's close, I can feel it. Tomorrow is it.