13. Back To Class

Devon's POV

It is impossible to describe how I feel right now. Out of everyone in my life, Jack was the only one to actually look for me?

"True family?" I asked. It's really hard to process everything he said.

"Even if we didn't come from the same parents, I still feel this connection to you like we have. I see myself in you, and I want nothing more than to be your rock because you're scaring me. I don't want you to become a cold hearted bastard like me."

My heart actually melted, but not in that ewwy gooey lover way. It just felt really good to be close with Jack. Unfamiliar, but good. "Thank you," I murmured sincerely. I felt him hug me slightly tighter, and the comforting gesture was making me feel normal like I had never before. I've always been considered an outcast by anyone that meets me. I mean, I was the oldest kid in the orphanage, I was the 'bad boy stoner' in school, and I've always just been pretty strange. Jack and I ended up falling asleep right next to each other in the dumpster that was warm from our body heat.


I woke up right next to Jack who had migrated closer to me in the night. The city had woken up, and I could hear people busily going to work.

"Jack," I muttered while shaking his shoulders.

"Ugh," he groaned while sitting up. "What's up?"

"Should we go back or just stay here?" I asked. I was torn between the two options, so I needed a second opinion to make a decision.

"We should go back. As much as my mother is stupid for letting us go, she'll probably realize her mistakes as soon as she wakes up and freak the hell out," Jack responded while still rubbing the tiredness away from his eyes. "However, we should go to school instead of home right away so that she suffers just a little bit."

"Jack, I'm suspended," I reminded him.

"Right... Well it was for a stupid reason anyway, and the principal will probably let you in if I beg her. I think she thinks I'm hot or something because she will do literally anything for me."

"No, the whole school humps your leg. Even the teachers favor you."


"Did you actually never notice that?"


We climbed out of the dumpster and set off back towards our city. "You know what time it is?"

"5:30 in the morning. We'll probably be a few minutes late."


We got to know each other a lot better over the course of our, and I learned that Jack actually had an entirely different side to him than what I had seen before. "Devon, can I ask you for help with something?" Jack asked when we got closer to the school.


"Will you be friends with me at school and tell me when I'm slipping into the other side of me? I've been trying to get rid of my front, but I haven't had anyone close enough to me to know the whole story. I've never had anyone to show myself to, but now I have you. I just... I want to be myself everywhere."

"Of course I'll help you, Jack. What did you say last night, 'true family'? That doesn't sound like a relationship that works only one way. You're helping me feel more wanted, so it only makes sense for me to assist you with your issues."

"You're too wise, it's creepy!" he joked.

"Not my fault that I'm awesome."

Jack didn't even have to do much asking before I was allowed back into school, and we walked together to our lockers that were in the same hallway. "I'll see you in 3rd block," I told him once I got my school supplies out.


Oh shit, I share my first class with Eveline! This is going to go very poorly at best. However, Blake is in that class too, so maybe it won't be as bad as I think it will. I casually walked into the classroom even though every single pair of eyes was staring at me. It's commonly known knowledge that I'm not supposed to be back yet, so they're probably wondering what I'm doing here.

I sat down in my normal chair next to Blake, and he was immediately shouting apologies. "Oh my God I am so sorry that I turned on you for Jack!"

"Blake, shush for a second so I can talk!" I commanded after almost two minutes straight of him trying to apologize. He immediately sputtered for a second before becoming silent, so I took my chance to speak my mind. "I will admit, I was really hurt, but it was for the best. Jack and I... Our relationship is extremely complicated. All you did was defend me against him in the beginning, and while I really didn't want him to know about my whole parent situation, it was honestly quite helpful later on. The point is, as long as you'll still put up with me, I'll still be your best friend."

"Really!" he squealed. There's the Blake that I know.


"Thank you!"

Suddenly, I felt a light hand on my shoulder, and I jumped while turning around. "Eveline," I snarled lowly.

"Can I talk to you? Please?" she begged.

"Make it quick and be glad that I'm giving you a chance."

"I'm so sorry! My mom grounded me when she went through my phone and saw our conversation and blocked your number! She, for some insane reason, is really abdimant that I can't have a boyfriend. I couldn't even message you to tell you that I couldn't make it. I know you're hurt, and I understand. Please just give me a second chance!"

"I'm not going to lie to you, Eve. I've liked you since 3rd grade, and yesterday really hurt. However, I do understand your reasoning. I'm willing to try and move past this, but it will take me a while to forget how much pain I was in last night. You made me feel terribly inadequate."

"I'm glad that you're not saying some sappy shit about it being okay right now. I didn't even expect you to text me, but when you did, I lost my mind. No one really notices me, and I've also had a tiny crush on you since the first time I saw you. A lot of people just think I'm fat and therefore not worth any amount of time, but you gave me a chance. I understand that you need time to heal, and I'm willing to give it to you. I will wait as long as I need to to be with you, Devon. I love you."

When I looked up, the whole class was staring at us and gossiping rather loudly. "Alright class, settle down!" the teacher shouted, and I settled down for an hour worth of boring math.