7. Coffee Shop Crush

"Devon!" a voice shouted, jarring me from my sleep. The water that was previously warm was like ice on my naked skin, so I woke up quicker than I usually would. My head hurt from crying, but I didn't allow that to affect me when Meg's voice continued, "It's been almost 3 hours! Stop moping in the shower! I laid out an outfit on your bed to meet Jamie in!"

This woman is seriously determined to adopt me. I mean, how many times have I gotten into a physical brawl with her child now? I turned off the water and climbed out of the shower before the pain from my throat hit me hard. Damn it! Certainly crying for an hour straight didn't help with my condition in the slightest.

I stood in front of my mirror once more just so that I could fix up my hair a little bit before walking out of the room. I threw on the tight black skinny jeans and cream colored t-shirt on my bed. At least Megan understands my fashion sense.

The clock now reads 12:00, and I was shocked to see that I slept for 3 hours. I should probably eat lunch; my stomach feels like there's a jackhammer inside of it pounding my insides into oblivion.

I walked down the stairs and into a room teeming with kids under 5 eating lunch. This was the age group with the largest population. I wandered into the kitchen planning to make myself lunch, but I was intercepted by Mr. Hotshot 'Do you want this orphanage shut down' man. "We have a lunchtime for people like you, kid, but it appears you missed it," he taunted in a fake pity voice.

Apologies, sir, I was just planning to make my own food. I wrote on the piece of paper I am now carrying around with me everywhere. I have to communicate somehow, you know? Without listening to his response, I walked into the kitchen and began preparing a sandwich.

Once I was finished, I left the room, but not before I fixed him one of my famous glares. He was looking right back at me with just as much anger behind his stoic features as I felt. I all but stalked past him before stomping up the steps.

I enjoyed my lunch even though it kind of hurt to swallow, and when I finished, I picked up a book to pass time until 4:30. I must admit, I am a sucker for romance novels. It isn't super manly, but it brought me hope that I might be able to have happiness one day. I have a crush on this one girl in school. She's sort of on the outskirts like me because she isn't your average pretty girl that other guys like. I think she believes that no one loves her because she's an overweight nerd, but I had an undeniable attraction to her. I don't care about her looks even though she is beautiful to me, and her personality is shining as well. That's all I care about; is that so wrong?


"Devon! Jamie is downstairs!" Megan called out just as I got to the good part of my story. I audibly groaned and shoved my bookmark between the pages to finish the book later. Seriously, does the girl love him or not!?

I made sure that I was presentable before descending the staircase until I was face to face with the woman that strangely still wants me even after I fought her son. "Oh my God, did Jack do this!" Jamie fretted loudly while pressing her cold fingers against the bruises on my neck and jaw. I flinched slightly from the pain that her touches brought, and before I could stop her, Jamie immediately shouted, "I'm so sorry! I still can't believe that he got off without even a mark on his record! I kind of wish he would get into trouble just to deflate his ego a little bit."

As soon as she finished speaking, her hand slapped over her mouth as if she had just spoken a horrible word. "I shouldn't be thinking about my son like that," she murmured lowly with her hands still over her mouth which muffled her words quite a bit.

Suddenly, my emotions– damn betrayers– overtook my actions, and I hugged her tightly against my chest. It was slightly weird because I am taller than her, but I knew she was getting comfort from this embrace. "Thank you, Dev. Is it okay if I call you that?"

I nodded against her hair with a small smile gracing my lips. Someone cares about me! Suck it bad fortune!

Jamie pulled away with her trademark smile that could compete with the sun when it comes to blinding people. She grabbed my wrist before dragging me out of the orphanage with her death grip, but I was following willingly. I feel like I can trust her strangely– it's like she's actually my mother?

"I was thinking we could go to the little coffee shop on the outskirts of town," Jamie stated, and I cheerfully nodded. Coffee is a luxury in my world, but that shit is delicious!

This time, I managed to run my own seatbelt– thank goodness, that was so embarrassing. As soon as I was clicked in, we were off. I've never been to this coffee shop, but Jamie seemed super excited. I guess it's just that good?

We arrived at the maker of heaven– sorry, coffee– and Jamie opened the door for me. I walked in slowly since I don't know what to do, so Jamie lead me to a little table in the corner.

"Hello, what may I get for you today?" A female voice asked a few minutes after we sat down. I looked up to find myself face to face with Eveline, my crush, and I immediately turned into a fish out of water.

I opened my mouth before snapping it shut after I remembered that I couldn't talk. I snapped my gaze onto my lap while feeling my face heat up. I'm usually headstrong, but when I'm around her, I freeze up.

I hardly heard Jamie ordering, and I only became responsive when Eveline was back in the kitchen. "What was that, Dev?" Jamie asked me. "Wait... Oh my gosh do you like her!" she whisper shouted while extending the word like obnoxiously long.

I blushed furiously which was answer enough for her, and I could feel her excitement from here. "That's so adorable! Is she from school?" I nodded slightly. I probably look like a cherry! "I have to help you!"

My head snapped upwards, and when I looked her in the eyes, I realized that this is what parents do. Jamie is really becoming my mother in more ways than one.

"Here are your drinks," Eveline announced while handing us our beverages. I took mine from her hand while smiling brightly at her trying to communicate my thanks.

"Thank you, dear," Jamie responded, and I felt a small rise of disappointment when Eveline left. "She totally likes you back!" she squealed while I took a small sip from the mug in front of me. I almost spit my coffee across the table from shock. How can she? I'm the monster of the school.

"She's probably scared to talk to you because of the bad boy vibe you radiate, but she's so into you!"