66. Lost

When we finally arrived at my first block class, I wanted to curl up in a hole and sleep forever. Who knew how fast school gossip can travel? As soon as I walked into the classroom, questions were shouted at us like we were some kind of celebrities. I pulled Oliver through their constant shouting until we got to my normal seat, and I flopped into it dramatically.

"You've created a stir, Dev," Blake acknowledged from beside me.

"Oh, thanks, I didn't notice," I deadpanned sarcastically.

"Always the comedian."


When Oliver sat down next to me, the movement drew Blake's attention. His glare could be seen from miles away, but we both chose to ignore it while my demon kissed my forehead. "Who's this?"

"This is my boyfriend, Oliver." Blake gave me the are you serious look, but the teacher interrupted before he could comment on my relationship. I spent most of class twiddling my thumbs while Blake interrogated Oli over my head, and I finally lost it with about 5 minutes left of class. "Okay, Blake, I love him. End of conversation!"

My best friend looked a bit put off, but at least he shut his mouth finally. I leaned against Oli's frame, and he ran a hand softly through my hair.

"Guess who's back, bitch!" I jumped from the loud wolf in my head, and I wished I could somehow wack him upside the head.

"George Washington."

"Sometimes I don't understand you." The words made me cackle, and pretty much everyone in the classroom was now staring at me.

"Is something funny, Mr. Quinn?" the teacher snapped, and I managed to quell my giggles.


"Yeah, well I don't understand myself most of the time, so I can't help you with that."

Sebastian did a few little turns in my mind before sitting down, and I knew I had to settle. "Do me a favor and never change, m'kay?"

"I'll try, buddy. I'll try."

Finally the bell rang, and I stood up just before being dragged away by Blake. He pushed me through the hallway to the staircase so that we were away from prying ears, and I found my body shoved against the wall. His hazel eyes were a few inches away from mine, and I could see anger encased in the irises. "How could you start dating a demon!"

"I love him, Blake."

"But he's evil!"

"So was Gabe. Oliver would never hurt anyone!"

"That's all demons are useful for, hurting people. I'm not going to let him hurt you like he wants to."

"Blake you don't understand."

Th boy's arm rushed up until it was shoved into my throat, and I felt my breath catch in my throat. "Break up with him, or I'll break up with him for you."

"Why can't you just accept my happiness?"

"Because you're happy with that thing."

I was gasping for air now and clawing at his arm, but his grip never let up. "B-bl-blake I-I ca-can-can-n't b-b-br-brea-eath-the." My gaze jumped between his hazel eyes, and I began to flail with the panic of no air. I made eye contact with familiar red ones, and I was soon dropped onto he floor gasping for air. Through teary eyes, I could see the two boys squaring up to fight each other. "Please don't fight!" I begged, but I was ignored when Blake stepped forward and hit Oliver square in the nose. I stood up on my own two feet while Oli hit back in the middle of the chest hard enough for his opponent to go flying across the stair way.

Instead of letting their childish actions continue, I threw myself between the two boys. "Get out of the way, Dev," Oliver growled, yet I stood my ground.

"I don't want you two to fight! You're both important in my life, and it'll be tense if you can't learn to get along!" Both boys glared at each other still, but at least they weren't fighting anymore. "Thank you!"

I stalked off to my next class, and it took Oli 30 seconds to catch up to my pace. "I'm sorry, I lost control."

"I don't care, I told you not to instigate the locals."

"He was hurting you!"

"I can take care of myself!" As I said the words, I pushed him into an empty classroom so that no one could see our argument. "You think I'm just a little princess that needs protecting, but I'm not! I don't need yours or anyone's help, end of story!"

I was about to storm out of the room, but I was grabbed around the waist by Oliver. "I'm not saying that you can't take care of yourself, I just can't stand by and watch you be hurt. I'm so sorry if that hurts your little feelings, but someone cares about you!"

I stood back a little bit, but the world came crashing back down onto my shoulders in that second. I realized that I had shouted and started an argument just because of my insecurities, and that was so stupid of me. I hung my head deeply in shame, and an apology tumbled from my lips. Arms instantly circled my shaking shoulders, and I allowed my head to lean against his chest. "I shouldn't have yelled."

"It's fine, I get it. You didn't want us to fight because you care about us both, so you took your anger out on me. Which, while it isn't okay, I understand." When I wrapped my arms around his neck as a hug, I suddenly felt my body dipped backwards. I opened my eyes to find them staring right into Oli's, and I realized that he had tilted me sideways like we were dancing. I clung onto him as if my life depended on it, and the demon chuckled. "I'm not going to drop you, puppy."

"I know, but... What if I do fall."

"Then I'll catch you." I sensed that we weren't talking about our position anymore, but I just went with it.

"And what if you aren't there?"

"Then I'll leave someone in charge of catching you. I won't let you slip, Devon, not again." We stood up, and I couldn't help but lean in to give him a kiss. I had intended it to just be an innocent peck, but Oli had other plans as he kissed back strongly. I, of course, couldn't refuse his eagerness, and I pushed myself farther into his embrace. With his lips on mine, I felt like I was going to light on fire all over again, and I couldn't stop even if I wanted to.

When his fingers brushed into my hair, I leaned my head backwards to give him more leverage over my mouth. His kisses trailed slowly down my neck slowly, and I had to bite back my pleasure filled moans so that no passing students would hear. The bell rang loudly, but neither of us acknowledged it too caught up in each other. I couldn't help my needy whine when he pulled away, but I could see the lust in his eyes.

"Sorry, I would have lost myself if we went further."

"I don't mind... I'm not ready for that."

"I know, but you will be."

"Yes. Sometime soon."