36. Idiots

Here I sit in a car driving to the school wondering who sends their kid who was dead yesterday and has a broken leg to school? Aparently my adoptive parents, that is. Jack had hardly gotten any sleep last night, so he had taken to leaning up against my upper chest while I extended my leg across the back seat as required. Basically, Jack was sitting all but on my lap. Poor Daniel was sitting in the farthest back row with a shadow over his face; I know he didn't mean it.

I heard Jack let out a tiny snore, and it brought a smile to my face. Well, that is until they turned into monstrous scream like noises, and I could see Linc laughing at my expression. Sure, buddy, laugh at my pain! When we finally pulled up to the school, I shook him awake, and he handed me my crutches from the trunk. Finally, I managed to get out of the car, and it took me a second to find my ability to move on these things again. Everyone was staring at me even more now, but I found that I didn't care. They can suck my– big toe. Yes, totally big toe.

We finally reached the spot we usually hung out in the morning, and I leaned on the crutches to survey the surrounding area. It was when I saw Eveline in the crowd that I almost dipped, but when she appeared right in front of me, I poked her in the chest with my crutch. Not the breast part, just the part that showed through her v-neck.

"Why are you so rude, Devvy?"

"Oh for the love of all things holy I can't walk away this time!" At that moment, the bell rang, and I wondered where Blake had gotten himself. When I limped into first block, I found that he was already seated. Strange. Sitting down was difficult, but I'm smart, I swear! I finally managed to get my ass in the chair, but my notebook dropped and I groaned loudly. "Blake can you get that?"

Nothing. What the hell? "Blake I literally can't reach it. Please."

When he turned around, his eyes were rimmed with red. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you tell them?"

"Who? Blake what are you talking about?" He grabbed onto my collar and pulled me right up to his face.

"Why did you tell them about me and Gabe? You're the only person that knew."

"Blake, I literally couldn't."

"Why? You've been gone for four days."

"Blake I died."

"You what?"

"I died and came back. Jack and I got kidnapped, and I got stabbed in the back. I don't know who told, but it wasn't me. Why are you crying?"

"Gabe broke up with me in front of everyone. Said about how disgusting I am and that he was just playing me. I've been bullied for the last 2 days non stop, and I thought that it was because my own best friend betrayed me." I ignored the teacher yelling at us to shut up, and I pulled my best friend into a tight embrace.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here to help you. Next person to say something bad gets to be hit in the head by my crutches."

I succeeded in making the boy in front of me smile, and he handed me my notebook finally. The teacher shot us a dirty look, but I was excited to hit  someone on the head later! It was when we got to walking together that the time came. "Hey loser! Is this your new boyfriend?"

I spun on my left crutch, and I was face to face with Gabriel himself. I can't believe he's doing things like this! I was strongly considering hitting him right on the head, but then I looked at him. His outward appearance was strong, but he was also cracking on the inside. "So what if I am? You gonna do something about it?"

I poked him behind his knees with my stick before ominously jerking my head towards the outside world, and he followed me onto the plush green grass. As soon as we got to the brick outer wall, I took one of my crutches and used it to push him against the wall. "What in the ever living hell is wrong with you?"

"You don't know any–"

"Actually, I do know. You're ashamed, and you're fearful that they're going to find out that you weren't just playing with him."

"I guess you do know. I don't know what to do."

"Start with not breaking my best friend's fucking heart."


"You didn't need to be that cruel. Seriously? Public humiliation? what are you, five? I was about ready to beat the shit out of you with this thing, you're lucky that I looked into your eyes."

"I know, I just don't know what to do!"

"Is popularity the only important thing for you?"

"I just don't want to be alone... Friendless."

"Come out of the closet, and I'll force Jack to let you in our group. Undump Blake, and fix your own mess."

"I'm worried about my parents."

"Everything will work out, I promise. If you want, I can help you take the first step... You need to do something big for him. Something that communicates your apology well."

"I might have an idea, but it'll require lunch. You know you actually aren't that bad."

"Did you really think that poorly of me?"

"No, it's just that Blake hung out with you too much. I was jealous, and it made me bitter. I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted, now go get your man's."


When I walked into the cafeteria, I saw a single chair on the stage. Uhhh... Okay then.

I sat down at our table, and no one seemed any the wiser that something was going to happen except me. "Dev you didn't hurt Gabe too bad, right? No one's seen him sense you took him behind the school."

"It'll make sense soon."

As if on cue, Gabe took the stage. He had one of the music room guitars slung over his shoulder, and I could see a smile on his face. He sat down in the chair before dragging the mic towards his face, and his fingers began to strike a few pleasant chords. Finally his melodic voice rang out, and I knew this was the right choice. It's beautiful.

Under the bridge

A summer night warm

I held you so close

Nothing to be norm

Your smile so sweet

And calm in the night

I just want to hold you

To take away your fright

I lost myself

When I first looked

Your hazel eyes

My calendar is booked

I lost myself

At the first kiss

Your lovely scent

I've come to miss

I lost myself

In the fear of their words

I let them destroy us

Those God damned turds

It hurts to see you hurt

But there's nothing I can do

Or at least that's what I thought

Till an angel gave me a clue

I need your smile

Like an addict needs his drugs

I won't let our love be destroyed

By these stupid thugs.

I love you

Blake Serine

I will never let anyone else

Come in-between

"So what do you say... Will you forgive me, Blake, for being an idiot."