68. Tomorrow

I wandered back into the cafeteria, and I was glad to find that it was still the same lunch period. I sat back down next to Oliver, but it was different now. Every touch brought tingles all the way up my arm, and don't even get me started on his scent. Papa was right... He is my mate. Jack was basically staring into my soul with the way his eyes narrowed suspiciously, so I know he thinks there's something up with me. Well... He is right.

Once the bell rang, I stood up to drag Oliver to our next class, and it became really obvious I had grown when I was standing next to him. Instead of my eyes meeting his shoulders, they were at the exact level of his lips. I grew an Oliver neck in 30 minutes– suck on that logic! Of course, the sudden height I had put on drew even more stares from Jack, yet he didn't comment. I only intend to tell Oliver himself later tonight when we were alone, but I hoped that he would be happy for me. I don't know if I could handle him being mad at me without curling into a ball and crying my eyes out.

"And this is our fourth block class."


Nothing eventful happened for the rest of the day, so I found myself laying face down on my bed. There's something about maturing that quickly that wears a guy out, but I didn't even get the pleasure of sleeping it off like I used to. The bed dipped slightly on my left side, and I immediately rolled so that my head was on Oli's lap.

"Is there something you aren't telling me? You're acting differently than you usually do; I'm worried."

"How long did you know?"

"About what?"

"How long did you know we were soulmates?"

"Oh... Um... I knew since we met, but I wasn't supposed to tell you. Who did?"

"Oli... I came of age early. I can feel the bond."


"I said–"

"No I heard you, I just... Is that where you disappeared to earlier that was sending distress through out connection?"

"I would assume so seeing as I was told to block that connection so that you didn't come after me."

"Oh, trust me, I tried. Do you know how many bathrooms I tore apart looking for you?"

"You thought I actually went to the bathroom?"


"Oh you have sooo much to learn."

"Well the signal disappeared! I could have just followed it, but it didn't exist apparently on purpose. That and there's so many smells in that school that I couldn't track yours."

"Well then I guess we're glad. If you found me, I would have died."

"Jeeze, that's harsh."

"Well I'm here now, and I feel you." I placed my hand on his chest while I spoke, and his ended up laying over top of mine. I allowed my eyes to trace over his face, and I could see everything about him just through a single expression. I also noticed the short stubble over his cheeks, and I was intrigued enough to brush my hand over the spikey texture. Oliver's arms slowly sat me up until our faces were inches apart, so I let myself sink deeper into his eyes.

Just as we were about to kiss each other, the door opened. "Boys– oh..." Papa looked away from us embarrassed from walking in on our close proximity, but I was also a bright red color.

"What do you want?" I squeaked.

"My brother called a meeting for something, so I was just grabbing you. He says to bring the demon."

"We'll be down in a few minutes, m'kay?"

"Whatever, but he seems to think that this is really important, so hurry up."

I sighed as soon as he was out of the room, and I soon had an Oliver chuckling at me. "What?"

"Nothing, you're just so disappointed. Love me that much?"

"Of course I do." I was genuine in my response, and I knew he could see it in my eyes.

"Sure, puppy."

I sat up slowly before giving him a serious look. "As much as I love you, we'd better get down there before my uncle does something unfavorable to us."

As we walked downstairs, I stood incredibly close to Oliver. For some reason, I just don't want to get super far away from him anymore. Silly soulmate crap. Once we arrived, everyone else was already in the room, and I quickly took my seat.

"Now that everyone's here, I have serious news. Hell's demons are becoming much more rowdy, and we fear that the time to fight is near. That being said, we definitely need some training on teamwork and tweaking our magic, so we should start that as soon as possible. I'm suggesting that the boys take a day off school, and we'll begin bright and early tomorrow morning."

"I don't see any problem with that," I announced. I don't appreciate school, so I don't care how I get out of it as long as I do.

Everyone else nodded their heads, so I knew I got a day off even though I've only been off for a few days. Now I'm just trying to think... Would Blake's powers be useful to us? I mean, they're pretty awesome, but he needs to be able to look people in the eyes. I don't think that's practical since to look a demon in the eye, they would need to be dangerously close.

"Dinner in five," Papa declared proudly before rushing away to finish whatever he had started. I stood up along with Oli and just leaned against his body. If my spirit is 18 and so is my body, does that make it my 18th birthday? Huh.

"Did you grow?" Dad questioned while looking at me. My extra height was really obvious standing next to my soulmate, so I figured that was how he noticed.

"Did I?"

My uncle walked up to us, and he took one look at me to figure out what happened. "Don't play dumb, kid."

"What's happening, Allystar?"

"He came of age earlier today."

"What? He's only 17!"

"This happens since Oliver is much older than him. Basically his body was adjusting to his spirit's age of 18 years old."

"Hah! I knew it!" Jack interrupted. "I knew something was up with you earlier!"

I sighed lowly and just put my head on Oli's shoulder. I don't really want to deal with the constant attention right now, thank you. Papa bounced back in to call out for dinner, so we all flocked into the dining room.

I sat through the meal, but having Oli's arm against mine made me want to run upstairs and spend time alone with him. I love my family, I really do, but sometimes they can be overbearing.

As soon as the dinner was over, I ran upstairs to our bedroom and did a running dive into the plush matress. Tomorrow is the day I finally learn how to control my powers... Yay!