1. The Moment We Met

Allystar's POV

I sat with the rest of my friends– well, people that I have to deal with– in a clearing. It was upsetting that we were all kicked out, but it was our way of life for now. At least we had stuck together...

Eventually I had been chosen as their leader for my blood, but I was not equipped to do anything this serious. While I may have the blood of an alpha, I wasn't raised as one. My mama had deliberately handed me over to another man that evidently wasn't my father. One day, she hadn't returned from her 'day job' as she called it. My stepfather was heartbroken, and he had turned down some pretty dark roads. In fact, I hadn't realized that I was a werewolf until I met Alex. My mom was never around to teach me how to be a good leader, so I had never had the chance to learn. Now, I was being looked down upon because I didn't have the skills I had never been trained to have.

"Allystar, a wolf scented of Half Moon has entered our territory. We do not yet know if they are friend or foe," my temporary second in command, Nate, who was definitely more prepared for his job than I was, declared. "I believe that he has caught our scent as he is approaching the camp rather quickly."

"I... I will approach this wolf to buy us time while you hide those unable to fight," I responded before standing up from my chair. I walked out of the camp with my heart clashing horribly against my ribs. I hid in a bush a few meters away from the camp's entrance, and when an unfamiliar wolf appeared, I leapt in front of its path with a savage growl I didn't know I could produce.

The animal immediately stopped its movement with a small whine. "Shift!" I commanded. I don't know what's coming over me, but when I thought about everyone a few meters behind me that aren't safe from a threat like this, I slipped into a blind anger. Is this what the alpha voice is because this wolf is actually quivering on its paws.

I watched as the animal became man once again, and I soon found myself face to face with good ol' Antony. "Why are you here?" I asked coldly. Just because I'm related to him doesn't mean that I trust him around the pack's most vulnerable members.

"I realized that it was wrong of me to accept Samuel as my leader even if it was the only traditional option. Times are changing, and I just now realized that. I came back to get you because I think if we stand together against Sam, we can take him down," Antony muttered.

"With all due respect, I don't want those here who are too weak to fight to be injured again."

"Then don't. We can leave them just outside of the territory while we take our pack back!"

I sighed. "I need to consult my temporary second, Nathaniel. I will return. If I hear that you've done something unfavorable, I won't hesitate to tear you up limb for limb and feed you to the buzzards," I threatened. I meant my words, and the shiver down his back let me know that he knew I meant them.

"O-okay," he stuttered nervously.

"Nate!" I called as I walked into the camp.

"Hmm?" he asked. The rest of the clearing was totally empty, so I knew that if Antony turned on us most of the children would survive.

"I need your help making a decision," I admitted.

"Right, okay."

We walked together back out to where I had left Antony, and he was actually exactly in the same position I had left him. "He wants our help with getting the pack back, but I'm concerned that fighting will harm those we have with us," I declared.

"Well we can't just live in the wilderness forever; that's just a slower death. I think he's right. I think we need to make a stand."

"Les go then."


It was a bit frightening to walk into the territory to find it bare of guards, but it made me have a little bit of hope. Once we arrived at the pack house, we found no enemies in it at all. In fact, everyone was overjoyed to see us, and we were being corralled towards the dining room.

"I found them!" Antony declared while we all just walked around him. I smiled as the children were reconnected with families. It was honestly adorable.

"ALLY!" Alex shouted while sprinting directly for me. His arms were wrapped tightly around my shoulders, and I pushed my face into the crook of his neck. Suddenly, I felt something slam into my from the side. I wasn't hurt from the impact; I was just shocked since I wasn't expecting it. Suddenly, I opened my eyes to the most beautiful pair of chestnut eyes I had ever seen. I could distantly hear Alex shouting at his beta, but I was encaptured into the brown eyes so badly that I couldn't even hear anything other than the person on top of me's breath.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit into you like that I'm so stupid I shouldn't have been running in the first place I'm sorry!" the man apologized rather loudly. His words were so fast and jumbled that I didn't catch all of them, but the blush running across his cheeks was absolutely adorable.

Alex turned around to make sure that I was alright, and when he did, I could see his eyes light up. Was it seriously that obvious that we had connected the soulmate bond?

"Oooooohhh, Viccy found someone to love," a boy I had never met before chanted clearly trying to embarrass my new mate.

"S-shut up!" my soulmate, who I now knew was named Vic, shouted back. Obviously these two people have a friendship.

"You're so cute when you blush," I flirted shamelessly. What? It's the truth! Vic's blush deepened, and I smirked at his warm cheeks.

"Anyways... Vic we're looking to merge the groups. We just need you to agree and not have a lot of resistance from either side," Alex told Vic.

"I'm in. We need to travel to the coven to collect everyone. Alex is it going to kill you if I bring Ally with us?" Are you serious? He wants to bring me somewhere!

"As long as he doesn't get hurt I don't care. If he gets hurt in your care I won't hesitate to castrate you and feed it to the prisoners, got it?" Alex threatened. Jeez, protective brother much!

"Yes," Vic squealed back. We both knew that he was 100% serious about the threat.

Vic grabbed my hand, and we left together to go pick up the rest of his coven. Honestly, it isn't even weird to me to have a vampire for a mate. I mean, I didn't grow up like the rest of my pack hating them, and the first vampire I ever met was kind to me. That was enough to convince me that they weren't bad, so I didn't really care that Vic was a vampire. It was kind of cool, actually!