4. School Days

Megan would, of course, do the exact opposite of what I told her to. Like, seriously lady, I don't want to talk to her right now or ever! I took a large inhale of nicotine just before the door slid open again. Maybe she'll leave me alone if she smells the smoke.

"Devon, can we talk?" Jamie's voice spoke from behind me.

"I have nothing to left to say," I responded while watching my legs swing over the void. I'm only on the second story, all I have to do is jump and run.

"Please! I unders–"

"You let him kick me out. I refuse to live in a house with a man who thinks his devil child is an angel and a woman who can't stand up for her own choices," I resolved.

"You don't know Jack! He's just touchy around strangers!"

"I know him too well."

I took a slow hit from my cigarette before closing my eyes. "I had a feeling he would know you from school, but I also know it wasn't right of him to attack you like that. This is me, trying to fix what my husband did."

"It's too late for that. Please, just leave me alone," I murmured.

Jamie sighed before responding, "I'll pick you up tomorrow after school and we'll do something fun."

"No." I can't get too much hope just to have it torn down again. I know that I'm throwing up my walls, but nothing could stop me from constructing after everything I've been through.

"Fine, I'll pick you up from here. 4:30," she resolved. She's really perseverant on getting me to have a positive opinion of her, and my experience with Megan told me that when women have this much drive, they cannot be discouraged.

As soon as she was gone, I went back into my room to see Megan chilling at my desk. "Why are you still here?" I muttered grumpily.

"Because she really wants you, Devon. Trust me when I say I have never seen someone come here after a potential adoptee got into a fight," Megan declared.

"Lincoln hates me," I confirmed. "He thinks that his child is an angel, but that kid is the embodiment of evil. I can not and will not live with that."

"You're allowed to reject a family if you need to, but please give them a chance."

"Fine. Please get out so I can change and go to sleep," I relinquished reluctantly. Megan left, and I swiftly got out of my outfit before laying down in bed. I do not look forward to seeing Jack in school tomorrow.


My alarm went off loudly next to my head, and I slapped my hand on it with a groan. I forced my eyes open slowly before rolling out of bed onto the floor. Today... Today is going to be hell.

I got dressed and brushed my teeth before wandering down the stairs. I was running perfectly on time, but the younger age heathens had already eaten the food. Whatever, I'll just eat at school. You would think they would learn to make more breakfast, but I guess whatever floats their boat.

I stood outside at the bus stop with a neutral face and my hands pushed into the pocket of my jeans. When the bright yellow hell tram showed up, I slipped up the stairs and into the second seat back on the right. I was pretty early on the route, so it was still quiet. I had peace to contemplate my certain death.

I rested my head against the window before remembering that I look like I have been in a fight from my black eye and bandaged nose. My best friend, Blake, would be concerned, but I would look more like a delinquent to the teachers. Larger target on my back even though they already hate me.

Blake had used to be in a similar situation to mine until he was adopted by a happy family. When I used to see him, he would have a small smile with sad eyes. However, now he had a bright smile, and I was slowly losing him to the popular group because he now had a winning personality. I don't think I'll ever be like that, just saying.

The vehicle pulled into the bus loop, and everyone around me began fighting to get off. I calmly stood up once most of the crowd was off and pushed my way through the crazy bus loop crowd. Seriously people, please stop having conversations in the middle of the street!

I wandered through the hallways while searching for Blake. I did eventually locate him, but he was unfortunately locked in a conversation with the devil himself. I listened onto the conversation slightly to see what they were talking about, and I noticed that I was the subject.

"Dude, it wasn't okay for you to say that!" Blake shouted. Glad you still have my back, buddy.

"Well it wasn't okay for him to insert himself into my family life!" Jack retorted.

"Jack, Dev isn't as bad as you think he is. He's just... Misunderstood."

"Explain to me how he's misunderstood!"

"Imagine growing up knowing that your parents didn't love you and no family wants to adopt you." Not something that I really wanted Jack to know, but sure go spill my secrets. "It would make you a bit cold too, wouldn't it."

"Well he's trying to get in on my parents!"

"Doesn't he deserve to have literally anything? I know that you have never had to go through anything rough in your life, but at least try to put yourself into his shoes."

"No. I feel like my mom loves him more."

Suddenly, the early bell rang, and I jumped so hard that my room key fell onto the floor with a loud clang. Ohhhhhhh shitttttttttt- "Who's there?" Jack's voice called. I have two options; get caught or leave my key behind. I know that I won't be able to get another key for a month after I lose this one because I would be colored as an irresponsible teen, but what would Jack do to me if he found me here? I don't have time to do both.

You know what? I'm not a coward! While Jack was slowly approaching my hideaway behind the corner, I was running through every possible situation in my head. As soon as he rounded the corner, I saw anger overtake his facial features.

"Ever heard of privacy, rat?" Jack asked in a low voice.

"They say you shouldn't talk about people when they aren't there, Jack."

I saw his fist before it could make contact with my face and caught it midair. "I will talk about you whenever the hell I want to! As long as you're weaseling into my family I won't hesitate to make your life the definition of hell!" he threatened lowly.

"I deserve happiness in this life too," I snarled in response.

"Find it somewhere else!"

I sighed loudly before pushing Jack off of me. Suddenly, I realized that there was a crowd growing around us that expected a fight. "Listen, I'm not here for a fight. I just want an equal chance in this world."

"Too bad," Jack muttered before putting his hands up. Oh boy, the world just hates me today!